Why would you bring back saboing event hooks?

It’s unfair and unsportsmanlike. Way to encourage toxicity!
Just bring Hangman's Trick. It's lackluster, but it'll repair hooks faster.
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They did?
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Well, first, you need it on a particular killer in the first place. Secondly, it’s an unpleasant mechanic that shouldn’t even be part of the event. Like literally all it does is create frustration and toxicity.
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Because a lot of people like to play with their friends during events and have “fun” (aka ######### the Killer over).
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Wait...WHAT? Why TF would they bring that back? Great, now it'll be Howling Grounds 2018 all over again
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This is the only reason why i was not thrilled for the event. Every event which uses specific hooks for killers to earn their extra BP is the only time where toxic survivors actually sabotage hooks. If your going to specify a hook then dont make it so that survivors can see which hook it is.
The same can be said about gens. Why let killers see which gens survivors specifically must power to get extra BP?
Its been bad before and its still bad. Like why add further fuel to this Us vs Them thing when it can be stopped all together for An EVENT purpose.
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It was never removed, so what is this about it being "brought back?"
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It really should have been removed everytime there is an event with special hooks.
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NO....not again the saboing, the insta blinds the event objective standoffs horror and chaos everywhere.
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It's why I liked the cankers of last year. They didn't make it so bad, since it was optional for survivors, while the killer hooks were unable to be sabo'd.
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So not only did they bring back the Event Hooks but they can be SABOTAGED AGAIN TOO?!
So now Killers need Iron Grasp AND Hangman's Trick JUST TO PLAY THE GAME.
Great job guys, 3 years and you learned nothing.
The Rift was so important
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Sure, Hangman's works best with trapper, but if you're having trouble with sabo in particular, just have Mad Grit, Agitation, Hangman's, and Franklin's. They won't want to sabo in front of you then, since you can get to another hook easily enough.
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How about people DC on my event hook? I don't have any event hook left in that match
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That I agree with. Why is it a thing, you know there'll be jackasses that will just want to grief the killer and bust the hook.
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This change would make THE difference needed.
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Just do what I did, as soon as I spotted an event hook had been sabo'd I just DC'd. No point in playing a round like that, I think they only managed to get 1 gen done so I was able to waste there petals as well.
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Last night I had a daily for sabo hooks so took in my tool box was really shocked it gave me the option to sabo the Advent hook.
I proceeded to look around and sabo regular hooks but clown saw me and proceeded to face camp me 😭🐷
Guess he thought I was going to sabo his Advent hooks but I wasn't I was purposely trying not to.