What’s the one thing you most improved on since the beginning of the year?
Also, what can you get better at?
Personally, I think I most improved my mental state of dealing with the toxicity this game releases.
I would like to get better at understanding each individual map. There’s so many!
What about you?
I've gotten a lot better at understanding my limits and not being greedy with my loops but there's still some work to be done
I still suck at skill checks though, so I'd love to get better at those lol
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I've gotten better at predictions survivors will make, getting through Purple ranks did that.
I could improve more on closing the chase sooner
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I've gotten tremendously better at situational awareness. Example being, I'm chasing a survivor away from a gen and I hear another survivor starting to repair the same gen. Being aware of that lets me chase that one away too instead of the gen popping as I'm chasing someone else.
Something else I've gotten better at is keeping track of how long I've been chasing someone and leaving if it's taking too long. This leads into what I can improve on which is to not give up chase too soon as it would ruin any pressure I was giving.
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I have stopped respecting pallets and learned how to mind game loops properly as a killer
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not sitting at literally every pallet
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I can definitely relate to this heavily. Intuition can go a long way, as I’m hoping mine continues to improve.
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I have stopped getting stressed over games as killer. My younger brother said something along the lines of
"if you cant beat them join em"
So when need be i will be a douche, i will camp and tunnel or use mori agaisnt what i consider toxic. And ill enjoy it. Because i can still carry a skilled or baby survivor to the hatch if i want to. Or play a meme buildand have fun. Its really just a game at the end of the day, THAT I payed money for so ill enjoy it how i want to depending on my mood.
What can i improve on?
Actually reading survivor perks at the end of a trial since its the only way ill ever understand what survivor perks look like lol
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New Freddy. I love OG Freddy so going from that to New Freddy was hard for me. I thought in the beginning his rework was garbage, I felt like giving up playing as him.
But I kept playing the game as him in spite of that. And now, I think I've gotten quite good at Freddy.
I'm in no way anywhere near God Tier players. I make mistakes, some more costly than others, but I still have fun while maintaining a steady amount of kills of our favourite resident claw boi.
I hope he isn't getting nerfed anytime soon, as I heard he has the highest lethality rate of any killer.
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Freddy is in such a good spot, I’d be shocked if they nerfed him.
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Lol ok. Freddy is not in a good spot. Hes annoying as hell and his add ons are overpowered. Hes op af in the right hands
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Cuz hes op af. Thats why.
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Highly disagree, but I don’t want to get in to that as this is a totally different topic.
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What players like
says is what worries me. Any killer is OP in the right hands, and his addons are by no means overpowered. Three of them are just an alternate playstyle. And it's only really OP if you stick to one, boring, build.
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That one boring build is the build that i get every ######### time i play against freddy
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Then it's just your bad luck then, if you meet me in the fog, I can assure you I will play fairly without the Forever Freddy build. No BS, I will just play how Freddy should be played.
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"If you play him well he's OP asf"
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Forever freddy is op af.
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He's not op i guess but with the right add ons and a competent player, hes beyond annoying and op