The "combine-harvester" (or whatever it's called) trick on Cold wind farms can't be done anymore.

If you don't know what im talking about, there was a trick that allowed you to get on pile of straw, then lunge and attack a survivor who jumped over window in the up-right corner. This could be used by experienced killers to get hits sometimes. Since this update the whole trick can't be done anymore. And i don't know what was the reason behind this change. It wasn't even mentioned in the patch notes.
Most likely due to the engine change if I had to say.
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I thought it was because I was using spirit who walks a bit slower, as I've only tested it on 4.6s before that since the other 2 don't really do all out chasing
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That's good. Le'ts lower the skill ceiling even more. Would be on pair with this minecraft hit reg
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If it means survivors can't drop from the side of the hayball anymore (which made it way more safe) it's ok imo. The harverster is not that good anyway, it's very easy to make them block the vault.
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Pretty sure this is a bug. Can’t be sure.
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I think Peanits said in the past that it was a big (or hopefully a bug). It's something I always had fun being hit from and hitting with, I hope it comes back!
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That sucks. I really wish there were more things like that in the game, and I hope they didn't remove them on purpose and that they patch it back in
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That’s good, about time they fixed this unfair glitch.
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Still no reply on whether it's intended or not ><
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Its not a glitch
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How do you do it? I had the tractor thing done to me the other day, they just kept slow vaulting over and over and the window never got blocked.
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You just have to make sure the chase doesn't get interrupted.
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How does that help? Bloodlust? I don't think the chase got interrupted, but I still wasn't fast enough to catch her :/
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Bamboozle perhaps?
Cruel Confinement is also surprisingly decent when gens are near harvesters and the dreaded map windows.
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Apparently it's easy to do just in normal gameplay. Bamboozle should not be the only way to do it, because killers should not need to use certain perks to stop survivors holding the game hostage.
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Oh, I'm not saying that you have to use such perks. I was just merely suggesting possible solutions to your problem. Honestly, if you happen to main Trapper you could just trap the harvesters and be done with it. After all, that unique trap location is actually impossible to disarm.
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I appreciate the suggestions, though it's not really an ongoing problem. It's just something I came across in a game recently, saw it mentioned here that there was a simple solution to it, and was wondering what the solution was, or what I should have done differently in that situation.
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Could I ask for a bit more info? By your first comment it sounded like they had the opportunity to just safely slow vault over and over which meant where you weren't exactly chasing them which is why the windows won't close (it only starts doing so when they vault 3 times during a "chase"). IE it sounded like you ran between the "ramps" back and forth and they just climbed back and forth which won't lead to it as a survivor needs to sprint to have a chase start in most situations.
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Yeah, that is what I did. Am I supposed to vault after them or something? I was in a chase with them before they ran up there, and I don't remember the chase ending at any point but I could be wrong.
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Yep you have to go ring around the harvester to get a single hit after ~25 seconds. Hence why this "tech" is usually welcomed by most killers / survivors as if the killer is slow on the tech / misses the survivor can climb back over and jump to other side
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exploit, you get what I mean
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Not an exploit either
It was put in to make tractor not an infinite pretty much
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So why did the devs remove it? It allowed the killer to access a part of the map by swinging which couldn't by survivors. That doesn't seem to be fair so I think that this fix was a good one
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If I recall correctly, this was a known issue in the PTB that never got fixed.
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They didn't mean to remove it. It most likely got messed up becasue if the engine update.