Can we have more cosmetic categories?

WelshTomz Member Posts: 27
edited July 2018 in General Discussions

I really like the new haircut that just came out for Meg but I can't use it because i would prefer to keep the legacy 3 face on.
I was wondering if u could make more options for the cosmetics, like:

Hats, Hair, Arm Accessories (for the future), Shoes and then the ones we have, Head, Torso and Leg.

I realize that if this was to happen the price per outfit with in-game currency would be increased however I would really like this to be implemented since it would give me more options and more freedom to choose the outfit that I want for a character.


  • Mesme
    Mesme Member Posts: 177

    Give it time never know what we'll get but personally what I want and MAYBE if there is a DBD2 or something I hope to see Mori choices like in For Honor which I know bad game whatever your views are towards it IDC but what I'm saying is they have executions and they have verity with it and I'd like to see that.

    Like some of the Mori's I see currently are okay while others are... LAME and I'd like to see them come up with something better you know?

  • Cardinal_Copia
    Cardinal_Copia Member Posts: 139
    Like the idea. Stuff like accessoires would be cool. I think it's just a matter of time. 
  • WelshTomz
    WelshTomz Member Posts: 27

    Yeh the game is in a really good state at the moment so I think they'll have more time to focus on small improvements and make the game feel better to play with cosmetic options and mori options and stuff like that, which gives the consumer more control over the game.

  • TangledHelix
    TangledHelix Member Posts: 89
    I like the simplicity of the 3 categories. It would be cool to add effects over the outfits though. Like you said you like your legacy 3 face so maybe you can wear whatever meg outfit then add over the legacy effect rather than them just being on the default clothes. Same with bloody prestige. Although I doubt this would happen.