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The WRAITH too simple to play as a killer....major disadvantage to SURVIVORS....

I have been playing DBD for a year now & I have ranked from 20-4 in Survival mode & as a killer I rank from 20-12. I admit as a killer I am not that good but i can give survivors a good challenge when I am. When I am the killer its Michael, The clown comes in 2nd place these are the only killers I use.The other killers I have tried just to get a better perspective of how they work & become a better Survivor.

My problem with the Wraith as a SURVIVOR is....he's too EASY because of his cloaking....yes hes not completely invisible but its invisible enough that when you are looking around you can't easily see him at all & when you least expect it hes right next to you ringing his bell....granted he can't hurt you when hes ringing the bell but hes close enough to you that by the time hes done ringing the bell even if you start running hes still has a major head start on you. You really have to focus on your surroundings to be able to see him cloaked add the tree's fog etc... this killer has it really simple.

When i tried him as a KILLER.....Even more easier...i could just disappear using the Trees/Walls/Fog as cover I can easily sneak up on Survivors ring my bell to appear whether they were working on engines or just walking/kneeling in the game. It was amazing to see how easily it was & I only had one perk during the times I tried him to learn about him i believe it was the bloodhound perk level 1.

EVERY SURVIVOR unless there was more than 1 together was always surprised when i appeared because they never saw me...? That's how hard it is to see this killer....even as a survivor if I am the 1st to die I SPECTATE to see how other survivors react...& I have yet to see a survivor react & move before he is seen when he is cloaked....every survivor looks shocked or runs into him as they are playing (this scenario is funny to see.)

Add the PERKS to this killer and your asking for a easier killer...I try my best when i face this killer & depending on the type of team I have i will try even harder to survive if my team is trying but if its not looking like like that...then i just tap out & get ready for the next match.

I think this killer's cloaking needs to be changed or modified in a way to make it easier on survivors and harder as a killer....

Any tips or ideas let me know....thanks.


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  • Member Posts: 772

    Wraith is trash, unless he runs ultra rare addons and crazy perks to become viable. Bitching about Wraith is not good.

  • Member Posts: 33

    shorter baits? I constantly turn my camera around to see in all directions by the time i turn back around hes next to me or really close...tried slowing down the movement of my camera view works a bit when you find him

  • Member Posts: 207

    Yeah I wish all this was true as the few times I've used him for a daily he was fun but I don't know, maybe you have bad eyesight? As a Survivor I can see him honestly halfway across the map as long as I have line of sight and never have it as easy as you're saying when I play him as killer.

  • Member Posts: 176


  • Member Posts: 33

    who's bitching? can't i ask a question? or give my opinion? you used the word "trash" the word my 13yr old nephew uses all the time.....

  • Member Posts: 4,104

    Okay, you know the windows? Use them.

    When he tries to uncloak just vault. Most of the time folks will stop uncloaking and use the speed while cloaked to get on your side of the window. Then just vault again. Or, just practice looking for the shimmer. I used to have a hard time seeing the shimmer but over time I got better.

  • Member Posts: 1,514

    Wraith is considered by most to be one of if the not the worst killer in the game. Quite an odd stand to make here.

  • Member Posts: 452

    Shorter baits means make your clickbait posts shorter. I don't think you're going to have anyone here agree with you unfortunately. Wraith is regarded near universally as the worst killer. If you're having a hard time best bet is running Premenition or Spine Chill on your survivor.

  • Member Posts: 33

    LARISA....I can see him from far away and close when he is not cloaked and cloaked far away but if you start to look around i loose him and by the time i look around again this killer is next to me ringing his I understand the question about my vision i can see that question being asked i have good vision i know that for sure.

  • Member Posts: 33

    Im surprised to hear that from other players on how EASY this killer can be???? I have a harder time being MYERS and the CLOWN than with this KILLER? i have plenty of perks for myers and the clown and I still have a harder time than with he WRAITH.....I GUESS EVERY PLAYER IS DIFFERENT??? LOLOL I've used the WRAITH and I cloak and i just have a blast because i find survivors really quick and i surprise them makes me but as a SURVIVOR this guy with the right player using him.....and he is unstoppable to me.... learn something new every day i guess.....

  • Member Posts: 33

    I hear you on shorter going to try using more windows when i face him.....i gotta say when you reach level 4-7 i hardly get him as a killer.

  • Member Posts: 2,047

    Seriously, complaining about Wraith ? C'mon survivor mains, you can better than this.

  • Member Posts: 33

    I must be rotating my camera too fast i dont hear the thud? i just hear the bells ringing and hes right next to me appearing...ready to hit me.

  • Member Posts: 8,816

    I think Wraith is stronger than people give him credit for but come on. If you really struggle against him using Spine Chill, possibly Premonition, flashlights to stun him, Sprint Burst to escape his uncloaking attack, etc.

  • Member Posts: 1,142

    The Wraith is a pretty weak killer in the grand scheme of things. Once you realize its the Wraith, his shimmer is pretty easy to spot. That said, some reason the Wraith is the one killer that typically will destroy me every match I play against him.

    He can be fun to play, esp in lower ranks, because most people are not expecting him. That leads to an extra element of suprise.

  • Member Posts: 3,298

    Get to Rank 8 as Wraith and see how easy it is, get higher and you'll change your mind even faster.

    Wraith is one of the worst Killers because he gets that massive slowdown when he uncloaks, someone is vaulting a window you better hope you uncloak fast enough to hit them bro. Gens going super fast? Probably because no one knows where you are and you can't apply pressure since all you can do is go fast.

    Wraith IS a simple Killer, too simple to be a good threat against good teams. This is why every Wraith I see camps and tunnels, they can't play like normal Killers who can teleport or like Ghostface who has stealth with no slowdown etc.

  • Member Posts: 382

    Oh dear.

    Now they’re coming for Mr Bing Bong, is no killer safe?


  • Member Posts: 254

    Well, someone watched the Saminiation video and is stealing the "Wraith is simple" idea

  • Member Posts: 76

    Yeah. Even worse then trapper and trapper is... He's trapper..

  • Member Posts: 551

    Wraith needs buffs, not nerfs lol. Very easy killer to deal with after he gets that first "free hit". He's very loopable.

  • Member Posts: 1,773

    Well, not too be rude, but it's because you're at low ranks. red ranks never have these issues. If you can't see him, you simply need too learn what too look for, even in corn maps he rarely sneaks up unless it's a closed map like Lery's or The Game.

    Wraith is really weak, and needs a better buff then undetectable. IMO he needs too uncloack faster, not by a lot, but by .25 seconds, something too ensure that first hit on an un aware survivor, because sometimes survivors can just run away and you aren't guaranteed the "free" hit. If they have Sprintburst fine, they get away, but a normal survivor deserves too be punished for being unaware.

  • Member Posts: 325

    You remind me of the people who say someone like MM or Ghostface are OP because noob survivors have 0 awareness.

  • Member Posts: 33

    Brokendownpalace-I use spine chill, self heal,empathy, and urban evasion all level 3 perks. its not that I can't see him when im standing still or far away but like everyone playing as a survivor you move your camera around to see around you and so when your looking or hiding behind something you can't see...him so when you least expect it he's right next you.

  • Member Posts: 33

    La sombra lower ranks like 14-20 survivors get really surprised like you said I've played with a few level 1 ranks and I see them struggle at times running away when getting chased while he's invisible and trying to look back and forward at the same I can see them struggle to see a cloak and runaway because of your camera movement...just somethings I've seen over time...

  • Member Posts: 33

    Thatguyinktown...ive played in lower ranks when the killer is like 1-4 rank and it's amazing to see that skill a player has as a killer.i recall a MM level 1 and he just took us out like garbage I've seen a level 1-4 already probably now what that match was

  • Member Posts: 33

    Hatcreature...i dont have a problem using him as a killer I really dont like him because to me he's an easy and lousy way to be a killer....when i have used him to see how he is...i noticed how easy it was...but now that you brought up the "ranks" being got me might be different...i gotta get my killer rank down to check it out...i rank in killer around 13-20 but as survivor 3-7

  • Member Posts: 33

    NinoV1 this is the only killer i feel is easy and kinda unfair all other killers don't disappear like he does...but there is plenty of players making me think about it differently now...

  • Member Posts: 33

    Tensor- sorry you lost me on that saminiation video...dont know wat u talking

  • Member Posts: 33

    Lushbunny the trapper? Really? Hhmmm... Didnt know that all killers are ok with me just this cloak is no

  • Member Posts: 33

    Bunnythehutt its ok nothing rude about what u said. At least you know how to write a comment without disrespecting lol I use spine chill,self heal, empathy,urban evasion level 3. im usually around levels 3-8 and play with levels 1-8 ranks so I do learn from spectating and of course YouTube. Sometimes it's not that your not paying attention but your moving your camera quite fast at times when to u least expect it he's nect to you...but i hear you...good info..thanks

  • Member Posts: 33

    Kuromi- I hear you but I dont have problems with any of the other survivors or there perks. All survivors and killers have there weaknesses but this killer to me has it too easy with the cloaking.... I have ranked from 3-8 so I have some knowledge on how red rank players play killer/survivor

  • Member Posts: 2,600

    0/10 for the attempt.

    Wraith is not a great subject for a bait-rage thread because nobody can take it seriously.

  • Member Posts: 54

    Run spine chill, it will help.

  • Member Posts: 926

    Do you play with headphones? Wraith is very noisy for a stealth killer so once you become familiar with how he sounds you can listen out for him.

    Also, one thing that helps me when going against Wraith, or any killer, is to take note where the killer can get to me and regularly rotate the camera between each of these areas.

  • Member Posts: 281

    I love Wraith. Wraith is perfectly fine against Red ranks but he is very add on reliant. All top three killer has one thing in common and it's how mobility, how fast they could go around the map.

    I just harass everyone with sloppy butcher abusing how fast he is at getting around the whole map and as long as you don't get Maps with absurd window set ups Cough Wrecker's yard *Cough* and the survivors knows how to run otherwise you have a high chance of winning.

  • Member Posts: 2,886

    Wraith is fine. He doesn't need any changes to his kit.

    The main problem with Wraith isn't mechanical problems, it's that his power attracts the worst kinds of killers -- the ones that like to camp hooks and tunnel survivors. He's built to do that, to be honest. It's not that he's too powerful, it's that he promotes tunneling and camping just by existing.

  • Member Posts: 2,886

    Wraith is built to be inescapable from. He is the best killer at tracking. That is his theme, he is the "Bloodhound" of the killers. He is the most difficult killer to juke and evade, his cloaking power gives him a speed boost so he can follow you, and all his perks aid in tracking (Bloodhound, Predator, Shadowborn). Further, his add-ons help in trailing the survivor as well, like Windstorm and Swifthunt.

    The counter is to loop him.

    He is to be honest easy to see while cloaked. I have no problems seeing him. My problem is escaping him. So I had to learn at least how to loop against him. But he is a tough matchup against someone with my playstyle, since I rely on juking and evasion to beat killers and survive.

    I learned to loop but many Wraiths are better than me at the chase. Well, that's how it goes. I just need to practice more.

  • Member Posts: 3,047

    Says more about the survivor then the killer honestly.

    I'm confused by your use of interchanging between level and rank. Honestly at low ranks with killer you dont need perks or addons despite what people like to say or think.

  • Member Posts: 2,886
    edited October 2019

    Let me give you some tips from one stealth player to another.

    It's clear to me you're a stealth player, but please, PLEASE. Stop using Self-Care. It is a trash perk. It is better for you to use Bond (to help find someone who can heal you) or just run Inner Strength (much better than Self Care).

    Bond also helps your stealth game, it is an information perk like Spine Chill and gives you a lot of valuable information, which includes the killer's position! You can tell by watching your teammates if they are being chased or not. Use this to figure out the killer's position and move accordingly if you are stealthing.

    Bond is superior to Empathy, empathy has longer range but is more narrow in its usage as it only works on injured survivors. Against some killers (like Plague and Legion) it's marginally better but Bond in most cases is the superior perk. It gives you the info you need, when you need it, all the time.

    When you are ready to evolve into the next level talk to me when you want to use No Mither or Fixated. That is where the true power of Stealth Players comes from.

    If you are using Spine Chill and Wraith is still getting the drop on you you aren't using it to its full potential. Wraith should never get the drop on you if you have spine chill. Learn to pay attention to it flickering. Some wraiths are smart and will mindgame you by moonwalking to your position, then uncloak with Coxcombed Clapper behind a wall, but this isn't a common thing to go up against so don't worry about it too much.

  • Member Posts: 438

    Good joke unless you are being serious... I think u need glasses or try using the wraith without the ultra rare add ons. He is far too weak for another nerf.

  • Member Posts: 33

    Frenziedroach- no bait just my opinion on how this killer can be difficult for me compared to the rest of the killers its the cloaking that gets me at close range...but now I see from other post I might have more of a evading problem than seeing him...

  • Member Posts: 33

    Zahmzaddy I do I might not be using itcorrectly from what ive read in other post. Level 3 spine chill I use.

  • Member Posts: 33

    Kabu no headphones just raised volume on my tv.good to know about the noise... I rotate my camera depending on my location and if im working on a engine.... I must be turning to fast or too slow? When I turn back he's next/close to me...other post like Mochan mentioned I think my problem might be evading him...gotta practice that more...

  • Member Posts: 33

    Artyomich I agree a good killer that is mobile in the map and knows it... is a really dangerous killer...seen that before in matches...even with this killer...i seen your strategy before and it works as well....thanks for the info.

  • Member Posts: 33

    Mochan I gotta say your posts have been great and you have a great answer to my problem....i also gotta agree on your comment on the type of players the wraith attracks u clarified it pretty good..its true. The info on how killers us wraith was also great help...i will let you know when I get more practice on your advice on using the other perks you mentioned.

    I use empathy III.for the range to help see were the killer is to keep working on engines or heal/unhook survivors evade a chase or heal myself or for barbecue/chili I can move up depending on how far i am and avoid being detected and help unhook as well.

    Spine chill I turn my camera to see which direction the killer is coming and creep away no scratch marks on healing/engine

    Self heal III. Explains itself.

    Nea perk. Creep arround faster to avoid scratch marks and avoid being seeing with camouflage clothes (meg/Claudette) my only survivors I use.

    This is my style of playing Mochan what do you think? Since I've played I've ranked as low as 4 and the highest I go back up on the 15th is 10-12 as a survivor.

  • Member Posts: 33

    Liruniel sorry for the confusion as a survivor I have ranked from 4-7 and every month I get taken back to 10-12 but I get back to my normal 4-7 range.i play more as a survivor than killer. my range is from 13-17 as a killer.

  • Member Posts: 33

    Zoldyar no joke and I have played the wrath with no perks just the killer I only use MM or the clown only these killers I have leveled up and with plenty of perks...other killers I just test out to see how they kill. I never used him other then for test and I was surprised to see how easy it was with the cloaking. No perks no level ups...but from what other players tell me it might be my killer rank. Lower ranks might be different gameplay...

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