Why does spirit exist ?

honestly all I want is a vault animation and prayer beads to be Nerfed
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Another troll?
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Maybe git gud?
Spirit has counterplay, being perks, back tracking, making a puddle of scratch marks, walking, etc
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what a original thread, literally no one thinks like you!!
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There is counter play to spirit and perks that make her a joke... its not hard to figure out. You can do it!
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imagine have to bring a perk just to counter spirit
spirit have such a big lack of feedback compare to any killer in the game, and there is no actual mindgame in her, I main spirit and I hate myself for maining her aswell
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Imagine having to bring a perk, cough like hex, to combat gen rush each map. Now before you say well you dont need a perk to do that you just need to get good. Well that works for going against spirit too.
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Dont worry shes getting looked at because survivors cant be bothered to learn her counterplay so she performs above and beyond.
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tell me a counter play that doesnt have to involve any perk
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Yes i know i sound like a whiny b!tch but how every trihard spirit will run straidor so iron will can be thrown right out of the window. And before you tell me your god tactics how to juke a spirit she would easy and simply and with 0 brain cells pump into me.
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you are compelety wrong go play against good spirit ( every spirit with 1 brain cell) and come here again to tell us what you think. You only win vers her because she is bad or she doesn't know how to phase.
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Lol What?
As much as I hate Prayer Beads, outside of that I think she is probably the most original scary killer in DBD.
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Fast Vault a window, then slow vault back.
Run at a pallet, then walk away slowly.
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As others have said, Spine Chill is extremely handy against her. Hell, I'm awful in any chase, since I always loop into a dead end stupidly most times, but Spirit is pretty easy to outplay. Hell, at one point, I was chasing her for 5 minutes doing 360's around her before I got downed allowing my team to pop 4 gens. Sure, she can be powerful at times, but practice makes perfect after all.
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then tell me a counterplay ? oh wait there isnt because of the lack of feedback she had that's causing all of the trouble, you injured? that mean you dead. I could just stand still as spirit and the survivor and play one of the most braindead plays every in the game. There is no feelings of outplay when the survivor are just having to bet wherever you're phasing or not, and even if you do phase and they know, spirit ability to track and a speedboost after she stopped phasing really doesnt help creating an oppoturnity for the survivor to make a play. I dare you to bring no perk, going against a rank 1 spirit and see how long can you really last with that skill.
Comparing her to gen rush is ######### stupid, why dont you compare a pallet to a crow, litterally 2 different topics. And also if you complain about genrush then dont cry about hex ruin, pop,... getting removed/hard nerf, perk that affect the overrall flow of the game is why gen rush is still exist nowaday, and the lack of communication between solos and swf also causing the trouble, you want gen rush to get nerf then accept the fact that communication will get buffed and slowdown/speed up the game process perk will get hard nerf. But brain dead killer main that cant put up map pressure against bunch of solos will prob complain about that anyway, just like how they cry that now dedicated server live killer will have a ping disadvantage that survivor have alway been suffering for the past 3 years now.
TL;DR: there are many problems with the game right now, but using that as of an excuse to not fix other problem is dumb
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- she can hear you,see your scratch mark and she have speed boost when coming out of phase
- she can hear you,see your scratch mark and she have speed boost when coming out of phase
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She does have counter play and you don’t need iron will. I can play against her and although she downs me faster than other killers, she is balanced imo but I believe that it was confirmed that she’d get looked at.
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She can only see your scratch marks if you are sprinting, if you're fast vaulting the killer will assume you're on the other side, since slow vaulting is very quiet. And her speed boost is worthless if she's on the other side of a pallet/window to you.
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Why does DS exist?
And don't say "anti tunnel"
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You mean a perk that can be used on any killer vs a perk that any decent survivor doesn’t need unless Spirit is the killer? Terrible comparison. Thats not a valid counter, considering survivors have to bring perks like DS and BT to combat tunneling and camping (which is far more comparable to your Ruin example). Bringing a perk build for one killer is nonsense. The changes don’t even need to be earth shattering, just get rid of the collision or move the grass, let Prayer Beads be changed to ignore whatever is added. That’s not nerfing a killer to the ground.
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I don’t run DS or BT, they aren’t needed perks.
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I'd say BT is pretty necessary sometimes, I don't hate it nearly as much as DS.
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I disagree. But regardless, Spine Chill is not a needed perk at all unless the killer is Spirit. That’s just stupid. It is not comparable to his ruin example whatsoever. That’s all I’m saying. Gen stalling perks and anti tunnel/camp perks are. These are universally used and don’t require a specific killer or specific survivor perk and combat issues each side feels they may have with the game. Spine chill and ruin isn’t even close to the same.
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This BS is what people said about Nurse too; Killer wins it’s because they’re OP, killer loses it’s because they were a bad player.
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Why does SWF exist? They communicate and they can genrush you hard. It is boring to play against. Fix it BHVR
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I run spine chill quite often. It's useful regardless of who you go up against. Next you'll say that Doctor needs nerf cuz Calm Spirit is necessary to counterplay.
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I have 2k hours and i play both sides. So yes i clearly have 0 experience i would not come to this forum otherwise
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Shouldn't have to bring half a load out for one specific killer. If that were the case it'd be impossible to enjoy the game because I hate going against the spirit and the plague. Yet spine chill isn't necessary against a killer I can actually see and hear. And this whole game isn't based around the spirit. There are other killers that have to be taken into consideration if you're going to bring perks to counter them.
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I rather go against nurse than spirit anytime at least i can know when she is using her power and for how long and when she is going to land *.
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She's being looked at so possible nerf possible no nerf
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ok, but if a spirit has put the time into the game to learn how to use her properly, why shouldn't that player be rewarded with kills? I get that she is broken in some aspects, mainly survivors not being able to track her but she does take some skill to use
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Spine chill is just a great perk all around though, especially against other killers like wraith, myers, ghostface and pig
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I run spine chill to counter Ghostface and Myers not spirit. It's only because I hate getting grabbed lol
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Photoshopping your point into a comic does not make it any more valid than before.
I'll just leave this here https://clips.twitch.tv/ObeseKitschyToothKippa
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not even a good meme, nor funny too but good try. also watch the clib that guy sent. let's see what you think she is getting Nerfed eventuality
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I'm going to warn everyone publicly right here - either keep this discussion civil and lay off the insults towards one another or this thread gets locked right now.
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Hey, join @ScottJund into a kyf lobby and show him that, he challenged everyone in his recent upload on youtube.
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Spirit has no counterplay?...let me introduce you to immersed blendette.
If she's phasing she's blind and she's slower than most killers so there's a little time on your side.
Stealth Vs the spirit can break her. If she's investigating a noise you made she will come and waste her time looking for you.
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When Spirit is phasing she's 176% speed, so way faster than most killers! (makes her 7.04m/s)
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I mean she cannot see you during this time unless you're running around like a maniac leaving scratch marks everywhere. She covers a lot of distance but she doesn't get too much information from it.
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Every survivor that gets beat by spirit believes she is OP and needs a Nerf.
Every survivor that beats a spirits believes he is God tier survivor (which he is if playing against a good spirit).
You just gotta practice more.
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At least his post is on a gameplay issue and trying to discuss something worthwhile, unlike yours.
Devs said spirit would get looked on as she is currently overperforming OP, hopefully that means she gets adjusted to a more healthy state.
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First of all, creating 10000000000 topics per day saying the same coments over Spirit like omg she's so broken, she's op, she has no counter play, she need to be deleted bla bla bla isn't discuss anything. Devs already said that she will be nerfed so what's your point?
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to counter sweaty swfs
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People say that because its literaly the counter.
Dont tunnel and it wont be a problem. If you say you cant win without tunneling then clearly im some magic hacker without even knowing it because the last thing i do is tunnel and it goes fine.
But, to each their own play how you want!!
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Hey, someone who plays Killer here. You might even say I'm a killer main, though I play both.
Can you not act like survivor mains has no reason to complain about her? She obviously needs some nerfs, but acting like this is just survivors whining is not going to help out with anything.
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you are pertinently to good with spirit kappa holdm2 for big brain outplay..