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I can't understand the absence of a voice chat



  • Member Posts: 2,318
    edited October 2019

    So let's keep a clearly unbalanced and obviously unfair advantage to solo survivors just so friends can play together. As long as they're having fun who cares if the killer or other solo survivors in the match are having fun.

    My problem isn't that you can play with friends, its the extreme amount of free perks and knowledge you get at all times that was never intended for the game. Yet after a review bomb they added it in without balancing the game around it. Now we HAVE to suffer with the toxic groups who abuse it because there is no way to not deal with it.

    In my personal experience unless I'm nurse they are usually a toxic group who genrush and try to bully 4/10 games. Is that really fun for me or any survivors getting sand bagged?

  • Member Posts: 1,456

    I can

  • Member Posts: 1,378

    Built in voice chat is single-handily the worst thing to ever implement into an online game.....I remember the very first time I played Friday the 13th...the amount of homophobic and racist ######### people constantly spewed, and the random loud music, fans and crap...was well enough for me. No, this game would not benefit from that at all, no matter if there was an odd match out that did.....

    The community (which fyi, is more than the ppl,posting on here) is pretty damn people that tool,is BEGGING for harassment and thanks. The fact people don't think of that is kinda baffling to me

  • Member Posts: 1,972

    Despite everything, I think the real reason we will never get voice chat is the cost and moderation headache. Every game has toxicity and drama on voice comms, and they also have ways to mute or opt-out and report people. That's money and time, which is why some devs leave it up to the platform options or external voice chat. I do think it would be funny and very hostile to have them on PS4 but don't see it happening.

  • Member Posts: 1,711

    I don't want to voice chat with randoms in order to have a fair match. The game should be balanced in a way that voice chat isn't required. The only way is by buffing solos.

  • Member Posts: 4,299
    edited October 2019

    Your arguments kinda contradict themselves.

    Since a 4 man SWF is such a major issue (last stats were around 6% of survivors joined a lobby that way) how would balancing for voice chat for everyone then help if like you stated the amount of people who have a mic is much lower than people think and on top of that most solo won't chat anyway.

    Doesnt that actually say more about why adding voice chat would be worse for the game overall than actually better since they effectively then shut out more options from the largest part of the player base solo and 2 man SWF (82%) from being able to do as well.

    Right now the balance for the majority is SWF>killers>solo so would it not just make solo even weaker and players would then in theory have to use comms to be able to do as well as they can now.

    What then happens to those that don't have a mic? Are in a region where multiple languages are present so they dont have the option to communicate as they don't understand each other? Bought the game on the pretence there was no voice chat due to a disability Etc.

  • Member Posts: 1,310

    I genuinely love how you guys think voice chat is bad, but basically ignore swf voice chat...######### hilarious.

  • Member Posts: 2,768

    Maybe like in "Friday the 13th". New survivor item: The Walkie-Talkie.

  • Member Posts: 2,221

    when I solo I don’t want to voice chat. I also don’t want to have to repeatedly mute people Bc it will just feel bad.

  • Member Posts: 1,650

    Voice chat is a terrible idea.

    Swf is already very powerful

  • Member Posts: 9,513

    I don't think you need direct voice chat to be coordinate in this game. I think just simple notifications like knowing which person is getting chased (obsession mechanic), knowing that someone is going for a unhook and knowing where you should loop the killer(away from teammate) is all you really need to be successful at solo. Finding teammate for healing can also be useful in some instances.Technically Dwight Perk Bond accomplishes all of these goals, however a lot of players don't want to really use a perk slot to play to the level of SWF and then they blame that their solo experience is miserable because they're trying to solo carry in a game that somewhat requires teamwork.

  • Member Posts: 835

    I really enjoy playing this game solo and if I was forced on voice coms it would ruin the immersion.

    That being said its no secret that cheat with friends breaks the game in every way possible with voice coms and I hope it gets addressed some day.

  • Member Posts: 27

    I was woundering why there isnt a voice chat they should really add that survivors only though comunication would be key to winning a trial. Yet again it would be an undair advantage to the killer. Dam it now im stuck "-_-

  • Member Posts: 59

    I'm sure this has been answered already but I don't feel like reading all the comments. Essentially, the game was originally designed to not have SWF, because the Devs loved that it added an uncertainty in terms of the skills of your teammates and your ability to properly work together without communicating. It was supposed to add an extra element of surprise and horror to each match. But right before release they decided to add a SWF option due to the alarmingly large requests from players (if I remember correctly)

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