Why do events bring out the worst in people

From both survivors and killers it's so infuriating to play during events. Either I play survivor and get left on the hook while people rush gens or I get mori'd off of hook or play killer and have the gens get rushed while people are saving left and right and using some of the worst looping spots with the right set ups. Just so sick of trying to enjoy a game that rewards bad behavior and people continuing a negative feedback loop. I just really needed to vent because I just want to farm double bloodpoints and take a nice long break from this game
That first game I imagine maybe ONE gen was done the whole match looking at their BPs, IF THAT. Second game they did a little better, but either way, I only see one BNP in both games and an "insta heal" which is basically just a heal while moving, because it still takes the same amount of time as if you were being healed normally.
Post edited by Rizzo on0 -
The main reason I'm even playing survivor is trying to get the Archive missions complete but I don't hardly get a chance to do anything. Just had a game where I was in the basement looking for a med-kit and Feng got downed near. I hid in a locker and waited for her to get hooked down there and when the Wraith left I got out to save. BUT I had Spine Chill and he was still looking towards the hook so I waited longer. Feng then proceeded to kill herself, which I promptly saved her once I realized but she already wiggled to second state right as I save. She then proceeds to fast vault the window until the killer comes and I just used the shack pallet, causing her to get downed instead of me. I saved the Kate that had gotten downed but the game was already lost at this point. Feng then proceeds to flame me and call me a locker hiding rank 20 and a sandbagger. I'm pretty much at my breaking point with this game.
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I'm doing survivor stuff. Not a high rank survivor only rank 9. Had a campy tunnel freddy who let 1 of the teammates go to instant phase 2 hook cause he wouldnt leave. Over the game time he whittled us down, combined with the laggy servers (deadharded and got hit, cooldown went off, but my character got hit resulting in me sliding all over the ground for a second) we all die, (I play on PS4 btw) and the clown for whatever reason messages me saying "Too good" I sent him a "?" He said "I'm too good" I said "I guess" then let him know one of my teammates sent me a message saying he was tunnely. Quite a bit (which I noticed, he didnt ever really go far from hooks and if he saw the person get unhooked hed just stop chasing and tunnel whoever got off hook) then tried to say "Nah, I'm to fast your guys moves were just predictable I could read easy" blah blah. Completely unnecessary. Would it kill people to just say GG? It's annoying to listen to people stroke their own egos. Try to be graceful. And people wonder why people get so toxic from both sides. Literally people spreading their filth. The fact you have to go out of your way to message me on ps4 to try and tell me you're too good. There was no teabagging, no nothing. Dudes just a person who's too into himself.
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I think with the archive missions you pretty much have to accept that you're most likely not going to live when doing them. If for example you have one where you have to get 3 great skillchecks with This is Not Happening, you pretty much have to equip No Mither and a toolbox with sabo skillchecks. That's how I got the challenge. I equipped "increased skillcheck on sabotage" addons for my toolbox and went around saboing hooks until I got 3 great skillchecks. With get 2 unhooks in one game, you're pretty much forced to either wait until you get a game where everyone's done their rifts, or run BT and unhook in the killer's face. If you're doing a difficult archive mission, don't worry about surviving, just finish the mission so you can get a better one next time.
Fun fact, the disturb 25 crows took me 4 games. I disturbed 19 on Hawkins, 0 on a corn field map, 3 in another game, and finally the last 2 in the last game. I don't know what happened because I felt like I'm always disturbing crows.
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I did the crow challenge as killer on Autohaven wretched shack I think it's called, and there were literally 5 crows in the entire map and they were all on the edges of the map on rocks. I didn't realize devs ruined crows so bad, Spies from the Shadows is even worse than I realized.
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Do you know those " would you slap your GF for 1000€?"- bets?
Now replace the GF with some random jackass on the internet.
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Simple. The challenges and extra bloodpoints encourage selfishness and recklessness. It disrupts the base objectives.
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Lery's is really good for crows; They're all over the hallways. I completed the Crow challenge with that map alone after two games of 0 crows.
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What ranks are you in? As far as I have encountered most games played normally if anything I've farmed more. I'm rank 1 though so the people playing are different. Then say rank 10. The most toxic thing I've had happen is people always destroying my event hooks so I can't use them but I just tunnel those people and kill them.
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Least you get events. Switch players have not got to play hallowed blight and probably won't and still no mid chapter patch for it either.
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been lingering around rank 5 to 1 and been getting mixes of same ranks or rank 10s or even 15s. Dedicated servers will fix the game though, don't worry (insert immense sarcasm).
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Yeah man, that really sucks. People say, "If you're having trouble with killer just play a chill survivor round." But it's just as stressful when you're a survivor because you get the most braindead teammates and have to do everything yourself.
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Because the worst come out for the events.