I highly doubt any of the Devs can finish The Rift

When you balance around Rank 10, nerf Killers that don‘t need nerfing, yet make insane challenges where even the best players will struggle... How can the devs finish it? Very very unlikely. Proof me otherwise 😎
I highly doubt they can even get kills as a killer because "Legion is Fine."
17 -
I would love to see our devs streaming live, their attempt to finish the rift, solo.
Especially MCote, since watching him playing in Korea was such a delight.
I would even sub for 10.- just to see this.
Edit: we are talking of all the challenges on both sides, without outside help or communication within the rift timeframe.
18 -
Of course they can finish it. They just throw money at the screen. Either that or ask a programmer to set the Rift_Complete variable to 1.
16 -
This argument is ridiculous.
Developers are very rarely the best players of their own games, while I don't agree with some of the challenges in Tier 4 of the tome they are aimed at people who have 1,000s of hours in the game, to expect someone to develop a game and also be the best at the game and do everything that hardcore players do is silly.
15 -
Why should I care about this "rift" or archives even? I have seen nothing that would matter in any way..
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To be honest...I would love to get the thought process behind these decisions...but none of the devs will ever give us those, because I assume that's a marketing decision to lure in players first with doable challenges then ramp the difficulty up to the level of: in theory doable but not really, so people get frustrated to the point, that they start to throw more money at it, to complete the challenges.
I rather pay $11 for a lore dlc, well made, maybe with some nice animations and goodies like skins and charms that would reflect the lore and gives a pleasant experience, than the toxicity promoting, low level effort rift that we are getting for the same price or probably even more if you need to throw money at it in the end to access all the content.
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Completing 4 gens on your own with Dark Sense is an impossible challenge. Killing 4 survivors in the basement is impossible, this is pure greed. They don't want us to finish the rift. They want us to put even more money in the game.
6 -
Bruh, you're talking about developers who used the "blink seeing" add-on.
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I think the devs can, because they are between rank 15 to 20 + they have BHVRcheats.exe lol
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You mock the developers, but you don't seem to realise that they spend their time working on the game, not playing it.
After a long day at work, the last thing they'd likely want to do is casually play the game they dedicate their career to working with.
They don't have time to spend thousands of hours playing the game and getting good at it.
8 -
We all have a job aswell. We work, we care about family, we study, we eat, we sleep etc. Why can't the devs be good? Are they working 18h per day?
3 -
I don't see why it matters if the devs can or can't finish it...
Or do you think tetris declines in quality because whoever created it can't play like this?
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I've gotten 4k's in the basement a few times. Once they were all down there at the same time. It's doable at least at mid rank.
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There is always one guy who puts it into the extreme. Come on, don't fool yourself. Noone was talking about this insane stuff.
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Well the argument was if the devs can't do it, then it's bad.
That's just the logical extreme
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Well, most people also can't beat dark souls without using a bonfire and/or dying. Guess that means the game is bad since you get an item from doing each of those right?
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You really bring in Dark Souls? A game that is hard, sure, but it's never unfair. Aaaaand the devs from From Software surely can beat the game, so do their testers, because they make sure anything they ask is possible. DOH!
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@Superyoshiegg That's on them. I worked in both the table-top and video game industries, and I always played the games I was working on. If I wasn't enjoying and having fun in the game, how in the hell could I expect the players out there, my fellow players, to do so.
The thing is, I was a designer who was also a gamer. I loved what I did and loved playing what I was creating. If not, then it was either the wrong career choice, or the game was a bad design.
@justarandy Precisely. Working on a game is a job. Period. And since BHVR prides itself on the claim that their Devs work normal full-time hours, and not the normal industry 80-100 hour weeks, then their job is the same as someone else working full-time nowadays. And gamers find time to game. A Dev, especially those in any type of leadership position for design, should know the game inside and outside from both a design and player perspective.
5 -
Its not impossible to do 4 gens. You could easily go and help somebody with the remaining 1% and it will still say you completed it. For basement you are going to have to camp. Feels bad man
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You forgot the completely in that challenge.
You need to finish 4 gens completely with Dark Sense.
Meaning you need to do it from 0% to 100%
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Sorry, I just don't feel the love from the devs as they used too...
Yes the game was bugged and terrible imbalanced way back and a lot got fixed over time. But I miss the old community and communication we had with the devs. How they used to stream and interact, how passionate they talked about the game, killers and survivors.
Today's I hear no one really praise the blight event or the battlepass/rift. Yes, there were issues with past events, but they still we're fun to play.
Now it feels like a lifeless chore, something to be done, just to be done.
With every new addition to the game, they make the game less accessable to newer players, especially by paywalling anti-grind perks. Yes, right now they put BBQ in the Shrine. But everyone who misses the window or just started, don't has the shards to buy it, are out of luck.
I would rather love to see changes to the grind (less grind to be clear) and tie the lore to the characters. Like adept challenges can unlock hidden secrets or snippets of lore about a character. We already have something like the rift, it is called steam achievements! And we don't had to pay for them.
Just imagine, that after a regular and fun game you succeed in something and get some lore and insight, that makes you hunger for more, start to research and challenge yourself with amazing plays, winning and or helping your team or just do something goofy as a killer and regardless of the toxicity of the survivors, you will get a reward and get encourage to experiment with different fun playstyles, add-ons, perks to get more of the lore. Play as you like, not as you begin told or forced too.
Like, letting bleed out too many survivors on accident and the entity will get disappointed in you and takes away some of her entity based perks, like Bamboozle, Blood Warden, Whispers etc. Until you sacrifice a certain amount of survivors. It would be fun to figure such a thing out and to regain the favor of the entity.
A little lore pop up would be enough, but if you really pour love into it, you can animate a small clip, how the entity take some of your powers and later you are getting them back with a charm, that symbolizes her favor for you.
Such things would be cool. There would be a reason and a narrative behind it.
I could brainstorm all day about such scenarios but I ask myself, why can't the devs?
4 -
Well then if you don't have friends then you are screwed
0 -
I’m on lvl 38 of the rift and I guess im round I around until November 13th for the new archive. Chill tf out you have over 2 months to finish.
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You must be doing nothing but play dbd with some pee breaks because I’ve been playing it a lot and I’m only on level 14.
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I've been playing DBD for literally most of my days and I have only gotten to Level 15. Unless you've bought some tiers I am calling bullshit that you actually got that far that quickly.
4 -
Nice strawman argument, you're completely missing the point.
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Yes. Because if the argument is stupid for dark souls, its also stupid for dbd.
So the devs of dark souls, all of them, can and have beaten dark souls without dying and lighting bonfires? Really?
That's called using your argument against yourself, not a strawman. But good try.
If the argument is " the devs can't do it, so it's bad", then unless the devs of every game can 100% their game, that part they can't do, is bad.
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They're also arguing about the fact that the rift is ridiculous and impossible to complete. And for like 90% of players I'd say that's true.
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The argument of "If the devs can't do it, then it's unreasonable" is because they promised it is possible to be achieved by CASUAL PLAYERS. And the devs are at best casual players of their own game.
4 -
But I wasn't making a point against that, was I?
If you say potatoes are fruit and tomatoes are red, I don't need to address the tomatoes to correct you on the potato part.
And let's not use big percentages to make our points look better. You have no idea what the percentage is and there's no need to pretend you do.
It's also not impossible to beat, you don't even need to complete any challenges, you can do it with just playtime (considering you have the time), the challenges just speed it up.
Is it hard to complete? Yes.
But you're not entitled to complete it.
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No we're not, but we paid. They are blatantly using cash grab methods, which whatever companies need to make money but this game *isn't free*.
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And how do you know casual players can't do it?
How much play time is required to be a casual? How much playtime until you're no longer a casual? Are you a casual if you play a little everyday? What if you play a lot but only on the weekends? What is a casual?
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You paid for the rift? I got it as a free update...weird
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I don't know if this is trolling or just sarcasm but if you expect people to pay for the Rift, which is 10 dollars by the way, then you should expect the challenges and timeframe to be reasonable.
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And you can pay after you make all the progress. They don't say "you pay, you gain everything"
0 -
The devs themselves said that they expect casual players to play 1 hour a day. And that they can still finish the Rift despite playing only 1 hour a day. Obviously when you actually count the math, you need to play at least 8 matches a day (as well as do all of the challenges) to finish the whole Rift. And that is if you get matches that don't end within 30 seconds. And that is not counting the queue times for both sides.
2 -
Kind of senseless but ok.
We all work but I’m sure for example, if you had a job at an amusement park and you work there everyday for 8 hours or more, the last thing you would want to do is go there and be present without earning money.
Maybe with family but nah you wouldn’t enjoy it.
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They lied about 1hr a day being enough, a lie alone makes this undefendable.
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You don't know that. You're expeculating.
And even then, no. It doesn't.
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I do know that, they literally said it.
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They said one hour isn't enough?
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As per usual, 0 logic used.
Do you really think most developers work on a game for 8 - 12 hours a day and then go home and play that game for 5/6 hours a day?
Sure, there are some devs that play their games, but they certainly don't play it as much as their hardcore fan base.
Maybe the pass just isn't for you then? It's clearly aimed at people who already grind the game out.
4 -
Where is the logic in this?
The tome 4 challenges equal a whopping 7 tiers, I think you'll be fine without getting them.
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Maybe quit complaining about something you don't know the facts about?
Those challenges are also still subject to change. So let's get mad about it when they are actively right.
Meaningless distiction is meaningless.
"We know" some of these can't be completed by most people... do we? How so? Because the challenge isn't live yet. We can only expeculate. Just like this random 3 hours figure you added there, could have put any number there...would have the same effect.
Oh wow...random number increase. Nice. So 4 hours now?
Define casual. Then we can talk what is or isn't casual.
We only know 1.5/4 of the challenges. Rewards, the challenges themselves, all of this can still change.
So...the fact that you can finish it isn't good enough to show that you can finish it? Wow... does it even need anything else? At the end of the day, it's free content, you only pay if you want to. And you can pay after you're satisfied with the rewards
All I'm saying is, chill a bit. We don't have the full picture yet.
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I started on level 19. They gave you rewards for all the exp you’ve accrued since October 18
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Heh. “Options.”
Those “time saver” “options” are neither. They WANT and ENCOURAGE you to buy those skips so that $10 pass becomes an entry fee and you end up spending much more than that. If you want to skip you WILL be dropping an extra $5 AT LEAST. Also by the time you will actually want to get such “time savers” - you will have already wasted your time and energy trying to get to the next level and you’re FORCED to buy if you want to proceed.
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Besides what tomes 2, 3 and 4 will look like? Because they are still subject to change. You also don't know how many hours it takes to complete the rift, all you have is speculation.
They didn't advertise it as casual friendly. They said they wanted casuals to be able to do it.
That description fits several moms and grandmoms playing candy crush or whatever on their phone. Are they hardcore gamers? Is time spend playing games what makes you hardcore or casual?
You do realize you just confirmed to only knowing 1.5/4 right? Exactly because the challenges changed.
What the product is now, is access to the premium track. That's all. You are not paying for the rift, you are not buying the items, you are not buying the charms.
The majority? Or the vocal minority? Because I don't know which it is. Either way... the battle pass is opitional, you don't need to deal with it if you don't want too and the people who want it, get it. I didn't take the survey since I don't play on pc, I don't even know what was asked.
That's a false dicotomy.
What you buy is access to the premium track. The premium track is there to be seen in full. You don't pay for the tomes.
Math based on speculation is still just speculation. Sure, the number looks big, but we still don't have all the data.
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I didn't read your entire comment because I didn't need to, but you haven't bought the archives at all, it was all free, you may have paid for the rift but you're getting confused, doesn't surprise me really.
While the archives do boost you on the rift, they are still separate, you can complete the archives without ever putting money into the game, I think some of you need to realise this, regardless of whether you care about the rift or not, you'd have still been trying to do the archives challenges because they are fun, what you're mad about hasn't been sold to you "incomplete" because you haven't bought it.
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The challenges aren't required to complete the rift. Why does everyone come back to this. Just get the xp by playing normal and the rift completes itself...Chances are those challenges wont even make it live judging from the amount of backlash already
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That's ok, other people will read my comment and realise how wrong you are.