Low Tier Killer Buffs


So I wanna start by explaining this is my own opinion. I've played this game for well over 2 years, I have been r1 survivor and killer nearly every season, I have almost everyone rank 50 and almost every perk on everyone. I have played this game A LOT, and I'd like to think I'm exceptional at the game.

I enjoy playing killer significantly more than I enjoy playing survivor and again I'd like to think I'm a damn good killer too. I play almost anyone whether they're good or bad just to enjoy the variance between them, but I completely understand why some people feel they can't do that. Some of these killers are absolute trash against organized survivors. These are my opinions about healthy and not too powerful buffs to turn these killers up a notch, not necessarily to take them to god tier.

Clown - His anti-loop exclusive power doesnt slow pallet vaulting speed, and therefor cannot do it's job well enough. Some buffs are needed considering he lacks any map presence like a teleporting killer has. For starters his base hindered for his power should be buffed from -15MS to -30MS. The bleach fask add-on can be reworked. This alone gives him more power and better rewards for landing the projectile in a good location. In addition, the reduced MS while reloading should be lighted to 95MS or somewhere close. The currect 80MS while reloading is literally worse MS THAN HE INFLICTS WITH HIS POWER. WHY?

Pig - This is rather extensive considering how bad this killer was and it only got worse after end game collapse nerf. To start, beginning the crouch is slow, and traversing while crouched is slow (AND STILL PRETTY DAMN VISIBLE). Moving around the map at reduced MS is a HUGE hindrance, not to mention when you finally get there you give them a couple seconds to react with this loud ROAR before finally lunging with the dash attack. The crouched MS should be about 95-100, and the roar should come after the lunge is fully charged, giving less time to react. She is a STEALTH killer. WHY DOES SHE ALARM THEM TO HER PRESENCE even if she cancels too. Also, the traps are near pointless. These need a rework. My opinion is that they should start immediately and always count down while injured or healthy. The exception being if you are within 24m to her, it would become paused. I don't think the pig should see if the timer is paused either, basically removing any chance to locate a survivor using the traps. The traps are meant to slow down the game, yet they're taken as a joke. I've lost count how many times I see someone with a trap working on a gen. Makes ZERO sense. I also need to mention that if you crouch near a survivor (like on the other side of a jungle gym) the terror radius dissipates at an unnaturally fast speed, basically letting the survivor know you've crouched and defeating the point of going into sleath.

Wraith - This character... Ringing the bell twice as a warning is a bit much, right? He should be ready to attack IMMEDIATELY after the second ring.. and to be honest, I can't understand why there are two rings to the bell. He should also be a bit faster in cloak. I think his speed while cloaked should give him the map presence he needs in exchange for having a power thats pretty unusable in a chase.

Doctor - Base range on shock therapy should be 25% bigger, without increase charge time. He'd jump up just from that, but I also do need to state that it's pretty stupid his MS goes from 115 to 110 when he switches to treatment. Stifles his ability to chase while also trying to passively tiering up survivors around him.


  • kaoraku
    kaoraku Member Posts: 247

    I have to agree the most what you say - and nobody have to play 2 years to realise these.

    Since for a while now i play Pig mostly, I know this part the most - it's trap really a joke. However I already saw 4-5 people die from it (2 in one match), but it's not really work on higher ranks. Many times the first box removes it, and even if not, they usually just don't give a shite about it.

    Also the crouch. It is slowly indeed, for the price of your sight. On many maps you have no chance - too big open areas, meanwhile you can't see ######### from the grass.

    Her addons should be change a little too I think, since most of it almost not worth anything. They got more skillcheck to remove? On higher ranks it is irrelevant, people able to hit overcharge with T3 madness.

    Wright shouldn't be faster in cloak I think, he still fast as hell. But his decloak really really slow, even with speedboost when finished it.

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,613

    1 ring for the uncloak & 2 for the cloak?

    I dig that.

  • DieForTheCoven
    DieForTheCoven Member Posts: 6

    Why shouldnt he be faster at base in cloak. The power cant be used in a chase as is... so there's no reason he doesnt deserve that. Freddy can cross map teleport, set traps through walls without walking to the location, counter borrowed time, and slow down the game just by passively putting people in the dream world, without doing any actual work himself. How would a little more speed help?

    Speaking of Freddy, I want to point out at base he is basically a killer with Clown's antiloop but with a cross map teleport and innate game slow down.

  • krowzar
    krowzar Member Posts: 66

    This means there is no point in playing Clown since Freddy's snares last forever when placed and map pressure.