Why does hex ruin spawns suck?

Seriously 8/10 matchs the stupid thing will literally spawn next to a freaking generator and be broken within at least a minute of the game. Doesnt help the huge buff to detectives hunch. Pretty much directly counters hex ruin. I don't mind counterplay...but....mah ruin :c seriously at least put hex spawns in better spots.


  • legacy
    legacy Member Posts: 53

    Use another perk ?

  • Skrill0x
    Skrill0x Member Posts: 50

    Rather, why does ruin not do its job? I've had 3 games in a row now where gens had been done in under 6 minutes and ruin stayed up throughout 4 out of 5 gens. It doesnt slow anyone down anymore, i dont know why. Maybe toolboxes need a nerf

  • ColonGlock
    ColonGlock Member Posts: 1,224
    edited November 2019

    Stop relying on a gamble perk. Learn how to juggle survivors properly and you will be formidable and have 4 perks all game.

  • legacy
    legacy Member Posts: 53

    What rank are you ? Good survivor don’t even care of your ruin, when I go on a gen and I see ruin I hit the skill check I don’t go away looking for the totem. Ruin was good in 2017 time as changed ;)

  • Poochkips
    Poochkips Member Posts: 265
    edited November 2019

    Wrong tagged person


    Who said they relied on it. It's a stall perk at best. It's not NEEDED a lot of the time I run pop goes the weasel and overcharge.

  • Nicholas
    Nicholas Member Posts: 1,951

    I only get Ruin if I see it, almost never actively pursue it. However it is an RNG perk, sometimes you get potatoes that spend the entire match looking for it and other times all five gens pop while it's active and then there are those matches where Ruin is ruined within nanoseconds.

  • KuromiStarwind
    KuromiStarwind Member Posts: 325
    edited November 2019

    Because good survivors know the spawns of totems - they're all static spawns. Not hard to find them. They're nopt supposed to be so well hidden it's never found, because some people don't know how to find easy things.

  • Poochkips
    Poochkips Member Posts: 265

    That's why I say it sucks. I would hope they do something to mix it up. Or just let me place it myself tbh

  • ColonGlock
    ColonGlock Member Posts: 1,224

    My problem with these threads is killers obviously believe in Ruin and think it is needed as a perk, but still ask for it to be even BETTER.

    It has to have a downside, and there are perk combos you can run to protect it if you want to be a hex guarding killer.

  • Davidjzuniga
    Davidjzuniga Member Posts: 53

    Oh another killer wanting survivors to be nerfed into the ground. Ruin slows the game down by a lot more than just a bit. Just get good.

  • ahandfulofrain
    ahandfulofrain Member Posts: 528

    Homie... ruin does nothing. I play both sides and I can definitely say that ruin is almost laughable at red ranks.

  • Davidjzuniga
    Davidjzuniga Member Posts: 53

    Good. Ruin is a crutch perk thats used by every single killer anyway.

  • Davidjzuniga
    Davidjzuniga Member Posts: 53

    Spirits and billys use ruin every game and they have insane map control. Isnt that a bit overkill? Yet survivors just have to live with it because killers expect a 4k every game

  • PureHostility
    PureHostility Member Posts: 708

    Use corrupted + ruin if you really need that sort of "slow down".

    Ruin is only useful when people stack on a gen (in red ranks). Otherwise, it is a useless perk that only increases the repair speed of gens by ~20 sec at max.

    Corrupted is a better choice if you need to funnel survivors into a specific zone/removes instant repair spawns of survivors, thus decreases first gen repair speed by at least ~30 seconds.

    As people mention, ruin is a gamble perk, sometimes it works (spam of skill checks and unlucky misses) and sometimes it doesn't (hitting greats and not getting any skillchecks).

    In other words, ruin isn't necessary, but if survivors see it and decide to look for it instead of repairing gens, THAT'S when ruin is at its strongest. The worst case scenarios with ruin are:

    -It is found instantly


    -people just work through it and don't care about specifically looking for it.

    You can play without ruin, but that requires not sweaty survivors who camp and tunnel generators and especially no SWF. Don't over commit to chases, switch targets when needed, use "bad chases" to clear pallets if possible, pressure gens AS MUCH as you can, but that requires a lot of game knowledge and game sense.

  • ahandfulofrain
    ahandfulofrain Member Posts: 528
  • Davidjzuniga
    Davidjzuniga Member Posts: 53

    Yea the two most used killers in the game beside nurse. But thankfully shes been balanced :)

  • Monlyth
    Monlyth Member Posts: 982

    I patrol my ruin totem if it's near a generator or out in the open, in an area where survivors are likely to pass by it. Otherwise, I don't bother with it and just patrol the generators.

    Even if it gets cleansed within the first minute or so of the game, it still buys me a lot of time. Both by slowing down the survivors working on the gens, and forcing the survivors to waste time looking for the totem.

    There's a reason everyone considers it top-tier, including some of the best players in the world.

  • oxygen
    oxygen Member Posts: 3,307

    Remember that even a Ruin totem that goes down in like 40 seconds might have an impact on the match. That might be what you needed to get someone on a hook and disrupt another survivor, while yet another one has to go for the save... that alone can be the difference between 3 gens popping in unison or not. Even if the survivors hit every skillcheck it technically buys you a tiny bit of time as they don't get bonus progression from their skillchecks.

    Getting an early down can of course have a similar effect, Ruin often gets you a little more time to get the ball rolling. If you expect anything more out of Ruin on average it'll probably be a frustrating perk to use for you.

    On the Badham rework variants and the newest map there's some pretty sneaky totem spots, so I'm sure future reworks will have similar improvements.