Ghost Face is broken

I’ve noticed that in about 50 percent of games I play against Ghost Face, looking at him does not reveal him like it should. This is a game-changing break, as revealing him is the main method of not getting exposed. Anyone else have this issue?
He actually isn't broken, just looks broken
Was he out in the open, or near some boxes?
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It is a bit wonky at the moment for both sides. But if you are having trouble revealing him for a little bit far away he may be using purple add ons which makes it reduce the range you can reveal him.
(EDIT: Grammar)
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I haven't had a problem woth him u need to turn ur character all the way facing him and it will work don't just turn the camera
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He was most definitely out in the open, chasing me while I was looking at him. Reveal mechanic didn’t trigger, so I got exposed.
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My character was facing him, I made sure of that.
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He might be using purple add ons to reduce the reveal range which will make it harder to reveal him.
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Alright, usually if a collision (From what I have noticed) is in the way of the reveal, you won't reveal him sometimes, if he is too far you will not reveal him, and atleast 20% of his body must be visible
Also the middle of your screen must be pointed towards him
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Hmm ok then that's gonna get alot of people killed
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As a Killer main, I agree that Ghostface is tuned way to strongly. I really dislike how buggy it is to destealth him or the fact that he can mark multiple targets at once so fast.
I would like to see them finetune and reform how to destealth him and more importantly, nerf the rate he can stalk multiple Survivors at once.
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You need to have him right in the center of your screen to reveal. Like, you have to actually aim the camera as he's moving so he stays centered.
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Yes. You must also raise your camera slightly up.
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His entire kit is "broken", he's a stealth killer with an instant down and he gets a reveal if his power is countered. That said he's actually a balanced killer and the Devs need to lift up every other m1 non mobility killer to his level.
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also 80% of the games against this BS killers is unfun.. they camp hooks and mark anyone tries to unhook.
pretty bad idea of a killer
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The only thing I encountered with ghostface is that it is possible to reveal him behind solid walls, when you can't see him at all. Happened since the dedicated servers are live.
However, when you're standing in front of him and try to reveal him, you should also make sure that your own character does not block the view on him. You need to see a particular percentage of him to reveal him (that's why it is hard to reveal him when he's leaning). But if you're standing in front of him and your own character is between the camera and him, you block your own view and it does not work properly. Make sure nothing is in the way, not even yourself.