I Like The New Challenges, But It Does Lead To Toxic Behavior

I'll admit it. I'm 100% guilty. My mission was to scare 25 crows. I could only find one crow on the map so I slugged all the survivors and let them bleed out so I could scare a crow for 4 minutes. What are some examples of your toxic behavior trying to accomplish a challenge?
i mean... you didnt have to do that. its gonna be a while before level 2 comes out, so you can take some time with these challenges. so far i havent really had to do anything toxic.
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no, the crow one is an either side challenge.
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Depends if they play the game a lot or not. Better to finish the challenges in fewer matches if possible if you don't exclusively play dbd.
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If you want to get the crow one done use lery's you will have it done in one game as long as you do 5-6 laps.
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easy crows on badham maps where the flock around the tables and such in groups of 3 on the outside of the map. Makes that challenge super easy. The only real kinda toxic thing is running borrowed time and hook saving people for my unhooks.
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I didn't really think about which map had the most crows when the game was starting. I was using an event offering. Honestly, I never paid very much attention to crows. It feels like they are all over the place when I'm playing regardless of the map. But apparently there actually is a lot of disparity on how many crows are on each map.
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*Laughs in Haddonfield*
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Swamp Offering. Triggering one of the Crow Bombs is enough for the Challenge.
And well, you dont need to get the 25 Crows in one game anyway.
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I'm getting a little frustrated with them too. People will rush the challenge objectives over playing normal games and then complain there isn't enough content in the rift/archives.
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I'm surprised that I'm not seeing more confessions of toxic behavior. I know I'm not the only one who hasn't been playing nice to get an objective complete. I just finished the "sacrifice 4 survivors by any means" quest. I went with Trapper using Ruin, BBQ, Deerstalker, Iron Grasp with the iridescent stone and purple sac using a basement trap strategy. I know it isn't nice, but it is effective and worked like a charm.
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Toxic behaviour will happen no matter what. It's perfectly possible to do all challenges without having a different behaviour than what you normally have.
If you are just focusing on your challenge without caring for the normal gameplay, you're just being selfish. To be honest, I actually think these challenges are a good test to each individuals character.
It's up to each one to choose what you want to be.
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Its for both killer and survivor
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Couldn't u just bring a backwater swamp offering and just scare the crows off the giant boat/house?
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Man for the crow one a survivor put on an ormond offering I was going back and forth near the end and when I finished the match I needed one more to finish the challenge ;-;
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I had to slug some people for some time to get the 1 kill during the EGC, the last gen went off I opened the gate and hooked my slug to finish the challenge. What's bad is I had like 2 people slugged so they were relying on their one teammate to finish the last gen and I kinda camped the slug to not lose them to adrenaline or a heal
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I pretty much did the same thing. Slugged one when there was only one gen left and waited until the other 2 finished a gen. Then I went and opened the gate to start EGC and hooked the slugged player. That player had already been hooked twice so I didn't need to camp for the kill at least.
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There are tons of crows on the Springwood maps fyi.
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Played normal games,still completed all the challanges in 2 days ;/
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i brought an ebony mori cuz the challenge said to kill them by any means and i thought it meant a mori :p
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Well, I feel unclean after that. I had to camp a surv because he was closer to the hatch (two survs remaining ) and I needed to close the hatch to trigger the EGC and kill the last one.