Will you please start banning DCers, aka the game-breakers?



  • Toybasher
    Toybasher Member Posts: 921

    TBH I'd prefer hook-suicides over DC's. Killer isn't screwed out of BBQ stacks that way.

  • justarandy
    justarandy Member Posts: 1,711

    If one survivor is afk the whole game and the killer decides to ignore him all time it's still a bad game. A very bad game. It's a 3v1 on 5 gens while it was designed for a 4v1 scenario.

  • The_Bootie_Gorgon
    The_Bootie_Gorgon Member Posts: 2,340

    First disconnect gets a 10 minute ban. Each additional disconnect doubles the ban time until a threshold is reached. Once the threshold is reached, BHVR representatives will come to your home to enforce a lifetime ban...

  • Outland
    Outland Member Posts: 535

    Rewards for playing the game correctly?? No, punishment for playing the game wrong! Yes

  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,291

    Yes but that can happen with out without any system. I think it's a bit of a reach to say they would just go afk and be ignored foe the game.

    If someone wants out the game when dc punishments come then going afk and being ignored loses them even more time than playing, trying to do at least something and giving up when found or purposefully finding the killer to be hooked.

  • justarandy
    justarandy Member Posts: 1,711

    You can always alt tab to youtube, clean dishes or have another game open to play in the meanwhile. That's what I did as killer last year when the lobby time took 20+ minutes. I just took one whole day to derank by being afk. I was just watching youtube or played cod

  • KuromiStarwind
    KuromiStarwind Member Posts: 325
    edited October 2019

    No one is forcing anyone to do anything they don't like. But if you sign up to play a match, and you ruin that experience for 4 other people, you should be punished despite "not liking" something about said match.

    I can understand SOME situations, like insta-hatchets. But the fact is people use the extremes like that to justify them quitting for any trivial thing, when the reality is they usually quit because of some made up reason that excuses them from having to deal with any situation. Don't like Huntress? Quit. Don't like Doc? Just quit. Killer is camping? Just quit. Who cares, it's not about anyone else's fun but yours. Got hit through a window? Just quit. Downed for the very first time? Just quit dude, who cares, right? What are they gonna do besides nothing?

    I'm glad the support for being scumbags on these forums is at such a high, it is honestly perfectly reflective of the in-game community as a whole :)

  • SteveyTheExEevee
    SteveyTheExEevee Member Posts: 82

    Nope. As stated. Insta-down addons. Tunnelling the first person you see through numerous gens in the first 10 seconds of the match even though that's not effective (no wonder they didnt have fun.)

    But good job reaching for assumptions already. Really proves my point.

  • Glory
    Glory Member Posts: 241
    edited October 2019

    Can't punish the dc's because 1 in 3 are people being booted from the match rather than leaving, which is a whole other issue

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243
    edited October 2019

    The problem is based on the X% of all games you played.

    For example, if I played 1,000 games, a threshold something as little as 10% will allow me to DC 99 times without penalty regardless if it's in a row or spread across the board.

    Even if you surpass the threshold, the developers have to manually ban the offenders instead of having the system automatic. Therefore, players can keep DCing pass that threshold until they decide to start the "Ban Wave".

    The new system would need to be based on a tighter time period so players are getting checked way more frequently. This has the added benefit of banning DC'er faster, and preventing players from depipping within a short amount of time.

    The New Punishment System

    First DC:

    • Queue Punishment Warning

    Second DC:

    • 5 Minute Queue Penalty
    • XP & BP Punishment Warning

    Third DC:

    • 15 Minute Queue Penalty
    • 60 Minute -25% XP Penalty
    • 60 Minute -25% BP Penalty

    Fourth DC:

    • 30 Minute Queue Penalty
    • 120 Minute -50% XP Penalty
    • 120 Minute -50% BP Penalty
    • Ban Warning

    Fifth DC:

    • Banned
    • Ban Follows Current Ban Escalation System

    DC punishments resets every 24 hours, and penalties do stack.

  • Knayter
    Knayter Member Posts: 117

    I wouldnt go as far as banning people for 5 dcs, consider how amazing this game is you cant blame people for leaving too much

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243

    Keep in mind:

    • All players get a free DC for emergencies or accidents
    • They been warned many times
    • Received different types of punishments for behavioral correction

    I know this sounds harsh, but this is foundation of what needs to happen to prevent players from ruining the game for other players. 🤗

  • Endstille
    Endstille Member Posts: 2,246

    You mean like every person that plays dbd? Yeah i know that, no idea what you try to tell me with this but I have a life and do not want the time that I can spend on DbD be ruined by entitled little crybabies. So i really don't care why they dc and so on. No sympathy, tolerance or anything ever.

    I would like that BHVR marks people who dced in the last 24hrs, so people can just go and look for another lobby. That way they can play with all the other rage potatoes.

  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,291

    I can see doing that for waiting to play but when you are within a game to do that seems like a wasteful choice instead of sitting on a gen waiting to be found earning something or hunting out the killers to be sacrificed.

  • kate_best_girl
    kate_best_girl Member Posts: 2,184

    If someone is literally forced to get off due to IRL reasons how is that their fault- man get a life and stop crying over a game if you dont want people to DC then just hope nothing IRL happens

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    It is entirely YOUR fault if Myers gets Tombstone. NOED is fair, cleanse totems. They give a ton of BP. Iri Heads are nuts, lock them at 1 hatchet.

  • MisterCremaster
    MisterCremaster Member Posts: 614

    I dunno. I agree 100% that it's a symptom not a disease, but I think there is something we wired about this game that makes little want to DC. I don't remember this as a problem nearly as much in any other multiplayer game I've played.

    Balancing killers might be one thing, but I had my survivor teammates DC on ghost face and plagues tonight... I think there is just not incentive to stick it out. First hook, first down, you ain't getting many bp.

  • wimlin
    wimlin Member Posts: 30
    edited October 2019

    I can't wait to see the killer queue times when they start banning DCers. Its like half the games population at least. Some people DC just because they get downed early, but others DC because of tactics used by killer. Either way get ready to lose half the survivor population because if you think people will stop just because of punishment temp ban you are dead wrong. How in the world are you going to police first hook suicide? If the person tries to escape are the banned because they died early? Instead of trying to punish people fix what causes the behavior in the first place. A completely unbalanced game experience, or lose half your population. If as many people DC games as what we all see don't you think JUST MAYBE there is an underlying issue with the game itself that makes so many people want to DC? Could it be all the camping and tunneling that is "completely legit" for the crybaby killers? Maybe if they stopped nerfing every decent thing they've ever given to survivors and start thinking about all the crazy game breaking items they give to killers (kill after 1 hook, 1 shot hatchet to name just a couple) or how about nerfing BBQ and Chilli that every single killer uses? Nope only survivors ever get nerfed in this game because the killer community is all the devs care about. Name one survivor item or perk that is nearly as powerful as anything killers get. Survivors rely on teamwork which only really works well in SWF. Pug games the killer kills everyone 80-90% of the time and that also happens to be where almost all the disconnects happen... GEE think there might be a relationship? Killer queue times are long for a reason.

  • Centrum
    Centrum Member Posts: 160

    I'd rather wait a little longer & get a full game where people don't cry like babies & DC, instead of load into each gas fast, only have half the team deny me BP by disconnecting every match.

    So sure; ban the habitual DCers. The game will be healthier with a more mature player base.

  • johnmwarner
    johnmwarner Member Posts: 3,793

    Except people literally DC the first time you down them? How do they know the killer is camping or tunneling? Oh wait they don’t, they’re just a baby and that’s the excuse they wanna use.

  • meatisadelicacy
    meatisadelicacy Member Posts: 1,920

    Especially since survivors don't get bonus points when killers DC, do they? (That's not passive aggressive, honest question). I've lost thousands of BP when the gate is open and the killer DCs because he doesn't have any kills yet.

  • Endstille
    Endstille Member Posts: 2,246

    Take a look at all other games, nobody cares why a person did dc from a ranked game. I kinda do not understand the problem, something happens IRL yet you are worried you can not play for the next hour.

  • Laakeri
    Laakeri Member Posts: 835

    New system might catch few people off guard once its implemented. But the meta is already shifting to ######### on first hook to avoid dc punishment.

  • HeroLives
    HeroLives Member Posts: 1,985

    remove the option to leave the match once it’s started. I promise people are a lot less likely to dc. Make them pull the power cord, and reboot to get out. If it’s an honest emergency it would be np, Since they are shutting down anyways.

  • derperson
    derperson Member Posts: 130

    I hate rage-quitters, whether I'm playing survivor or killer. The people who are serious offenders lack the skills to cope with loss and the humility to tolerate the pain associated with loss. So instead, they pass that pain and punishment onto their fellow teammates and anyone else involved, very nice of them.

    Granted, there are exceptions, as internet does go down and packets get dropped... but not right before someone will be downed, hooked or mori'd - which is when most disconnects happen. Basically, using this as a defense, someone is grasping at straws.

    Gameranx recently made a pretty awesome video about how other studios deal with quitters. I'd love for them to add any of these to DBD.


  • SunderMun
    SunderMun Member Posts: 2,789
    edited October 2019

    No thanks.

    Still seeing too many people get kicked from the game (if there's no DC sound, the game crashed on them and it's every other game)

    In addiiton to that, there are too many justifiable reasons to leave a game instantly rather than wait to be hooked, etc, when you just want to get on with your games, etc. Couple this with the fact that it takes so long to find a game right now for either role, and if you so much as duo as survivor the lobby error bug alongside loading screen crashes make it take obscene amounts of time to get a game; if it's one in which you're being farmed, a fellow survivor is running around just dropping pallets intentionally/sandbagging. Conversely, plenty of reasons for killers to DC too in this same vain. It's just not practical. I used to want DC punishments but then I saw the reality of the game, and it's all too contextual.

    That is, a blanket punishment on all DC is very bad. And that is the only card the devs have dealt us; it's a horrific one.

  • se05239
    se05239 Member Posts: 3,919

    Why'd they wanna ban DCers? They're paying customers too!

  • concious_consumer
    concious_consumer Member Posts: 282

    If they would fix their game first people wouldn't d/c that much.

  • PiedPiper365
    PiedPiper365 Member Posts: 231

    Even as a killer main if one person dc then I get a ez game, the only problem is I feel bad for the rest of them cuz I'm not gonna throw the game I'm gonna down and hook the rest if u win then u get a nice message saying gg and i apologize u had to deal with a loss of a player

    But with this being said BHVR won't fix this anytime soon they are worried bout the player count as u said even tho the stranger things dlc brought alot of players only a small handful stayed I believe

    If they don't want this game to die eventually I suggest that they fix this when they can but they wont

  • PiedPiper365
    PiedPiper365 Member Posts: 231
    edited October 2019

    No people will dc just as much, there is no fix the game and they won't dc as much it makes me believe u are one of them, what needs to happen is they need to start banning people so they learn not to dc even losing pips won't help cuz they will unplug the wifi that's connected so they won't lose any pips (unless they already fixed that)

    Banning people for a period of time is the only way to make them learn

    If u wanna quit so badly just get yourself killed by making noises and once ur on the hook u give up and die, let the entity take u instead of dc

    I know some killer mains that instead of dc amd ruining the game he waits till they finish all the gens and open the door for them

    So there are alternative ways

  • 8obot1c
    8obot1c Member Posts: 1,129

    Yeah as well as people might have to actually go do something and they have to leave for it. Maybe your mom died or something and you had to get off

  • Lufanati
    Lufanati Member Posts: 198

    That wouldn't fix it either. You can't force people to play when they don't want to. They'll afk, they'll stand by the hook when unhooked. It's pointless to try to solve, because you can't force people to take part in something they don't want to, lol

  • Lufanati
    Lufanati Member Posts: 198

    NOED is killer adrenaline. Every survivor and their mom runs adrenaline, we lucky not as many killers do.

  • Lufanati
    Lufanati Member Posts: 198

    Don't know how to play against GF? Just use your eyes.

  • Lufanati
    Lufanati Member Posts: 198

    It's a pointless issue. People play video games to have fun, and if they're not having fun, they won't play. I went against an iri head + infantry belt huntress yesterday, and the 3 people went afk in the basement. No suicide, no DC, so I just joined them and watched YouTube.

  • Nobsyde
    Nobsyde Member Posts: 1,288
    edited October 2019

    some time ago I posted my view on DC punishment, I'll repost it here, you never know if BHVR will read


    • flag system: user.has_disconnect = True/False
    • 1 DC: flag becomes True
    • 2 DC: 3 minute wait before joining / creating a lobby
    • 3 DC: 15 minutes wait
    • 4 DC: 1 hour wait
    • 5 DC: 24 hours wait
    • 6 DC: 48 hours wait
    • 7 DC+: 48 hours wait + player can play only in hell queue
    • every 96 hours (4 days) or every 7 games without disconnections (only solo, not swf) the player loses 1 from his dc count

    Hell Queue

    • a special queue for flagged players (basically, players that abused somehow the game. for now let's say disconnecters)
    • once a player is in Hell Queue, he can play only against other players in Hell Queue
    • if a swf group has one player in Hell Queue, the group will be queued in Hell Queue
    • normal rules still apply: if a player disconnects from a game his counter still increases, if he cheats he's still reportable etc.
    • players in Hell Queue do not know they are in Hell Queue
    • once in Hell Queue, player record must go back to immaculate (e.g. if he's in the Hell Queue due to 7+ DC, he must wait for his counter to go back to zero before being able to go back to the normal queue)
  • Centrum
    Centrum Member Posts: 160

    So basically 'Sometimes DCing is legit, so allow 90% of the people to abuse the system to screw over players' and 'People will always be jerks, so stop punishing the jerks'?

    Those are really terrible arguments and if the devs did that, the game would turn into a horrible, rage-filled gameplay loop where 1 DC ruins the entire experience for everyone else, and they get away with it.


  • Benito
    Benito Member Posts: 2

    First of all, if dc is not allowed, why there is a way to do it ? I speak about the option 'leave the game'. If it's forbidden, why there is an option available ?

    As a killer, I have quiet a lot of dc. I never tunnel, nor camp the hook, and a lot of time when it's the 3 rd hook and I have a lot of generator not completing, I give a last chance and slug the survivor.

    But still a lot of dc.

    Survivor side, I must admit that sometimes, I have dc. The reason why ? Beeing caught like 10 sec at the begining of the match and have the killer face camp (so soon ? ). I don't care about beeing hooked but beeing camp right at the beginning, it's not that entertaining. Why should I bother stay and why not try an another game instead ?

    As the firts hook suicide, I have maybe done this one of two time, for the same reason. Because, you known the killer will face camp, till the end, so why staying ?

    Let's speak about a game I had this week. I'm rank 16 survivor, came to a group of lv 20 - 17. Everyone dc very soon, had the luck to find the hatch and found that the killer was rank 20 with four purple perk and 2 ultra rare add-on. I wonder why they dc :)

    balancing the game and taking out the frustration in each side is maybe a way to follow.

    Nb sorry for my english, I try my best :)

    THEFREAK420 Member Posts: 138

    The DC ers have been out of control for a long time, years. Its what happens when theres no penalty for doing it. survivors get to keep their stuff but the Killer's offerings get wasted. That's what pisses me off. I only play as killer on ps4 and the DC's are constant. Play a mori? = DC. Use any perk or killer they dont like = DC. Play shroud of seperation & they think its a mori =DC. About to hook someone for the 1st time= DC, 3rd time = DC. Ive had them DC as soon as I kick hatch shut. Ive encountered very skilled, higher ranked survivors that were really hard to catch. As soon as I finally down them = DC. A bunch of entitled snowflake brats that cant handle losing. Then after every match I get psn messages telling me how I should play. Its a joke.