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First Perk you really enjoyed Killer/Player

I would like to know the first perk you really enjoyed playing with, whether its a strong Meta perk, or a No Mither Perk, Or both The first killer perk, plus the survivor perk you really got a kick out of playing.

Please tell me why you like it.

I'm a Killer main but have really put time into Survivor recently the more time I spend on the forums I found out how much you can learn from playing survivor,

Survivor Perk: Spine Chill, everyone can get it not to mention how much it really helps with learning how to play a survivor.

Killer Perk: Pop Goes the Weasel, I play Clown a lot now and don't understand why he gets a bad rap, but PGTW helped me branch out from trying to be a stealth killer all the time, it also helped me benefit more from kicking gens>chasing the survivor off the gen.


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  • Member Posts: 3,298


    I first started playing Survivor as a sneaky person, avoid chases and try to help people without getting caught etc and Premonition helped out loads. It was also the only base perk I had that felt reliable and actually helpful and Purple is my favorite color so it was an instant match.

    Killer---Devour Hope

    Unlike my first Survivor perk, my Killer perk has not changed and continues to be my favorite. Devour Hope is fun as it grows stronger and has different effects as it grows in strengths then grants you the ultimate gift of a Mori. It is also an amazing starter perk when playing a new Killer as you may not be very good and could get stomped hard but Devour can carry you and get you 1 or 2 kills because of the insta-downs so it's a multi-purpose perk.

  • Member Posts: 8,850

    Spine chill- Being able to walk away from a gen, seeing a ghostface search desperately for 15-20 seconds before kicking the gen and going away...then returning to work.

    Save the best for last- Having survivors try to body block and such, but you have 8 tokens of STBFL so you just hit EVERYONE

  • Member Posts: 2,768

    Survivor Perk: I don't wanna lie, Self-Care.

    Killer Perk: I enjoyed M&A much after i understood it's use.

  • Member Posts: 749

    Survivor ----> Plunders; really fun to loot the basement and such and get rare items all the time.

    Killer ---> Nurse's Calling; having nurse being my first main I obviously used NC. I just loved blinking and automatically getting information on someone.

  • Member Posts: 13,616

    I remember loving the crap out of Spies From The Shadows back in 1.0.0.

    Explosions everywhere cause no Survivor knew/cared.

  • Member Posts: 87

    For Survivor, Premonition (I was a baby). I couldn't play without it for the longest time. I eventually started clapping every Killer I came across, and actually thought that the information that Premonition gave was overpowered, and I took it out of my build to give myself a challenge. I got bored of Killers never being able to sneak up on me. I now realize that Spine Chill is far superior, but I still love Premonition, even today.

    For Killer, it's a tough choice between Surveillance, Monitor And Abuse, Save The Best For Last, and Thanatophobia. I just love all of these perks.

  • Member Posts: 3,275

    My survivor experience changed for the better when I learned the value of Spine Chill and Bond. Thanks to PainReliever for showing me the light!

  • Member Posts: 87

    I never would have even thought about using Spine Chill without him. I always used to think it was kind of useless.

  • Member Posts: 116

    Spine Chill is even more useful since it works with Undetectable now :D

  • Member Posts: 4,188

    For me: I have two for killer, one for survivor.

    Killer: Spies and Devour Hope.

    Spies taught me to look for crows when I was new, which a lot of survivors are bad at stopping.

    Devour Hope is one of the most fun gambles I've ever had for killer. And it's amazing on Demo.

    Survivor: Flip Flop.

    This perk has saved me from death at least once whenever I use it. It even saved me from a NOED nurse and basically gave me my Adept Ash Achievement. I love this perk for no justifiable reason.

  • Member Posts: 384

    When I started playing, my matches were full of derankers. It didn't help that I liked playing Wraith and fought a lot of Ooo users before the pallet vacuum change. So, undoubtably, NOED was my best friend. After that, Impossible Skill checks Doctor was my ticket to winning, but I've since learned from my mistakes.

  • Member Posts: 1,920

    Small Game is my emotional support perk. I love playing as Trapper, but hate playing against him. Also, it's incredibly satisfying to get all five totems myself and then see the killer was running NOED, or for someone to get nailed with NOED and find that totem immediately.

  • Member Posts: 23

    Survivor - We'll make it

    Killer - Blood Warden, but against friends in kyf. Otherwise probably Pgtw

  • Member Posts: 247

    Whatever the one is that reduces the cool down time after missing a victim with my machete...

  • Member Posts: 334

    When I first got the game I HAD to play with bond. I literally couldn’t play without it because it gave me such valuable information.

    the killer perk that I really liked was Bamboozle. It was just so satisfying to shut down a shack loop with it lol

  • Member Posts: 9,039

    dead hard was such a used perk when I was new a invincibility dash sounded wonderful now I know it doesn't work half of the time

  • Member Posts: 35

    Survivor: Unbreakable

    When I was new to the game, Unbreakable was a universal perk (PS4) and it was my go to since the beginning. The idea of being able to pick myself up and recover faster seemed essential to me, nowadays I can’t even recall the last time I ran it.

    Killer: Nurse’s Calling

    I’m pretty sure this was the first perk I ever picked up from the shrine and loved it. Seeing survivors whenever they were healing, it was insane. It’s still one of the most viable perks to me today.

  • Member Posts: 2,225

    Survivor: Spine Chill (Later with its buff, I will never get grabbed and jumpscared again)

    Killer: BBQ (Sweet delicious extra bloodpoint)

  • Member Posts: 2,267

    Survivor: *Hugs Small Game*

    Killer:Iron Grasp

  • Member Posts: 1,378


    -We'll Make It. Gods that fast healing felt SO damn good! Was always the "I'll Unhook everyone and super heal everyone!

    Killer: Hex: Devour Hope. I love this Perk still. It's fair, has a great progresson as the game corninues and has one of the most satisfying payoffs every! Mmm so delicious getting that Mori at 5 Stacks to go off!

  • Killer: Thanatophobia - When it hurts, it really hurts. Once you get 2-3 stacks gens actually get slowed down pretty nicely, and it can't be taken out since it's not a hex perk. Not only that, but it also fits my fast-paced playstyle.

  • Member Posts: 181

    Survivor: Spine Chill, really good to use especially I don't use headset

    Killer: NOED, especially when the survivors are grouping together and ended up with 4 down in front of me

  • Member Posts: 500

    Killer: Bloodhound - I used to main Wraith so it was very helpful as a baby Killer to have that extra info to help track Survivors honorable mention to Predator as well. ^_^

  • Member Posts: 882

    For me it's always been Leader. Used it on Dwight every single match and even up to this day, I still use it on Dwight! I know Prove Thyself is better, but I love running Leader with Bond for those faster team heals and faster opening of the exit gates!

    For Killer, Unnerving Presence. Love the icon and love catching survivors off guard with it. Combine it with overcharge and it works wonders!

  • Member Posts: 93

    Survivor: Adrenaline

    Killer: Shadow born

  • Member Posts: 93

    Survivor: Self Care, was the first and my most favorite but now it's tied between that, Breakdown, and DS.

    Killer: BBQ and Chilli and Thanatophobia are both my favorite and first used perks. They are amazing and I run them on every killer.

  • Member Posts: 93

    All your missing is distressing and that is a tough build lol

  • Member Posts: 1

    For Survivor, it's a tough choice between Adrenaline and Borrowed Time, but in the end...Borrowed Time. It's so satisfying to pull someone off the hook near an exit gate with BT against a camping killer only to deny them a kill.

    As killer, Huntress Lullaby and by extension, Devour Hope. The feeling of getting benefits because I'm doing well is very satisfying.

  • Member Posts: 943


    Survivor: Urban ~ to me it's a quality of life thing but I will take it off for Bond, especially if I'm solo queueing. I can help heal or help with a gen.

    Killer: BBQ ~ one quick look around and I know where folks are. This was helpful being new as I had no clue how to play the game. The added bonus was the BP.

  • Member Posts: 3,842

    Survivor? Well, Leader before rework. Prove Thyself after. When I played Dwight. After moving to Claudette and learning more (and advice from Pain Relievers....) Spine Chill.

    But my current build will speak for itself: Self Care, Spine Chill, Bond and Sprint Burst

    Killer? Easy. Post-rework Surveillance. Such an underrated perk and personally, better than Discordance for me as it doesn't rely on multiple survivors.

  • Member Posts: 4,105

    Empathy. I dont know why, but i loved this perk when i started the game. I always thought its a better Version of Bond.

    BBQ was the first Killer Perk i really liked... nothing changed on that so far.

  • Member Posts: 130

    I thought whispers and spine chill were garbage perks for a long time until I tried them at a time when I was bored. Now, I swear by whispers and spine chill being pretty OP.

  • Member Posts: 1,080

    Spine Chill was a lifesaver against op bing bong.

    Spies from the shadows used to be toptier. Then Whispers. Now BBQ.

  • Member Posts: 547

    Survivor: Spine Chill

    I don't think I can explain how many times I've saved myself when seeing Spine Chill light up. I've avoided a multitude of chases thanks to this perk alone. It's a lifesaver and I dare say it's better than any combination of the usual 4 meta survivor perks.

    Killer: Remember Me

    One of my greatest pleasures in this game was playing Freddy, more specifically OG Freddy. I was running this perk for the first time after getting it to reach Tier 3. And oh boy, was that a match to remember.

    I specifically remember this perk saving me from not getting a 4k in one of the cornfield maps. I had just finished hooking a Meg on her death hook as the last generator got finished. With BBQ and Chili, I saw a Quentin (oddly fitting) run for the exit gate.

    I quickly rushed over towards him, making sure my power will put him to sleep the moment he comes into line of sight with me.

    As I come rushing towards the gate, I noticed the gates had 2 red lights already turned on. I hoped in vain that as soon as my power connects, I would be able to stop him before the gates are open.

    The alarm starts blaring and my hands was sweating at the thought of him running away from my claws. But just as the gates were about to be open, Quentin falls asleep and I yanked him off of the switch.

    I don't think anything has topped that game the whole time I played this game. Sadly nothing ever will, since old Freddy is now a long lost memory. Rest in peace, old friend.

  • Member Posts: 1,122

    Killer- Surveillance.

    I got into DbD about 2 months ago, and after trying out the 'free' killers decided to pick up Pig because SAW was my favorite horror movie series. I get that it was a meme perk back in the day but it has saved my butt monitoring gens and making sure I know when and where survivors are while playing.

    Survivor- Plunderer's Instinct

    I don't play survivor often, but when I do I like getting items in the map rather than bringing stuff in. Plunderer's helps, and with some other perks it always give me something good.

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