Spirit Discussion OP or Perfect...

So a hot topic around the community is Spirit. As soon as they nerfed Nurse the next killer on the hit list was Spirit. Shes an odd one, she doesn't have an insta-down, she doesn't negate loops, she is relentlessly quick and vicious. Once a Spirit is chasing you, hope is bleak. The main heat around this is the fact that she can turn invisible in a chase and gains a massive speed boost. However, survivors turn invisible as well. Both parties can still hear sounds however of each other. From a survivors perspective its can be demoralizing to know that you can't escape her, but it shouldn't be about being able to loop her, its about how long you can delay her. From a Killers perspective its very fun mind gaming survivors and watching them panic. Lets have a discussion on what should happen to her (if anything) and what your opinions on her are. Lets keep it civil boys.
Side Notes- So far today at Rank 1 as Survivor its been 5 games, 4 of those were against Spirit, 1 game 2 dc's, 2 games 4 escapes, 1 game a full 4k.
Personally Prayer Beads should be nerfed, makes her scarier, but not fun for survivors.
Not necessarily OP but even the devs themselves have said that she is in fact overperforming.
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She's OP I ask everyone to please let the top 3 killers
Nurse/Billy/Spirit get nerfed so that the devs can make broader changes across the board so that all killers are viable.6 -
I think she is fine honestly
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Ah yes, nerfing the only high performing killers and having only weak killers is the answer to balance problems /s
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Her basic kit is fine, people does not like her because she can hear you and hook you fast, I main spirit and ppl running Iron will can win the trial if they perform really good. That perk slow me a lot of times and cost me the match, why? Cus the gen rush is real, the speed repairing gens is really fast, for low tier and killers that dont have the pressure for surv to avoid the gens is a really nightmare, this is why we dont have a lot of killer mains. Survivors can win easily if they not commit so much mistakes, spirit lets you in a 50/50 mindgame, and thats why people wants a nerf. But the real problem is if you want a clean game (I mean if killers dont want to play such nasty playstyle) devs need to improve and change the rush speed or force to players to do other things, almost guys that only repair all the time are really bad, and they win because one chase can cost you 1 or 2 gens. Anyways, I always use the common addons, i know her power is magnified with addons, but her basic kit is fine, addons must be change in the future, I hate use powerful addons on her cause As a survivor perspective is unfun. But if you really want a change needs to be for both parts, the game is unbalanced as ....
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I would be happy if they would buff some killers and fix some maps before nerfing her. They were constantly nerfing mid tier killers like Pig and Myers, but they still didn't fix some broken loops like the main buildings from Wretched Shop, Ironworks of Misery, Disturbed Ward, etc.
EDIT But back to the topic, her base kit is fine, some of her add-ons make her too strong in my opinion.
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Billy doesn't need any changes except the insta chainsaw addons.
I don't care what anyone thinks about spirit being op or balanced but you cannot ignore the fact that most survivors just don't enjoy going against her at all and that's one of the main reasons that she needs some changes.
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I would just nerf or remove prayer beads for now. Also, avoid getting 3 genned when going against her.
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I think the interaction is just unfair as there is not much mindgame potential for a survivor especially after you got hit and spirit has Stridor equipped.
One can play sneaky vs. Spirit by using Spine Chill, but unfortunately if this gets used alot, this will screw other killers even more (Wraith, Ghost Face, Pig). And playing sneaky means also you don't get gens done quickly.
I think the devs are too mindless in terms of killer powers/abilities combined with certain perks. But instead of nerfing killer abilities too hard I would just wish they would deny certain killers certain perks. High mobility killers like Nurse or Billy should not get get aura readings or at least BBQ aura reading (Aura readings is a dumb concept at all) should not work while Ruin is on... Stridor should not work on Spirit...
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Nerf the whole game!!!
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Legion sucks for survivors: NERF into HELL
Spirit sucks for survivors: nothing happens
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I want to help survivors repair gens plz
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Prayer Beads needs removed. Then go from there. She is obviously overpowered, but I don't know how they could nerf her without destroying her. So just start by gutting that ridiculously overpowered add on and then see if her kill count levels out better.
Also why do people think nerfing a S tier killer doesn't mean a D or F tier Killer can't get buffs. Do people really not understand simple balancing? Just cause Legion is under performing (granted, we don't know the data on them that they have) and needs buffs, doesn't mean Spirit can't be toned down. And vise versa.
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According to kill ratios, Trapper needs a nerf.
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He certainly doesn't need a nerf, but you'd be silly to think he is even remotely bad as he use to be. He hasn't aged the best, but those traps can quickly turn a match around. I had very easy success with him doing the challenges personally. But I did play him quite a bit at one point in the Red Ranks so Purple/Green is cake walks 9/10 times.
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The only killer i HATE playing against is Billy. It seems like everyone turns into a potato all of a sudden. Spirit doesnt bother me since i always use spine chill.
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The devs also stated that Spirit was the ONLY outlier in this case so you know :/
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The stats were released earlier this year. Neither Trapper nor Spirit has been changed since then.
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Many of the stats that the devs have released have been incorrect, nothing is stopping them from taking another, more careful look at them. Why do you assume that their claim that Spirit is the only outlier is to do with changes to the killers, rather than the statistics?
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to be fair if you have a keen sense of hearing you can tell where shes coming from by her footsteps. Also for the pallet mind games. Its better to think of her as just a husk and always assume that shes going to move, you can use a flashlight to blind her to check. Although I think they should add the phasing sound to the chases, it would still be the same thing, but involve her power a bit more and make it easier for survivors to put distance in between. It punishes bad reads by spirit and rewards survivors for making the right read.
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Because when these stats were taken, Trapper had the highest kill % at Rank 1. Neither have had buffs, or nerfs, therefore, it should be the same.
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She is too easy to use and still being able to get her peak performance compared to how much you need to "sweat" as, even as Nurse or Billy to get someone down.
She is the equivalent of a "Noobtube" (underbarrel grenade launcher) that kills on 1 hit in FPS games. If you defend Spirit, you are a "noobtuber"; commonly known as person who wants to get "easy kills" while not putting any effort into the game.
Spirit needs to be brought down to the ground, either make her much harder to use (similarly to Nurse), or lower her potential power and make her "noob friendly" killer that she currently is, but excels at something she shouldn't whilst having such a low skill ceiling.
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As I literally just said, that information is quite obviously false, nothing is stopping the devs from taking more results and nothing is forcing them to show it to us, they claimed that Spirit was the ONLY outlier and I take their word on that.
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So you say that their old data is false, but that this data isn't? Either all of their data can be flawed, or none of it is.
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They have literally confirmed that their old data was full of mistakes
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Where? I've only heard of them saying that the survival rate was screwed up.
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Praying bead should be replaced with "Survivors on any where in the map can hear her phasing sound (like Legion terror radius to the whole map when he chase someone) except inside terror radius"
I just hope the rework on her will be her power activating speed slower, to make Survivor able to runaway further. But give her running speed while phasing faster.
That will make her more deadly to slash Survivor on Gen, but harder on chase. Force her to success on surprise attack.
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People claiming that spirit is balanced and fun to verse have no idea what balance means. I recommend those "spirit mains" to actually try survivor side for once, especially on red ranks when it's spirit like every second game.
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She needs actual counterplay. No, perks don't count because you can't counter something if you don't even know it exist yet, and you select perks before the game.
I don't have fun as a survivor with this "flip 2 coins and get 2 heads to win" play she causes.
I don't have fun as a killer knowing I won just because I won the coin flip that's weighed in my favor.
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That change just eliminates the mindgame with beads and that add-on is garbage on legion it's going to be garbage on spirit
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One change she needs is to move grass. I am pretty sure she doesn't move grass while phasing.
She should probably have her collision removed but I'm not sure about this one.
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Make Iron Will actually counter Stridor. Every ######### spirit i encounter now has Stridor equipped, and it's granted hits when you are injured because he can hear you even with Iron Will, because Stridor is ######### up.