The WRAITH too simple to play as a killer....major disadvantage to SURVIVORS....



  • Sherry
    Sherry Member Posts: 227

    Wraith is hard for me too, so I see where you're coming from. I don't usually notice him until he's right up on me. I don't run spine chill though.

  • Mochan
    Mochan Member Posts: 2,886

    You are using Empathy to good effect. While designed to find survivors who are injured and help them, it has the great side effect of letting you figure out where the killer is because you see who is being chased. Good on you for doing that, but try using Bond instead, you'll find it's a lot more versatile.

    Urban Evasion is great, it is one of my favorite perks. Sneaking around and juking killers with it is the best. You can do some really slick evasions using cover and Urban Evasion when the killer is nearby and searching, things you can't do without it because you wouldn't be able to move fast enough to avoid the killer's line of sight. It's mastering these evasion tricks that forms the basis of stealth play. Later on you'll want to add Fixated to your repertoire, it takes this kind of play to the next level. Get Fixated if you can. It's the most powerful stealth perk stealth players have gotten in years.

    Self Care... let me just say that Self Care wastes too much time. I get that it's a nice safety button to have for clutch moments, but it is simply too inefficient. Bring a medkit along so at least your heal speed isn't too gimped. Inner Strength is the superior healing perk. It's nice in a pinch, but pick your times when you use it, some people just use it the moment they get hit and that can often lose the game. Prioritize things like repairing gens or rescuing hooked teammates over self-healing.

    As for Spine Chill, you don't need to turn your head to use it. It works omni-directionally all the time. The perk that needs you to look around is Premonition. This perk is the most useful perk for stealth players because it gives you that extra edge needed to avoid killers. Never leave home without it if you want to stealth.

  • Gibberish
    Gibberish Member Posts: 1,071

    Imagine complaining about one of the weakest killers.

  • MegMain98
    MegMain98 Member Posts: 2,919

    I don’t like playing against Wraith because I hate going against stealth killers but Wraith is probably the WEAKEST stealth killer. I’d say even Pig is better. Wraith had nothing going for him in a chase. He’s not a good killer at all :/

  • thrawn3054
    thrawn3054 Member Posts: 5,897

    Wraith does well at lower ranks because new survivors are very reliant on the terror radius. He doesn't do nearly as well at higher ranks.

  • jtechR1
    jtechR1 Member Posts: 33

    Hatcreature thanks for the info....I agree he's easy to use on survivors in ranks between 12-20. I have seen the difference in ranks 1-8 major difference as i spectate when i have died as a survivor. I will have to get better rank as a killer....when i get my killer rank in the red/purple's i will try the wraith to see the difference....thanks. I've started to see i have to work more on my evading as well....

  • jtechR1
    jtechR1 Member Posts: 33

    SHERRY check out my post you might get some good info from other players. i see we are kinda on the same page with this killer...? im starting to see that im not using my spine chill correctly as i turn my camera probably causing me to loose my line of sight and just getting caught by the wraith.... my problem i think is learning to use spine chill better and practice MORE evading when it comes to the this killer.

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,616

    It's like i'm back in DbD's first year.

  • jtechR1
    jtechR1 Member Posts: 33

    nuclearburrito.....i like your name makes me laugh....2nd place huh.....hmmm....?

  • jtechR1
    jtechR1 Member Posts: 33

    MOCHAN- thanks on the empathy point i like using it because it helps be define how the match is going and help out my TEAM i believe our power is in our numbers...the more the depending on how the match is going i will unhook safely or heal or work on a engine....BUT with BARBECUE&chili it helps me to see how good the killer is with it....if i see him take him to a farther hook...or take longer to hook a survivor...i know he's good with the i will try BOND see how i do...thanks.

    I saw URBAN EVASION when i spectated once...and i have not stopped using it i am pretty good at using it like you said I am a stealth player i love seeing the killer pass me up or not see i do my best to avoid blood trails or scratch marks by using this 100% during the match unless of course i have to run I will check FIXATED...FYI...i hate closets...never use them waste of time and visual....

    SELF CARE....I Hear you....i see when i play/spectate i see how it can waste time when you could have unhooked someone or work on a engine. I usually not always carry a med-kit but i usually go for the toolbox since i have self heal...i try not to heal if i am on a gen or if i see i can unhook a player since i have empathy i can see whats going on if there is a chase so it gives me time to unhook or heal.I can help change the match this way i feel because it can mess with the killer if i can help or work on a gen. im checking INNER STRENGTH

    SPINE CHILL....i see how i was using it wrong....i was thinking you needed to be looking in the same direction as the killer in order for it to activate so i kept turning my camera...i dont even look at the GEN im just turning constantly looking it might be why this WRAITH is my my only issue in this

    PREMONITON has a cool down time i think...? i feel like that will hurt me if hes near and hasnt left the area....right???won't it render it a useless perk?

  • jtechR1
    jtechR1 Member Posts: 33

    GIBBERISH...i see your other players have started to change my mind about this subject....good advice as well via MOCHAN..

  • jtechR1
    jtechR1 Member Posts: 33

    MEGMAIN98 I dont like him either but i dont rage quit or give up that easily when i do get him as a killer 9not saying you rage quit either) problem was i couldnt see him as a survivor and when i least expected it he was right next to me ringing bells and swinging at me...ive learned to work on my evading and some other tips. Red/Purple ranks will make this killer harder from what i read in my post...

  • jtechR1
    jtechR1 Member Posts: 33

    THRAWN3054 --- I have to agree with you now....ive starting to realize that as well on lower ranks...i have yet to see more use of the wraith during higher red/purple ranks but i do see the difference in the killers rank.... of course the experience of the killer.... I've never ranked 1-3 but i have ranked 4 a few times but usually im around 6-8 ranks even at those ranks i still get to play with 1-5 players....i just cross my fingers every time a match starts and hope its not him and try my

  • jtechR1
    jtechR1 Member Posts: 33

    BOSS...lmao....I can't deny it ive only been playing for about a year now and i gotta say a great game keeps you on your toes and its always different scenarios every-time like being a part of a hooked on it and pretty good at it except for this cloaking from this killer....but from what i have been reading/comments sounds like its just me on this wraith??? I've learned some new things since this post of mine....its starting to change my thought about the wraith...still hate him but im thinking about

  • jtechR1
    jtechR1 Member Posts: 33

    LUKA2211 from what i have read on other posts...sounds like it....this killer is known for that i guess....i am learning from replies....