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General Discussions

So I ran some numbers on the cost of the game....

To buy the full game and all DLC characters it's $111, not mentioning cosmetics.

Now they add another $11 on top that you have to pay each month for content that you wont be able to get unless this game is all you play?

Why is this ok?

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  • Member Posts: 2,318

    To be fair, they are adding in all cosmetics in the rift to the game for regular purchase sometime after the rifts end, except for hook charms I believe.

  • Member Posts: 16

    The it would be nice if it wasn't being waved in front your you face all the time.

    You buy the battle pass "HEY GREAT I GOT A HAG COSMETIC"

    Game: "Oh so sad you didn't buy the character, better go back and buy them or the money you spent of this pass will be wasted"

  • Member Posts: 2,318

    That is admittedly a bad example. Hag is a "free" killer if you purchase her with shards. The only real problem comes in with licensed characters. Hopefully they keep a good ratio of paid:free killers/survivors.

  • Member Posts: 16

    Have you tried buying character with shards? it's like 40 plus hours and why does that justify this clearly manipulative garbage!

  • Member Posts: 1,310
    edited October 2019

    F2P games get monthly sub costs.

    And MMOs, which are MUCH MUCH more expensive than dbd ever will be due to size.

  • Member Posts: 282

    And in return you get buggy game that often doesn't even work as intended. If you still didn't learn and keep giving them your money then you're part of the problem.

  • Member Posts: 749

    But it is only cosmetic and most the really good killers aren't licensed.

  • Member Posts: 2,318

    I never said the shard method was practical or fair, just an option if you want to save money.

    You do have to think of it from the devs side. Most of the time things like extra killers and what-not would be LOCKED behind a paywall you don't have any option of getting over. Grinding is a part of online games and the ability to get killers without having to pay money for them for a cost of a grind is a fair way to incentive purchases with money while also not locking players who can't afford it out.

    Look at the battle pass. Only the charms are exclusive and if you DO purchase it you can make all the currency back and buy passes for free after that (with grind) which is usually much better than other online games where you not only HAVE to pay but you also have to grind as well.

    I'm not saying DbD is the holy grail of this stuff, but they could have made it much worse.

  • Member Posts: 16

    The shards are only there to pressure people into buying killers.

    Its not there for players to have another option. it's there so when people rightly complain about having to pay for this nonsense they can say "But you can earn it for freeeeeeee"

    Even though by design they dont intend you to buy killers with shards

  • Member Posts: 899

    No, I'm just not a broke ass joke, the money this game costs is like throwing quarters in a juke box and it'll keep the game going longer.

  • Member Posts: 2,318

    I can only answer with an anecdote. I personally have 8k shards saved because I don't need the shrine really and I have all content unlocked currently. When the new killer drops, if I'm still playing this game.... I will buy it for free!

    I see what you're saying. It is obviously geared towards pushing you to pay for it, but you're already grinding by just playing the game, and getting a currency passively with no downsides is a LOT better than a lot of freemium games.

  • Member Posts: 2,318

    And you're certainly right, to a degree.

    When survivors are coordinated and efficient you have to rely on them making mistakes to even stand a chance at winning. It's part of the whole problem I have with balance at high elo. Sure you can try and influence the match but if they want a 5 minute game those gens are going to go whether you want it to or not.

  • Member Posts: 1,514

    Is there an option to turn off the Rift being shoved in your face at the end of every game? No.

  • Member Posts: 1,514

    Perks made a huge difference and most of them are locked behind a paywall. If you are playing only free killers and using only those perks, you are argument stands. I highly doubt that is the case though.

  • Member Posts: 3,965

    Sure, if you buy everything full price then you'll be out around 110 dollars. But they have sales frequently. Hell, the game is on sale RIGHT NOW! Also, many of the killers and survivors can be unlocked for free with iridescent shards. So if you purchased the game and characters that can only be purchased with money on sale then you would spend:

    Game: 9.99

    Ash: 2.99

    Halloween Chapter: 4.19

    Stranger Things: 11.99

    Leatherface: 2.99

    Saw Chapter: 4.19

    Ghostface: 2.99

    Nightmare on Elm Street: 4.19

    Grand Total: $43.52

    So let's not make it sound like the game is ridiculously overpriced and inaccessible. It isn't. The battlepass stuff is completely optional and pretty reasonable too. You can even play for the season and see how far you would get. If you play enough to earn back the 1000 auric cells it costs, you can buy it and immediately get your 1000 auric cells back. Now if you search my posts you'll see that I'm often critical of BVHR. But I'm also fair with my criticism. In this case you are the one being unreasonable.

  • Member Posts: 1,514

    I have a great idea. How about BHVR charges, I don't know, a dollar a game. I mean it is just a dollar right? People play like maybe 10 games on average a day. That is only $10 a day. If you have a job this shouldn't be an issue. If it is, grow up.

  • Member Posts: 7,771
    edited October 2019

    Of course we are.

    Meanwhile, your statements are both original and refreshing, opening eyes like the Messiah of DBD.

    I believe they made a movie about it...

    I salute your refreshing, sensible take on the matter.

    May everyone drink from your aged cup of maturity and wisdom!

  • Member Posts: 3,615

    You're not forced to buy the rift or dlcs.

    You can play with the base/free survivors and killers and still have a good time.

    Its not spend $100 to play DbD...

  • Member Posts: 2,358

    So i ran some numbers

    If you paid the $111 for the base game and all the dlc and you play every day for a year (many people here do indeed play a game or 2 every day) you end up paying 30.4 cents a day for something you theoretically enjoy playing.

    Yes you can pay 60 for an a tier title, beat story mode in 20 hours and shelf it. Then spend 15 bucks on dlc for another 5 hours of content. And then you move on most likely didn't get near the same value.

    Look at call of duty. 60 bucks for the game, 60 bucks for dlc and in a year the next one is out and you move on.

    The only long running game cheaper than this on console that i can think of that isn't f2p is overwatch. All dlc is free, but they have a much larger player base and supplement cost with somewhat bs lootboxes.

    Ive gotten this game free for 2 systems and bought all dlc for each and its the best hobby investment i think ive made ever.

  • Member Posts: 1,243

    Still cheaper then a single night out at the pub

  • Member Posts: 3,965

    I have every character in the game unlocked and I have never once purchased a character with real money if I could get them with iridescent shards. In fact, I have always been able to have enough iridescent shards banked to unlock any non-licensed characters upon release. Since they have had a string of licensed stuff come out, I currently have around 27,000 iridescent shards banked. I'm not a maniac playing 8 hours a day or anything either. So clearly what you are saying isn't true.

  • Member Posts: 1,514

    Usually demonstrated by streamers who have thousands of hours in the game. To suggest perks don't make a big difference is absurd. You also didn't address the last part of my post. I highly doubt you play with lackluster or no perks.

  • Member Posts: 946

    Don't open Pandora's box!

    If you go after sale prices you have to compare DBD to other games for $43.52 and I bet with you, for that price you will find other games with more depth and value in the steam store.

    And don't pull a Mcote on me and tell me to play CiV.

    We are all here and are invested enough to write about a game we like, but don't tell me, that the monetization is not getting out of hand.

    There is a nice clip from extracredit about player's trust and how the wrong focus overtime can kill a game even if the sales figures seems to look fine.

    Keep in mind, there will always be idiots paying every price they can afford.

    But most of the fans will at some point just give up and move on.

  • Member Posts: 305

    Obviously you arent buying them during Summer Sale and other great steam sale days

  • Member Posts: 843

    Just like buying a car is optional to riding a bike. But ones a breeze to getting where you need to go and one takes hours of toil depending on where you want to be.

    Nobody should have to pay to get full access to game content. Killers, maybe. Perks, imo should be universally unlockable.

  • Member Posts: 3,965

    I'm absolutely willing to go there. I'm pretty tight fisted with my gaming dollars. I couldn't even tell you the last game that I purchased at full price. In the last ten years you could probably count the number of video games I've paid full price for on one finger (not including add on content).

    And I'm still saying that this game is a great value for the money. Considering the amount of time that I've played this game, I'm probably under a dime for each hour played. Now you might be able to point to some good games on sale. But how many of those games am I going to play for thousands of hours? Odds are none. I'm not sure exactly how much time I've got in DBD since it isn't tracked, but let's say conservatively that I've played an average of 1.5 hours a day for the last 2 years. That's over 1000 hours of entertainment.

    Now, I'm not sure exactly how much I've paid into the game. I think I got it for 15 dollars. I think I paid close to full price for most of the licensed stuff since I bought them when they came out. Let's just say around 60 dollars. Then I've probably bought around 30 dollars worth of auric cells. So approximately 105 dollars total over the course of 2 years. That comes out to around 10 cents per hour played. That's with pretty conservative guessing. I just don't think there are too many better deals out there.

    Now all of this is depending on your mileage. If you aren't enjoying the game as much and don't play as often then the value will go down.

  • Member Posts: 843

    It as though people who made games in the past were able to make profit before microtransaction models were in full force.

  • Member Posts: 843

    No company inherently deserves my money, especially when it is based on schemes that enhance game experience and your ability to perform in the game.

    I don't care what starving game dev is on the other side of that. If people support games that have aggressive and anti-consumer practices, then marketing teams and shareholders will keep asking for them.

    It may sound harsh, but do we really think that marketing teams are making these monetization practices to benefit the little old game devs? No. Its for Corporate BHVR, not Game Dev BHVR. Call me a pessimist, but I've seen too many studios with more money than they know what to do with include even harsher monetization practices than that present in DbD.

    That doesn't mean we have to pretend that its not an issue. Yes, the issue of money and monetization isn't as black and white, that doesn't mean we have to throw up our hands and hand over our money either, or ignore predatory monetization practices. People (and by that, I mean companies) WILL take advantage of that.

    This is treading a very dangerous line into the political and extremely controversial. I'd advise that we both be very careful with the things we say next.

  • Member Posts: 53

    Leatherface was the only DLC I bought. Once the game had a sale I spent it on all licensed content and it was rather cheap. Don't remember the total cost, but no where near $100+. I would have waited to buy Leatherface as well, but having BBQ and WGLF is godsend for saving hundreds (probably even 1k+) hours. Can't wait until I have everyone P3 and ditch WGLF and BBQ on a handful of killers.

  • Member Posts: 1,773


    Though OP has a point, the game is pretty Pay2Win since it's either pay money or you'll spend years grinding characters for perks.

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