Freddy's Rework

Okay so I'm just gonna try to make this short...
I feel like a lot of us feel the same way, but haven't addressed it.
The new Freddy is made to be more toxic and excruciating than ever before. His lunge feels the same, some addons are now OP, dream snares are annoying, dream PALLETS really make it impossible to trust a stun. And of course there's the new ability to (fake) teleport to gens, making him a lot more portable.
I miss the old Freddy now, anyone else?
(This is my opinion, looking to know what everyone else thinks.)
so now you're accusing the devs of designing a character in a way to ruin players' experience on purpose?
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I hated playing as and against old Freddy. He is great now for both.
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Hmm no, he's better for everyone right now. He's got counterplay and he's definitely not super hard to beat. As for him being made for toxicity, same could be said about literally anything else in the game. But anyways, I think he's fine, we dont want him to be garbage again
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As for his lunge: It should feel the same; every killer has the same lunge distance.
Freddy's just looks longer since his weapon is on his hand, and he's a smol Sleepi Boi.
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Yes because snares have a lot of counterplay when freddy can spam them at every loop to the point where its a guaranteed hit. :)
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Yes; don't be asleep. The snares only affect you if you are asleep.
And since failing a self heal, popping a gen, being awakened by a friend, or using an alarm clock are all ways of waking up, there's no excuse to be asleep.
And if Freddy hit you and started the chase, he clearly could be funneling you towards his snares. Keep your eyes open.
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Short answer: No
Long answer: Nooooooooooooo
Old Freddy was the worst to play as and against. Playing Freddy felt bad, because Survivors could essentially turn him off at will. Playing against Freddy felt bad, because it was just a genuine slog. Imagine creating a character who has permanent wallhacks in a hunting game but still is the worst option available by far. I got into DBD to play as and against Freddy, tried to, and then dropped the game entirely for years I was so disappointed.
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I get that, and I’m sure it’s a lot of fun to play as Freddy now. But a lot of survivors can tell you that the new Freddy is just as infuriating, if not more, than he was before. They fixed one side of the problem, not both. I personally just liked old Freddy slightly better, not saying he was tolerable.
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The only real way new Freddy can be toxic in his own way is by running paintbrush plus swing chains with all slowdown perks (ruin, pop, discordance, thana.)
everything else is fine though.
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(Not in a rude way) Given Freddy’s history, you expect the majority of Freddy players to not run this?
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Yeah i honestly expect it from every freddy i verse, which sucks because theres so many other fun builds you can do with him now. Kinda sucks :/
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IMO , the old freddy was far stronger then the newer version if you knew how to play him and had the right perks and add-ons , but yes he was very add-on dependent . I never had a issue getting 3-4k with him , but there was a certain set of perks and add-ons to use and you knew where every survivor was the whole match . This is what prompted the change , those who knew how to play him would ruin games for survivors .
Class photo and pill bottle gave you a extended 2 min sleep timer and the ability to aura read all survivors while one was being put to sleep . so once the first person was tagged you knew all survivors location and just run to the next , once they was sleeping you knew where they was anyways , combine that with other aura reads like nurses , bbq or whatever and you could keep the chain going the whole game and end it quick without a camp or tunnel and usually with 3-5 gens remaining .
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I love the new Freddy. Whenever I'd face the old Freddy he was always face camping at the hook. Now he is all over the map and fun to play as and against.
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I do miss the old Freddy. I wouldnt want the changes reverted, but I like putting people to sleep and slugging and juggling multiple people. You had to play differently when you played with Freddy. He's not optimal to win, but I didnt care. I just liked his style.
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he was probably the worst to camp with since you couldn't grab or hit if the survivor wasn't asleep already , also why I said 3-4k matches because if the hatch was opened and the last survivor wasn't asleep you had no chance to get them (couldn't close the hatch then) and by the time you put one to sleep they was out the hatch already .
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Okay, let me just wake myself up mid chase because even if he gets outplayed for a few minutes I still fall asleep because his ability is also passive.
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If you didn’t know, you also are considerably easier to notice when you are asleep. You still have the same static aura when you are asleep. Makes it impossible to blend in sometimes.
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Fun builds? More like losing builds. Like every killer not except Billy, Spirit and Nurse - if you can't slow down the gens, you're not going to get your kills. His teleport is simply too slow, too disorienting and gives too much of a warning to the survivors to be off much use.
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But that’s the thing, Freddy shouldn’t suck as a base killer. And just because he needs those perks to win does not mean that it is not toxic because any Freddy that has skill will easily be able to win the game. There is no balance in either scenario, therefore he either really sucks or is toxic because he will demolish the survivors.
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You know you don't have to ACTUALLY teleport right? You can warn the survivors off the gen and have them run right into your arms. It happens consistently if you use it correctly to the point sometimes you can teleport and have a survivor right on the gen to slap because they think you're just tricking them.
I don't want old Freddy, I feel like new Freddy is definitely healthier for the game. I do have a problem with this Oblivious status effect being tied to being asleep though. With Borrowed Time Freddy can camp as much as he wants because there's no way you're not gonna be asleep when trying to unhook. Either you hit them while they're rescuing and they fall asleep, thus no BT for the unhooked, or they passively fall asleep while trying to fake a grab so you don't grab them off. I also don't like that the alarm clocks are so damn far away every time. With Red Paint Brush it becomes your only way to wake up and Swing Chains becomes something you just can't play around without going to an alarm clock, which takes probably a minute to even get to, and you fall asleep so fast it becomes ridiculous. I tried one game against Red Paint Brush/Swing Chains where I went to an alarm clock every time I fell asleep(just to see if it was a viable option). Guess what happened? I died with 3 gens left because I couldn't finish a gen due to the travel time to those alarm clocks. His lullaby is also slightly annoying because you literally HAVE to have eyes on him at all times if you're asleep or else you're gonna get hit. If you're at anything with walls it's pretty much a death sentence unless it's somewhere you have plenty of length between you and him to see like the killer shack. It also becomes ear grating when he's chasing you.
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Essentially the purpose of a pallet stun is to escape the killer. You’re automatically assuming that all survivors just camp pallets, which is ridiculous. In a chase with Bloodlust 3, vaults are very hard to pull off, and the only defense is A PALLET. Their main purpose is not to block line of sight, but to STALL the killer. But with Freddy using dream pallets, you have no way to trust the pallet, which entirely negates the pallet’s other use, to STUN the killer. Consider actually letting the survivor defend themselves, instead of assuming they can just escape through any chase.
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If the killer wastes time to get Bloodlust 3 to just get a hit, he's gonna lose that game.
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Freddy isn't toxic or overpowered, nor his add-ons are. Slow down Freddy is annoying, but is still manageable.
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With the way the game is right now, just throwing pallets and running is not going to do anything except make your game unwinnable. Using pallets purely as an obstruction is going to ensure that by the time 2 or 3 gens are done, you have no pallets left and whoever is getting chased isn't going to last very long. In a game like that the killer should get a 3-4k easily.
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Seems like you want even more easy wins as survivor. The Freddy rework is great and makes him A+/S - tier in my opinion.
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It's funny. If you play pallets safely, maybe take a hit or use your exhaustion perk, you can chase a M1 killer for the whole game. Multiple people proved that so i don't really know what you're talking about.
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Freddy is one of the most balanced killers in the game. He is pretty powerful, but has plenty of counterplays, and you don't need to run specific perks to counter him :)
I do agree that the fake pallets are kind of annoying though and the borrowed time nerf on him was stupid and unnecessary.
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What DudeDelicious is suggesting is that you run, throw the pallet, and continue running without looping whatsoever. Sure, you might can extend the chase if you know where all the pallets in the map are, but a killer can run around an entire map in less than a minute. If you're throwing them without any regard you're just killing your team. A killer will just walk around them, down you, slug you, break the pallets, go back and hook you, and there are no defenses left. It shouldn't take long if you're just running and throwing pallets.
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Weren't the rework the results of people complaining about the old Freddy being designed as a tunneler
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Didn't noticed the comment from Delicious. Yeah just running and throwing pallets leads to a loose.
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id like to know how the purple box that makes you bleed while healthy is op...
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Thats the most OP addon in the game!!! Prayer beads and Iri heads are tolerable...but Z block... How can ANYONE win against THAT.
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I liked old Freddy, not because the new Freddy is "annoying to face" and more noob friendly, but because he was the most unique killer in the game. His only real downfall was players complaining he was bad and his reliance on good rng (which made him a subpar killer).
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Why cant i get freddy on switch, not because i want to use him, just out of curiosity...
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Let me point it out
Freddy's lunge got patched with everyone got a lunge fix
Freddy looks like he has a really long lunge but in reality his lunge is the same to compensate for his really short weapon
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I mean. Hemmorage is such a strong add on affect especially while healthy, makes bloodhound META on freddy along side monstrous shrine and territorial
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They should apply some animation effects to fix. I forget the exact term, but Blizzard uses it a lot, and you can see it pretty effectively used on Mcree.
They should just make his lunge and attack a bit longer during the animation so it actually makes contact. Because while it may be the same hitbox distance, the arm length/animation does feel off, but theres no real way to correct that if they aren't going to physically alter the model during the animation.
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I would be fine with it, but by god that picture is terrifying
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I am so glad that they reworked freddy now i can play m1 killer without survs t-bag or pointing fingers at me for playing m1 killer. They respect much more players who play freddy now since they know what you can do with him now. Use clocks if you want to esc pallets or snares.
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To most he was designed as a tunneling machine plus people were complaining about him having a 7 sec delay plus he was unfun to play as and against. Those are the reason why he reworked and now people are still complaining.
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@Grimbergoth I'd say the opposite. Killers would only need to find one person and hook them in order to find several, and Freddy's dream state bypassed borrowed time completely so there was no way to make a safe rescue against a camping Freddy. He'd camp, put both the unhooked survivor and the rescuer to sleep, maybe more(if extra rescuers showed up). He'd down the rescuer, then he'd tunnel, because he could see everyone who was asleep from a certain distance. His biggest flaw was the ability to break out of the dream by failing a skill check, making his ability only really useful when the killer used it to tunnel and camp.
The point is, it just wasn't fun to face most Freddy's I played against before the rework. There were some out there that really knew how to play him, but that number was probably less than 10%. Now he is fun and unique. His power cannot be abused easily and it also can't simply be stopped by a failed skill check.
Anyone that thinks he is too powerful because of his teleport doesn't use stealth like they should. Simply sneak away from a generator when he's teleporting instead of leaving a scratch mark trail directly to you. It's that simple. Sure he'll still find you sometimes but you shouldn't make it easy for him.
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He's good, never said he's bad. But survivors got good counterplay against him.
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This! I loved playing Freddy, old and new, however if you didn't have the right set up it was miserable in the old days. Now he's SO much better to play. That being said I'm still not a fan of the BT change for survivors as it feel cheesy, consistent but cheesy. I do like it when I hook after the last gen and blood warden pops and BT isn't working for them 😏 but still get that twinge of guilt...
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Are you a time traveler from july?