Rework of Hex totems [Ruin, and the others]
[NEW GAME MECHANICS] Hex totems remain active until the 5 "opaque" totems are active, purify the 5 totems so that the benefit loses power, for each opaque totem the hex benefits lose strength. Now the HEX is linked to 5 opaque totems (They won't turn on)
- Hex: Thrill of the Hunt
A Hex rooting its power on hope. The false hope of Survivors fills you with excitement and strengthens your totems.
- Add additional opaque totems to the game 5/10/15. (To bring HEX benefits in your 4-perk build)
- Gain 6.66% more Bloodpoints for actions in the Hunter Category for each Token purified by survivors.
- Survivors' cleansing speed is reduced by 0.25/0.35/0.5% for each Token.
- Gain a notification when someone starts working on a opaque totem.
The benefit of this perk will remain active until the 5 opaque totems linked to this PERK are purified.
- Hex: Ruin
A Hex that affects the Survivors' skills at repairing Generators.
All Survivors are affected by Ruin, which causes the following:
- Good Skill Checks result will block the generator for 4.5 / 3.25 / 2 / 1.25 / 0s depending on the opaque totems that remain.
- Great Skill Checks grant 0% bonus progression on the Generator.
- Hex: Devour Hope
A Hex rooting its power on hope. The false hope of Survivors ignites your hunger.
When a Survivor is rescued from a Hook at least 24 meters away, Devour Hope receives a Token.
- 1 token: Gain 3% Haste Status Effect 10 seconds after hooking a Survivor, for a duration of 5 seconds.
- 2 Tokens: Gain 5% Status Effect 10 seconds after hooking a Survivor, for a duration of 10 seconds.
- 3 Tokens: All the survivors suffer from the Exposed Status Effect for 45 seconds.
- 4 Tokens: The survivors suffer from the exposed status permanent.
- 5 Tokens: Grants the ability to kill Survivors by your own hand.
Each opaque purified token will cause you to lose a token until the benefit is voided.
- Hex: Haunted Ground
The power of this benefit will remain within the 5 opaque totems. The power of this benefit will remain until the 5 opaque totems remain, for each purified opaque totem it will lose potential, until it becomes null.
- Each time a survivor purifies an opaque totem, the survivors will remain in the "exposed" status for 12/24/36/48 / 60s.
"Her home became profane."
- Hex: Huntress Lullaby
Hex rooting its power in despair. Your hunt is an irresistible song of dread which muddles your prey's attention.
- Survivors receive a 6/5/3/2/0% regression penalty when missing any Skill Check.
Each time a Survivor is hooked, Huntress Lullaby grows in power:
- 1 Token: The time between the skill check and the warning sound is -0.25s.
- 2 Tokens: The time between the skill check and the warning sound is -0.35s
- 3 Tokens: The time between the skill check and the warning sound is -0.45s
- 4 Tokens: The time between the skill check and the warning sound is -0.50s
- 5 Tokens: No Skill Check warning.
For each opaque purified totem the benefit will lose tokens until it becomes null (0)
"That song, it drives me crazy!"
- Hex: No One Escapes Death
A Hex rooting its power on hope. You are animated by the power of your Hex Totem when the Survivors are on the verge of escaping.
- Once the 5 opaque totems are purified, a purified totem will be revived. And the hex will be applied to that totem. (The Hex will NOT gain strength, as there will be 1 totem)
- While this Hex is active, Survivors suffer from the Exposed Status Effect and your Movement Speed is increased by 1/2/3%.
"And the beast became faster and more powerful as if The Entity's shadowy whips were lashing at its back."
- Hex: The Third Seal
A Hex that hinders one's Aura-reading ability.
- Need HELP for update this perks with the new mechanic of totems.
"She touched your skin, you bear the witch's mark!"
too many totems would cause problems.
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I have no idea what you're suggesting here.
I mean, i see new kind of Totems, but how does this work? 😵
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[NEW GAME MECHANICS] Hex totems remain active until the 5 "opaque" totems are active, purify the 5 totems so that the benefit loses power, for each opaque totem the hex benefits lose strength. Now the HEX is linked to 5 opaque totems (They won't turn on).
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I don't know man, this just makes it seem like an excuse to make TOTH a meta perk. Having 15 Opaque is a bit much plus the 5 that normally spawns, don't you think? Even with the rework you're suggesting.
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The suggestions you're making for the hex perks are overpowered for the most part. For example, blocking a generator for ruin for 4 seconds is extremely punishing for a lot of players. I myself can hit great skill checks often but I still hit the good ones about half the time. For haunted grounds, you said that all survivors will suffer from exposed if any “opaque” totems are cleansed. That’s pretty powerful considering it heavily discourages cleansing; combined with noed would make that perk way over powered. I play both survivor and killer equally, and if you ask me, this looks like a killer main trying to imbalance the game more.
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But where do they come from?
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ruin deserves buff i can't stand to see my totem being destroyed in less than 1 or 2 minutes of play i always have to play only with 3 perks because my toten doesn't last anything is easily destroyed. Please BE HAVIOR fix it fix this toten is very weak.