Omg, green ranks as survivor! xD

Ok, so I have been mostly playing killer for a long time. I would only play survivor with my friends on and off and we never worried about rank. As killer, I fluctuate between red and purple depending on how much I play. I also sometimes comment on the forums with frustration with big maps, gen speed, etc. Thinking of the high level survivor play at purple and red ranks that I experience regularly as killer.
So now, I've been in a survivor mood and started in the green ranks (Because after a few rank resets of minimal survivor play you go down). And now I realize why the Devs can't nerf gen speed. Omg, I had survivors DC because they were playing against Doctor. I had survivors let me to go to stage two while the killer chases someone else, preferring to stay on gens. I had survivors literally hide in lockers a big portion of the game (at green ranks you sometimes get brown ranks). Missed skill checks with no ruin.
It was a really bizarre experience (and makes me realize that there is a large group survivors who haven't quite got the game down yet). Fortunately, I made it up to the purple ranks (rank 8) pretty quick as solo survivor, and the game felt more like what I'm used to as killer.
But the lesson was felt profoundly, if the devs change (read: balance) the game too much, then I fear the poor green and brown rank survivors would have an even harder time learning the game. And you know, honestly, it reminded me of when I first started playing (years ago). I played as these players did too, and I had a rough time.
Maybe a rank based modifier could be added to the game. If the max rank average (not max) is brown, green, purple, red, then gen speed gets altered depending to help even out the game at higher ranks but not hurt the lower ranks. It was a thought I had. However, it was a needed reminder of the types of players out there that should indeed to taken care of too. And I respect that.
Why was devotion added to the game? It literally displays your overall gamer time. I know that could cause more problems with matchmaking right now since not every devotin level has the same amount of players compared to ranks.
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Time spent in the game doesn't equal skill. There are people that have more than 500 hours of DBD gameplay time and still don't look behind them in a case, or know how to loop. Also, devotion is a sum of Surv. and Killer Gameplay. There could be people that almost exclusively played Killer and want to play a survivor game. How would you deal with that?
You need to measure the competence of a player, but not just by looking at their gameplay time.
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Rank rewards would be an amazing staring point to fix a lot of balance issues in this game. People have no incentive to rank up as it is - so you have skilled players at lower ranks because its easy mode and they cant be bothered.
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Theres no real reward related incentive.
As a side note maybe BEhavoir should give players a reward for meeting a certain level of devotion as thanks for playing!
Now im asking to much...