General Discussions

General Discussions

This new Halloween "Event" is a complete joke.

I understand that the Hallowed Blight event had a lot of flaws and problems with farmers, suiciders, etc, but going back too the bland and basic "do special gen, use special hooks." is a complete downgrade. Just because you have a special offering doesn't mean it's an event or anything special or unique. Look at the 3rd Anniversary "event," there was literally nothing special with that event besides bloodpoint gains.

At least with last year's event, there actually felt like something special was happening, and a reward was actually being earned. And it gave survivors a second objective, letting killers not feel forced too run slow down perks since there was something else too do. Now, the game doesn't feel any different then playing without an event besides some more bloodpoints. I would of at least wanted something like the Lunar Event, where there was still something else in the game for fun that changed the game, and even this had flaws but it was still something.

And yes, there was some major problems with the first event, but it was just that, the first special event with a secondary objective. It didn't need too be completely removed, just fixed and ironed out. Suiciders are a simple fix, just punish them if a survivor suicides. Give them warnings, then ban them if they don't listen. Farmers are another simple fix, reduce the amount of bloodpoints gained from the event. It won't stop farmers or suiciders, but it will help a lot.

In short, I can't see this "event" as being anything but a complete downgrade, and I simply don't even think it is an event, nothing is different about the game besides pumpkin hooks and gens that look horrible (why can't BHVR just re-use the hooks and make new gens based on the Blight?) and a new way too grind bloodpoints.


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  • Member Posts: 1,773

    too stop farmers I assume, but if they lowered it too stop people from farming, why not just add the old event and fix the problems?

  • Member Posts: 1,773

    I agree that there were some problems with last years event, but it's still 10 times better then this boring "event" that only promotes gen rushing.

    If a survivor is doing nothing but getting vials and killing themselves, then it's a simple solution, ban them. With dedicated servers there should be an easy way too track those that do this, and thus wouldn't be hard too punish people for it.

    You weren't forced too harvest plants though, it was an optional objective. I ran into many people who just did gens and ignored plants the entire game.

    I agree not everyone will be happy, but I can't see this "event" being anything but a complete downgrade from last year. They had plenty of time too fix the problems with last years event, and they didn't even bring back the pustla hooks! we now have these incredibly ugly hooks and gens that are just eye sores.

  • Member Posts: 1,773
  • Member Posts: 1,773

    It's what they've always done. Instead of being creative with actual special things, it's always been "do special gen, use special hook." and it's the most basic thing in the entire world.

  • Member Posts: 1,936

    I really disliked the last year's hallowed blight but the lunar event was pretty nice. That was probably my favourite event so far.

  • Member Posts: 284

    From my experience most of the time people are busy fighting for unhooks and completing Tome challenges instead of gen rushing.

    I did wish there would have been something fresher to this event. I'm relatively new so I've only been around for one Bloodhunt and now this. Both other games I'm currently playing had lighthearted, satisfying Halloween events (Warframe and Hitman 2). Granted, they're not PVP games but they still did a better job at adding to the holiday mood than any Hallowed Blight skins could.

  • Member Posts: 16,668

    Personally, this does not really feel like an event for me, it is just Bonus-BP, and also quite a low amount. However, it helps grinding, so thats good.

    What I would have wished:

    Offerings give 4K BP per Hook/Gen

    Event not in the Free Track of the Rift

    First would help with the BPs, because getting those Offerings can cost a lot of BPs. Second would actually make it an event, when you have to fill Vials for Gens or Hooks.

    I also liked last years Event a lot, but can understand that it might be frustrating for some players. For me it was a lot of Fun, but I was in lower Ranks.

    btw. assuming that Killers would not run Slowdown Perks when the Main Objective is longer or a secondary Objective (like those Plants) is introduced is kinda... meh. Killers would still use Slowdown.

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  • Member Posts: 329

    Id rather have presents in my bloodweb again then double bp

  • Member Posts: 1,558

    The BP bonus is pretty weak and wglf is busted so I'm actually getting less points this event as a survivor. Cool.

  • Member Posts: 13,616

    There's been better ones for sure, but it doesn't feel bad in any way either.

    In comparison, again, yes, but i'm having a good time right now.

  • Member Posts: 7,314

    Nobody is ever pleased huh...?

  • Member Posts: 8,342

    I've just been running Iron Grasp and Agitation every single game and hoping things work out in my favour.

  • Member Posts: 536

    Nobody on xbox burns event offerings, so even if i burn one i only get two hooks. Last night both were in the basement of the temple of purgation lol

  • Member Posts: 367

    I think its a little unfair if you are not a Claudette and three others are on your team, and they all get to escape because you know, there is that challenge, right? And no also running a Claudette is going to result in one or more being downed regardless, or the killer quitting halfway thru the match. (That happened twice last evening due to the generator challenge)

  • Member Posts: 724

    There seems to be no way to make some people happy. One of the things people have asked for is to give survivors more objectives, and that's exactly what the hallowed blight event did last year. And yet they get mad when it "distracts people from the main objective", even though that's because of the survivors, not the event itself. To stop this, the developers changed it from plants to the special generators, and everybody's complaining because they "Look ugly."

    I wish they had just put the pustula flowers in again, because it was actually interesting and a cool addition to the game. But I'm not going to cry about it after the developers worked so hard to iron the update so it wouldn't have a lot of bugs.

  • Member Posts: 1,773

    To me it does. It doesn't even feel like an event since nothing is special or new, and survivors just gen rush even harder then usual.

  • Member Posts: 1,773

    I would be pleased if it wasn't such a major downgrade compared too last years event. There really is no good reason too not fix the problems with Hallowed Blight and instead give us the most basic and boring thing that doesn't even effect gameplay like all other game events do.

    They have done major things that I do enjoy, such as the archives and the servers (mostly) but if there is a flaw then I'm not gonna be quiet about it. This new "event" is a complete downgrade in every form from last year, and they didn't even bring the cool hooks from last year back, now we have these incredibly ugly, and almost untextured looking hooks and gens that are eye sores.

  • Member Posts: 1,288

    The event is objectively underwhelming, but there's a reason for that, and that's the development of the Archives and Rift.

    I'm sure the next event will be much more interactive, in the meanwhile go search 3 chests!

  • Member Posts: 7,314
    edited November 2019

    You can't fix the major issues that the pustula plants had in the first place. The 2nd objective was such a time waster and it also rewarded players that just completed their vials and died on first hook.

    That was like 90% of the matches during the start of the event, people would bring offerings, get nectar, die, than repeat until you had 30 vials for that side... And the match making was also a nightmare for Killer. Not many Survivors were playing, the ones that were just died on the first hook... and most of the Killers had to wait for 10 minute + or 20 minute lobbies to even get a chance to complete a vial...

    It was so bad that they just merged the vials together so people could finish it... I know you will say "But what about the moonrise event? Can't they just copy paste it from that instead of giving us a boring mechanic for serums?"

    Yes, they could. But, it would go with the event if you just grabbed serums in 3 seconds... the point of the Hallowed Blight was to collect serums from plants... that was its theme... you can't just copy and paste other events concepts into another events... it doesn't work that way.

  • Member Posts: 1,773

    They have had an entire year too work on the event, since it was one of the biggest things that happened in 2018 personally, and they didn't do squat and did the safest and most boring thing in the world.

    If last year's event was like this then whatever, it's boring but it's the usual, but they raised the bar and the expectations with how fun the Hallowed Blight was with cutscenes, awesome cosmetics, and a fun (and problematic) secondary objective with the plants. Then they completely downgrade the entire thing, instead of fixing the problems and making it be better.

    Even if you did use the reason of Archives, I can't see the entire development team working on it. Someone on the team had too make, code, and iron out new gens and hooks, so clearly they had time too fix the old event, they simply chose not too.

  • Member Posts: 1,288

    No, they had an entire year for:

    • update the game with the new Unreal engine iteratively
    • create new maps and new map variations
    • add I don't even know how many killers and survivors
    • program dedicated server (and as you see, they still haven't nailed it..)
    • create and develop a new switch team
    • archives and rift
    • balance changes

    ...and finally there's an event that lasts just 7 days.

    Something tells me it wasn't very high priority wise.

  • Member Posts: 1,773

    I know, but as I have said multiple times, there are ways too fix this. With dedicated servers they have said they can track those who suicide and DC, so they simply need too ban those who did it, and people would be less likely too do it. It won't stop the issue, people are gonna be jerks, but it would solve it for the most part.

    And plants were never forced on you, you were never forced too do the plants, I do agree the plants took a very long time too drain, but it's something that is a very easy fix for. No problem during the event besides que times weren't fixable with some tweaking and changing.

    Honestly I would still rather have the problems of last year then the current "event" it's nothing but a glorified bloody party streamers. An event should be special, not "gain an offering that gives more bloodpoints. Have fun." or "do a special gen for points, and put people on special hooks for point."

  • Member Posts: 1,773

    This only proves my point more. If they have so many people on, I can't see how they couldn't have an event team. And even if it wasn't high priority, why would they waste the time adding new hooks and gens and not just re-using the event from last year? These are resources they would probably want spent on better things, but instead they spent the time and money too add new skins for hooks and gens when they had perfectly good models sitting in the back burner.

    Simply put, they should of done better then the basic and boring motto for "events". Hell, I would of been fine if it was just a reskin of the lunar event, because at least then it still feels like an event, and if they are going through the trouble too code, map, design, and impliment new hooks and gens, they may as well just re-skin the lanterns into a giant pustla flower too be picked up.

  • Member Posts: 1,288
    edited November 2019

    why did they make new hooks / generators? Because it's Halloween, duh :P.

    You don't know how much it takes to create those assets for the graphic team, and you don't know how many people are on graphics, how many on programming, how many on design...

    Again, the event is underwhelming, they perfectly know it I'm sure, but time is not infinite and they chose to work on something else, something that wouldn't last just 7 days. Deal with it and wait for the new event :P

  • Member Posts: 7,314
    edited November 2019

    Again, to fix those issues they would have to think of a way to stay true to how the events theme is... while also not copy and pasting from the moonrise event that everyone wants to happen with other events also...

    Making more moonrise event clones doesn't do anything but keeps things stale... You can argue the special hooks and generators are stale but at least they worked... they didn't cause a lot of suicide by hook or long queue times to just get vials...

    Plus, this even allows you to get those serums for literally 2 months... that's 2 months to get all 60 serums... so nobody will miss out on it at all. How long did it take to get 60 serums for both sides? Almost the entire events time...

    No, you weren't forced to get nectar... but that argument doesn't even make sense... it doesn't matter if you're forced to get the nectar or not... its an event! You're suggested to participate and that's up to you.

    Saying its "easy to just track suicides and DCing" and "It's easy to think of something else" is easier to say... than it is to do it, please keep that in mind. The team has to think of new designs for those special hooks and generators too you know... they don't just have them on hand to put into the game.

    In the future i'm sure they'll think of a interesting concept for another event... but for now this is what you get.

    You're either satisfied or not, nobody is forcing you to be happy about it.

  • Member Posts: 13,616
  • Member Posts: 1,773

    It's easy too stay true too the event, keep the event and fix the major problems. They shouldn't copy from the Moonrise event IMO, but I would rather that then them copying the old motto for such a boring "event"

    special gens and hooks don't work because now as killer you get gen rushed and games last 5 minutes without slow down perks. I would rather a moonrise clone because I could at least have fun in an event, not sweat out my rear just too get 2-3 kills and some bloodpoints.

    It wasn't hard too get serum once they merged both sides, and a halloween event has no business lasting till December personally, it's why they only last 1-2 weeks.

    It does make sense. If you don't want too get the serum then play the game normally. You said yourself that it's suggested too partake, it was never forced upon you.

    It is easy for them too track it since they already do, they've said as such before, the problem was that without dedicated servers they couldn't tell if it was intentional or not. And as for the hooks and gens, why redesign them when they had perfectly good hooks already modeled, coded, rendered, etc in the game from last year? they only needed too make ones for gens.

    Simply put, they should of just fixed the event and not done the safe and unfun "special hooks and gens" route. Plus you don't even get anything from the event offering besides bloodpoints. It's not even an event in my eyes since the serum is tied too the battle pass, not the event. As you said, I can still get the serum in December when it's time for Christmas.

  • Member Posts: 7,314

    Yes but that argument makes no sense, why does it matter if you're forced to do it or not. The special hooks are not forced upon you, neither is the special gens are not forced upon you... they're just there.

    You could argue the pustula plants WERE forced upon you, otherwise you'd never get a vial and progress the Halloween event... the other ones are passive, its literally the opposite of what you're trying to say here.

    Also, again. It's easier to say they can fix these major issues without actually handling it yourself. It's a small team, they've said that many times... this isn't a 50 man triple AAA title team working on DBD.

    The part where they can track it NOW is true, but they couldn't before and that was the issue. Even if you could track DCing and suicides by hooks that doesn't REALLY fix the issue.. you'll still get people that Suicide for vials or DC when the game isn't going their way during the event... it fixes nothing but gets them banned for the next cycle of people to continue doing so.

    The event was heavily flawed and the past proves it... copying from the moonrise event will not do anything but re-use old assets for an event. Yes, you can argue they're doing that exact thing with the events special hooks... but if you dig deeper they did a lot more than you think. We have lore bits now, challenges from the archives, serums are rewarded in The Rift, etc.

    Unless you make a post suggesting a thought out process of what they could've done, I can't be on your side with this opinion my man. I mean that's ok though, conflicting opinions is fine. Cause, just saying they could've copied from one event and fixed issues with DCing and Suicides but people will still do them isn't really gonna fix the issue...

    Plus, they merged the vials near the end of the event because the Killer queue times were insanely long to get vials... guess what happened after... people died on hooks to get vials again... or the Killers just farmed (Which BHVR isn't with farming in-general.)

  • Member Posts: 767

    Thing is they’ve added The Archive which basically does the same thing permanently.

    Encourages people to play in a way that’s not conducive to normal gameplay.

    Playing survivor has been horrible due to people hook farming trying to get the Archive completed for example, or running around looking for crows to disturb rather than doing gens.

    It encourages people to not play normally because they are trying to fulfil a secondary objective; and they are looking to be getting even more niche and difficult when the other Tomes come out.

  • Member Posts: 4,299
    edited November 2019

    I have gave my feedback about this and I agree.

    I am not a fan of something in game which detracts from playing it and disadvatages the others in the match.

    I like the idea of challanges but I beleive they should be done in a way which get rewarded for playing the game as its intended.

    It's like the second objective idea for survivor going around which I think could be a nice addition but some think the challenges are like one. They really aren't as a second objective which would be good for the game is something which everyone has to help work towards to reach the end goal of escaping.

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