General Discussions

General Discussions

Leave them a "thank you"

Member Posts: 635
edited October 2019 in General Discussions

Finally we get the mid chapter tomorrow. I'm very happy and grateful for the hard work and overtime on weekend the devs put into.

So i wanted to say: Thank you guys!

all are welcomed to join in.

Post edited by T2K on

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  • Member Posts: 1,288

    I did my part!

    (no, really, thanks devs, I honestly didn't think you could have pushed the update so fast, considering the circumstances)

  • Member Posts: 351

    Thank you!!! It's like Christmas morning in October. :)

  • Member Posts: 921

    Just when everyone had lost hope...

    There was a light! Awesome, devs!

  • Member Posts: 47

    Good job devs!

  • Member Posts: 3,059

    Thanks BHVR! <3

  • Member Posts: 607

    Thanks for everything devs, my favourite game of all time.

  • Member Posts: 9,419

    I should bookmark this page for tomorrow.


  • Member Posts: 907

    devs, thank you. i know it must have been rather stressful. not only was making the update and event a long and stressful journey, but for it to seemingly fall apart just a few days before launch had to be as crushing for you as it was for the community, heck, even more so. trying to work on it, as well as take the criticism from the community at the same time had to be stressful, and i want to thank the employees that stuck it out and did their best to find the problems and fix them. thank you all, i look forward to playing this event with my friends.

    also thank you for getting over your OCD and pushing the update out on a Wednesday and not waiting until next week Tuesday 😛

  • Member Posts: 3,786

    Nice to see some positivity here for once. I'm joining too since I'm under the impression devs worked their asses off to fix the patch asap.

  • Member Posts: 157

    Thank you Devs !!!

  • Member Posts: 4,299

    Just in time for Halloween 😁.

    Thank you to the everyone at BHVR who worked hard to get the patch ready so ee can play this amazing event, Peanits for keeping us all informed along the way and chatting with people to try and ease the tension and all the mods who worked extra hard at this time to keep the forums civil.

    It must have been a testing for you all and I am glad it's about to be behind you and you can breathe a sigh of relief.

    'All good things come to those who wait'

  • Member Posts: 5

    Thank you devs, and well done!

  • Member Posts: 9,039

    damn it releases on a school day):

  • Member Posts: 25

    We <3 you, BHVR!

  • Member Posts: 30

    For the devs thanks <3 if they ever read this of course :P

  • Member Posts: 3,448

    Definitely better than October on Christmas morning

    Tysm devs!!!! <3

  • Member Posts: 6,556

    Sony finnaly gave the 👍.

    Which is what I assume was the issue since the banner was already on xbox...

  • Member Posts: 635

    maybe. you never know. well just to express gratitude feels good enough even if they dont read it :)

  • Member Posts: 325

    I just hope that the bugs aren't too bad and they said that it's important to just get the patch out and patch it later, but thanks for getting it to us at least!

  • Member Posts: 282

    thank you for nothing. you're a business and won't see my wallet

  • Member Posts: 528

    We love you, devs... even when we complain like spoiled children <3

  • Member Posts: 635

    thank you for your time spent on posting this tasteless comment.

    hope you keep your money together ;)

  • Member Posts: 712

    Please don't take this the wrong way, as I am just as grateful and thankful as everyone else is, but I just can't help but find sort of funny how every time one of these things gets delayed, or some community wide issue comes up, everyone is up in arms screaming all over the forums complaining, hating on the developers...then one day, they finally announce the issue is fixed, and the content is coming, then everyone just suddenly changes their tune and starts thanking them like nothing was ever wrong. It seems like a vicious, predictable cycle at this point. Again, please do not misunderstand me here, this is just an observation I've had over the past few months. I think the lesson at the end of the day patient. It's not the end of the world, the issue will be resolved, and the content will come. With all that said, thank you very much developers for all your hard work!

  • Member Posts: 890

    Thanks, Devs! Had my faith in ya tested but I stood strong with ya!

    Babysitter Steve hype!

  • Member Posts: 694

    Giving us an explanation for what the problem was and the release. Dev team, you guys are great.

  • Member Posts: 209

    Imagine displaying any kind of gratitude toward people doing their jobs.

    I personally make a point of not thanking wait staff, opticians, bus drivers, cashiers or the electrician who fixed my fridge last week: I'm just that revolted by people who do jobs that have any level of positive impact on my life. Honestly, how dare the creator of this thread even suggest that anyone being paid to do a thing deserves anything but contempt borne from an overdeveloped sense of entitlement. Truly my friend, your comment is an amazingly funny and insightful contribution to this thread clearly made by fools pathetic enough to be thankful for someone literally doing a thing they receive money to do.

    That aside: nice job devs, been excited for this for a while.

  • Member Posts: 547

    I just reached 1 million bloodpoints a couple of hours ago, just about ready for the event! Wouldn't have gotten it if it wasn't delayed.

    Thank you Devs. No seriously, I mean it.

  • Member Posts: 623

    If they need time to work on updates, I don't mind a good wait. Shows they wanna take their time to make a good update, always appreciated. Thanks you devs, looking forward to see what you got next.

  • Member Posts: 635

    Not sure if i get you right here but you cant be thankful because they just doing their job am I right?

    And yes you are right. these people do their jobs and get paid for that. But only take it that way is kinda tunnel vision imo. Nobody forces you to thank people for doing their work and hell I will tell you to do so. Nevertheless I do it and there are also people appreciating it. You can see it as subjective as you want but even your electrician is human. Imagine working in a job where you never hear thank you, I appreciate your hard work etc.

    In this sense, thanks for your thoughtful comment ;)

  • Member Posts: 53

    Thank you, BHVR!

  • Member Posts: 1,783

    *Thanks you in Beetle*

  • Member Posts: 882

    I'm glad they got the update ready for tomorrow. However, even if they had not announced anything until next week I would have been just fine with it. I'm an adult and understand delays can happen and have no problem waiting if it means some issues may get resolved. It was embarrassing reading some of the entitled posts in these forums over the delay and I do not even want to imagine what these forums would have looked like had nothing got announced this week. We all have to remember that we are all human, even the developers who are always working hard behind the scenes for their self and families.

    So from an adult's perspective, I want to thank the developers for their continued support of this game. It's a game I can relax to after a super long day at work and the fact that it continues getting support, events, and developer update videos is something no other company does for this length period of time. So devs, thanks for all your hard work and continued support!

  • Member Posts: 368

    Thanks BHVR. Finally the mid chapter Patch can be released.

  • Member Posts: 320

    Thank you devs <3

  • Member Posts: 816
    edited October 2019

    Thank you all for kicking so much booty!!!!! I know others including myself who aren't on the forum but who appreciate it so much!

  • Member Posts: 649

    Thank you to all the team!

  • Member Posts: 9,419


    The promised day is here.

  • Member Posts: 890

    Well, this thread was a mistake. Darn.

  • Member Posts: 7

    For a update that doesnt even work?

  • Member Posts: 641

    now let's wait for all the ppl who said thank you coming back with thunder and lightning to strike the devs

  • Member Posts: 3,059

    Fresh milk because the Archives are unlocked now! ヽ(・ˇ∀ˇ・ゞ)

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