Killers: Do you go out of your way to chase/tunnel Claudette players?

Rydog Member Posts: 3,275

From time to time, I see threads discussing how some killers prioritize killing Claudette-users, whether they play immersed or not, because she can theoretically be harder (compared to other survivors) to see and chase down sometimes. I'm curious whether this is objectively the case for a lot of killer players, and I'm mostly curious whether it's the case in purple ranks and above.

Killers: Do you go out of your way to chase/tunnel Claudette players? 29 votes

I will always go out of my way to tunnel Claudette players
CamoRangerStrancol 2 votes
I will sometimes do this, depending on the circumstance (Cosmetic? Play style? Please explain!)
Ark_the_BonsaiDaddyTrappersGirlMicheal_Myersmusstang62KeezoMrsGhostface[Deleted User]Ka1roNoOneEscapesNancy 9 votes
No, I do not accord Claudette players any special significance
BossLuigifan64PandomMiniPixelsarslaNInnCognitoSletitrocksElkKnucklesBlazelskiSkittlesthehuskyTheRoyalOwlAwakeypleasedontbetoxic117DarootLeafstormSebaOutbreakGreentheNinjaHuDawg 18 votes


  • Ark_the_Bonsai
    Ark_the_Bonsai Member Posts: 867
    I will sometimes do this, depending on the circumstance (Cosmetic? Play style? Please explain!)

    I focus down extremely stealthy players first because I know they're more a challenge to deal with late game than a runner ever will be once the pallets are gone (not to mention they'll probably be worse in a chase)

    Claudettes tend to be the person of choice in this situation so if I see a claudette playing stealthy, she dies.

  • Ark_the_Bonsai
    Ark_the_Bonsai Member Posts: 867
    I will sometimes do this, depending on the circumstance (Cosmetic? Play style? Please explain!)

    To clarify, I focus on stealthies no matter what but stealthy claudettes get extra attention due to her cloaking ability.

  • Skittlesthehusky
    Skittlesthehusky Member Posts: 656
    No, I do not accord Claudette players any special significance

    nope! all survivors are equal targets to me, whether they have hard-to-see models or not. i like to play the game how i'd like to play it and keep it fair. :D

  • Elk
    Elk Member Posts: 2,267
    No, I do not accord Claudette players any special significance

    Everyone is condemned to death! >=D Hahaha!

  • Awakey
    Awakey Member Posts: 3,145
    No, I do not accord Claudette players any special significance

    They always think they can hide.

    There's no hiding from me.

  • Rydog
    Rydog Member Posts: 3,275
  • Keezo
    Keezo Member Posts: 453
    I will sometimes do this, depending on the circumstance (Cosmetic? Play style? Please explain!)

    A. Claudettes are usually either the weak link, or the best player, meaning that you either 3 hook them because they keep running into you or you need to remove them from the game so you don't have to worry about them.

    B. @Rydog Aah, I see you too are a god of culture

  • pleasedontbetoxic117
    No, I do not accord Claudette players any special significance

    Tunneling gets you screwed over if you're a Killer main. Best thing to do is just give up a chase and go to a generator, only if, you can't get a hit off a survivor in the first 30 seconds of the chase.

  • Micheal_Myers
    Micheal_Myers Member Posts: 1,147
    I will sometimes do this, depending on the circumstance (Cosmetic? Play style? Please explain!)

    I tunnel only if that Claudette is bugging me.

    Especially if they try to blend in.

    Try to Blend in = Moried

  • InnCognito
    InnCognito Member Posts: 718
    No, I do not accord Claudette players any special significance

    I look at all survivors as equals. Nobody should be going after Claudette for reasons that are not allowed to be discussed here. I mean I personally play as her. ALL the time and report players for using bad Slang towards Claudette. Which I see PLENTY of that in Post-game chat.

  • TheRoyalOwl
    TheRoyalOwl Member Posts: 749
    No, I do not accord Claudette players any special significance

    I really don't care, who I go against

    4 man flashlight

    All meta perks

    4 claduettes

    It's really how they play not what perks/survivors/items they pick.

  • CamoRanger
    CamoRanger Member Posts: 26
    I will always go out of my way to tunnel Claudette players

    I won't forget how Claudette players made a fool out of me when I started playing killer. They play like how OchiDO does in his videos, which I hate. The sight of her makes me sick, so I'll attack her at every opportunity, even if there's an injured survivor nearby.