Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.

Give the dev's a break

A making and updating a game is incredibly hard work so you can expect bugs to pop up at random or for one little tweak to break something completely so give them time.


  • Mistikus
    Mistikus Member Posts: 1,347
  • Huntedfailure
    Huntedfailure Member Posts: 181
    edited October 2019

    As much as i agree with sentiment (treating devs as human) that's not what this is about its about the fact that development is unpredictable and begging devs to release content when it inst ready is bad

    Post edited by Huntedfailure on
  • They are past the point of deserving any breaks. I hope they take their time fixing what they broke, but they should still be ashamed of themselves.

  • Huntedfailure
    Huntedfailure Member Posts: 181
    edited January 2020

    your lack of knowledge in not only community management but also game development is astonishing.

    Post edited by Inji on
  • Huntedfailure
    Huntedfailure Member Posts: 181

    They deserve breaks they aren't your video game work horse and the game is far from broke

  • WolfPad06
    WolfPad06 Member Posts: 182

    You are viewing this in a "black and white" way.

    We do not know the exact details of what went wrong with this update, so giving them the benefit of the doubt seems completely agreeable for most people.

    However if you look at their track record you'll notice they have a tendency for poor execution and bad coding. We have tons of bugs and broken mechanics that have been dragging for months or years, every time they patch bugs they break even more things, they release or update content in a poorly thought out way, they focus on aspects of the game that are not priority for the player base, but rather the investors, very often, they have poor communication with their community, they rather push out content quickly for revenue than iron out all the details and deliver working and balanced products, etc.

    I know they are human, I know we all make mistakes or mess up, but we also have to deal with the consequences of those mistakes or poor decision making, especially if we keep doing them over and over.

    Nobody should be forced to "give them a break". If they decide to, then that is very kind of them, but I also feel like, as paying customers, demanding them to do a better job and deliver properly is acceptable (respectfully of course).

    And before you tell me they are a "small" development company. Many indie developers with less than a dozen people have made games that look great, work great, and have as much gameplay depth as DBD.

  • kisfenkin
    kisfenkin Member Posts: 616

    Sorry, I don't have any Kit Kats left.

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,184
    edited January 2020

    This kind of talk got us into the dedicated server mess we're in.

    There's a delay between your actions and what the killer sees. That window vault you think you cleared, the killer still sees you at the window. Stop blaming hitboxes.

    Post edited by Inji on
  • justarandy
    justarandy Member Posts: 1,711

    Other game companies have better quality, why is it so difficult for bhvr to get their stuff together and fix all these (reoccurring) bugs? Because it's not their highest priority.

  • Huntedfailure
    Huntedfailure Member Posts: 181

    They not only have a schedule to keep up with that most other game company with even larger teams don't have along with having to make sure that nothing is broken to the point of it being unplayable.

  • WolfPad06
    WolfPad06 Member Posts: 182

    Who's fault is that though? They have chosen their own pace to release content. It's a classic case of "biting more than you can chew".

    You do realize people have paid money to play this game right? It sounds like you are defending them on the premise of everything they have done has been a charitable act for us.

    It is not.

    Promised content and a working, playable build is EXPECTED. This is true for every single product and service on the market.

    Imagine going to a restaurant, where you order and pay for a hamburger and fries. They collect you money and tell you the order will be out in 10 minutes. If you receive a hamburger and fries in 10 minutes, is it anything more than you expected? What if you're waiting for 45 minutes? Or if they did not give you the fries? Wouldn't you be upset? What if this happened EVERY time you went to the restaurant, and not just once?

    Would you say "oh give them a break, some restaurants take up to 25 minutes to get your order out, these guys have to do it in 10"? Or was it their fault for saying they would have it ready in 10 minutes when they couldn't deliver?

    The world is extremely competitive, you either deliver or exceed expectations or you'll be (rightfully) sunk down by the competition who does.