This is beyond a joke

Right looking through these forums on a regular basis I see non stop survivor mains whinging, moaning and crying about certain killers. Asking for a lot of killers to be nerfed. It's a load of trash and the Devs are listening to them and nerfing good killers. Eventually it will get to the point where no one wants to play killer because all killers will be useless, this in turn will kill the game.
- Legion + Nerf = Now unplayable
Freddy + Nerf = Unplayable and then Freddy rework comes and people start whinging about that and eventually he is going to be nerfed again
Nurse (Was a viable killer) + Nerf = Now slightly unplayable
Pig + Nerf = now unplayable really
Spirit + Upcoming nerf = Gonna be unplayable
It is ridiculous
Pig unplayable?
21 -
Legion-->Was no good Killer to begin with. And he was unfun and unhealthy for the game.
new Freddy-->not really much complaints about him. Most of the complaints are more about his massive Slowdown, which I agree, it is too much and new Freddy can be viable without just putting as much Slowdown as possible on him.
Nurse-->Still the best Killer in the game.
Pig-->Pig got nerfed passively, because of consistency. The End Game Potential of the RBTs got removed, because they are not intended to be saved until Endgame.
Spirit--> Wastly boring and unfun to play against.
Dont see any of those you brought up justified. But well, whining thread of a Killer Main?
Post edited by Aven_Fallen on49 -
Nurse is still top tier. Legion was trash to begin with, same with Freddy. Pig is nerfed for consistency, which I agree is dumb. Spirit does need a nerf.
21 -
I agree with you 100%. Well said
We'll gradually return to dark times
6 -
The game is going to die soon if all of these complaints keep coming. All one Sided no talk about balance.
1 -
Nurse is not top tier anymore, even Hag has surpassed her. Nurse is not fun anymore as well, I might as well start playing green and up add ons spirit to show people what Op and unfair actually is.
3 -
Yes, it's ridiculous how best killer in the game (still) is unplayable...
sory but...u don't know how to play without cruthes, old nurse was i'm talking about overall was like omnipotent character, they needs to decrease her chase potential and this is done, she's still numer 1 but it's a lot of harder to play, spirit on other hand, her chase potential is fine, but she's too easy to play imo, ScottJund make video about Spirit and there's my thouht's she need to be harder to play, not decrease her killing potential imo
7 -
Please refer to the fighting game. The nerf is an adjustment that reduces the fan. The developer is breaking the game.
0 -
the only thing people whine about on Freddy is the ridiculous slow down which is valid
10 -
And all survivor mains see on forums is killer mains whining, moaning & complaining about gen rush, loops, pallets, SWF & insta heals.
GUESS WHAT? Got my medkits butchered when self care isn't even worth a perk slot.
Everyone complains....
14 -
Medkits butchered? Buddy i don't know what r10 survivor you are but I have protection against billy/myers/gf and lots of killers with instadowns be it via perk or ability. So excuse me where did they butcher the medkits? Not even that but i can prolong chases just as much as before.
OH NO how they butchered those kits
4 -
This is a joke right?
Nurse = Way to powerful, and people have been asking for years to get her nerfed. She's still top tier and can still win a game if you learn how to use her the new way.
Freddy= Sucked after the nerf is amazing and fun to go against and play as now
Spirit = Only issue most people have with her, is that those who play her use her to tunnel the crap out of people right off a hook
Ghostface got nerfed within a week of the PTB and is now only used to meme with (watch the Twitch Rivals if you don't believe me)
Billy can still insta down with his chainsaw and addons
Demo should be stronger than he is but Devs don't want to upset survivors
Now let's talk about killer mains and their whining issues
Insta heals - GONE
Insta heal 1 stage - GONE
DS - nerfed to 60 seconds which means we now get slugged because god forbid use a perk ONCE in a game while the killer can contently mori, insta down, tunnel and camp
MOM - GONE protection hits don't register but killer mains cried over having to hit them one more time
Moris - gets nerfed YET still can kill you and end the game within 6 minutes (trust me I've done it) with no gens finished because you tunnel off hook and mori (yes I've done this for a challenge that the DEVS put in the game to justify tunneling)
Don't sit here and whine about survivors complaining all while they're getting nerfed and perks are getting trashed. Killers can STILL kill, can still tunnel, can still camp, and can still use NOED.
I play both survivor (rank 8) and killer (rank 5) The game is dying because of the bugs not getting fixed, and because people are crying to much and forcing the devs to change crap that shouldn't be changed. I'm sick of reading these post while you all complain about the other side, and yet you're doing just that. Whining over everything. The devs are to busy listening to the whining about what needs nerfed and what doesn't that they're not fixing what actually needs fixed. So it'd be great if y'all can shut up for a while and let our game get fixed. In the meantime learn to be a better killer and/or survivor.
21 -
You're deluded, survivors get nerfed in every patch. Killers are rarely looked at.
I play both ways I'm not a survivor main, I'm just seeing it as it is
9 -
I don't know about that...i like nurse better now than ever
0 -
Nurse is still a top tier killer, probably the best.
Pig.. i dont know what people have with her, i get 3-4K with her on red ranks frequently. She is pretty solid in my opinion.
Spirit need some slight changes, like removing or changing some of her addons and remove collision. Then she is fine. At the current status, she is to strong period.
0 -
I really like Legion. They deliver points and pips on the regular. I destroy with Pig plenty. Nurse is still good in the right hands + using add ons. Fred and Spirit are killing the hell out of everyone.
Killers have it better than we have had it in a long time.
That being said, killer can a frustrating role but that is by design.
We are not supposed to win every match.
5 -
Nurse is still top tier you just have to wait a second or two longer for the 2nd blink for you to demolish the survivor
Pig just got nerfed since they didn't want people to complain about her being oppressive end game with the RBT's if they stayed the same
Legion is probably the worst killer in the game now but they can give you points pretty well and there nerf was needed since they were hella unhealthy for the game
Spirit might get gutted out bad from the complaints they receive everyday
0 -
I guess if you ignore all the whining about survivors then you'd only see whining about killers.
Try playing both sides.
4 -
Even a console nurse main can still play her. Legion needed a change but now they need buffs. I’m kinda upset about the spirit nerf since I like facing her though.
4 -
I see only spirit nerf posts, no clue what other killer nerf posts you see.
4 -
I mean you can look up in this very same post and see people asking for a Freddy nerf because his slowdown is "too much." Rank 1 survivors have an 80% survival rate, and that was before the nurse nerf, so no, they don't need to nerf Spirit before they do anything else like people are screaming for. They need to buff Doctor, Leatherface, Clown, Wraith, etc. before they take down the last really viable killer against a red rank SWF. Otherwise you'll see that survival stat jump to something terrifying like 90%, which is terrible in any game. Just to clarify, I don't play Spirit unless I have a daily, and have never played Nurse. I just think overall killer viability should be increased, then they can pull Spirit down to whatever makes people happy.
1 -
It doesn't have to be a direct nerf, it could be just a exchange. For example: instead of slow down addons he gets double teleport addons. A rework, which might be even stronger
0 -
I've faced full SWF in red ranks as killer and the gens go WAY too quickly as it is. Killers need slowdown perks and addons because otherwise you'd win even more than 80% of the time with all matches done in 10 minutes or fewer. I know it feels frustrating from the survivor side, but the overall stats of how frequently killers can actually win a match at the highest level are terrible.
I've been playing both sides evenly recently (not playing as many hours as I used to, so around purple ranks this month on both), and I'm never really that stressed playing survivor. I just don't see tons of close/competitive matches on either side anymore, and that definitely contributes to why people quit the game. Beefing up the cast of killers overall and bonking Spirit with a slight nerf bat would be great with me tbh. I just want a more competitive game and not landslides going either for or against me. Not sure if anyone else has that experience, but just what I observe :)
1 -
the Legion changes were not made with the intention to nerf the killer. instead, the devs did what they could to get rid of all the annoying aspects the killer once had and therefore make them somewhat fun to go up against. every single change that went into them without this intention was a direct buff.
i do agree though, that i heavily dislike what they did to Deep Wound in general.
still the strongest killer in the game. its a 3 second delay before you can doubleblink again, this is not killing her. it only punishes you for not being able to hit a survivor after 2 blinks and allows for some sort of possible counterplay if that is the case. good nurse players will be literally unaffected by this change.
what spirit nerf are you talking about? the last thing i heard from the devs is that they do not have the intention to look into her at the moment and that they are currently looking into doc - though nothing is confirmed yet on what they want to change.
still very much playable. the traps are still very effective during the trial, yet they had to do something about the EGC. if a pig trapped you during EGC with the old traps, that would literally mean game over for you and would make her way too strong, especially combined with endgame perks like NOED.
she also just received two very nice buffs regarding her crouch mode and her ambush attack. in case you missed them: while in crouch mode you now have the undetectable status effect, which makes you immune to any sort of aura reading and the ambush no longer counts as a normal hit, allowing you to keep your STBFL stacks.
and on top of that, there have also been some survivor nerfs at the same time, like the EGC itself or the removal of insta heals.
2 -
His slow down build does the thing killers want. Slows gens down a lot
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If you ask me it's overkill
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It's not a one way street as people on both sides cry for nerfs constantly and it's mainly due to something they dislike or affected them in game.
The thing is people only tend to see the nerf posts which affect the side they play and if it's for the other it's more of a QOL change.
That is as much as an issue as the nerf posts themselves as it's not about what's best for the overall game but what is best for their individual experience.
2 -
"Pig.. i dont know what people have with her, i get 3-4K with her on red ranks frequently. She is pretty solid in my opinion."
Unreliable ambush and inconsistent traps.
2 -
This thread is beyond a joke.
9 -
80% Survival Rate is due to a poor statistic. It takes the Rank after the game, not before the game. So if you derank and die, you are not counted towards the Rank 1-statistic.
2 -
Hag and Plague main and does anyone actually read patch notes? Killers get constant fixes and I’m happy about that but last I checked I’m getting 4K easy w Hag, Piggy, and Plague. Also literally just started Nurse and though I’m inexperienced w here and didn’t play her until after the rework I was able to get 3k each time... this just seems excessively whiny
3 -
Unplayable because we miss what we once had.
0 -
Lol, then you're blind.
I see at least 1 post a day whining that camping and tunneling need harsh punishments because Killer's should be happy with a 2k.
I've seen Survivor mains who will DEMAND Killers give them a hatch because '3k is enough'.
I've seen Survivors who think they should be immune to being hit after an unhooking.
Survivor mains totally believe they should always escape, Killers should ONLY get a 2k, and THEY should never die.
One even said, and I quote 'A 4K should be next to impossible. A 3k should take massive skill.'
So don't sit here and pretend Survivors don't expect completely unbalanced changes, because they ask for them every day.
4 -
I think your definition of unplayable is a bit out there compared to most
1 -
Let's see.
Killers complained about exhaustion perks. Nerfed.
Killers complained about Self Care. Nerfed.
Killers complained about Insta Heals. Nerfed.
They complained about infinite loops. Nerfed.
Need I go on? Both sides have complained about things. You act like all the devs do is comb the forums for things to nerf. As for the killer nerfs.
Legion was the most annoying killer they ever invented. There was no counter play and desperately needed a change. Granted they pushed too far.
Freddy's nerf made no sense. His rework has been great. Anyone who complains now can't be taken seriously. His slow down potential can be rough. But it's not that bad.
Nurse is still viable. If you think otherwise, you're kidding yourself.
Pig was hurt a little. But is hardly unplayable. Though like many of the low and mid tier killers, she does need a buff.
Spirit is in the hot seat now. I would argue she needs some minor tweaks. By which I mean a few addon adjustments.
3 -
Buff weak killers, rework busted maps. Problem solved. Maybe.
0 -
Most, if not all of the nerfs were needed on both sides IMO. Questionable execution on a few albeit.
1 -
Unpopular opinion here but I actually had fun with and vs old Legion. Now the experience is ehh with the changes he's no real threat.
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What do you in particular mean when you say "win"? Like you win as killer if you get more bp than 3 other people right? Or do you have some other objective like you win as killer if you survive the match?
Killer is the winner, they live forever doing what they love, killing.
0 -
forever freddy is plain silly... and the ability to just spam snares with no downside is also silly. hes not nurse level but over all way too tedius
1 -
what they did to MoM is inexcusable. they gutted a paid dlc knowing perfectly well what they made and what was intended. god forbid a killer dlc/perk gets that treatment because killers ######### about everything
4 -
because camping has 0 counterplay for the person on the hook. the game was made for u to die in 3 hooks not 1 because a snotty ass kid is triggered at looping. its bad game design
3 -
It's almost like, when you put a player into a game, you can't control every outcome. Huh.
It's not cheating. And, I mean, do you log into an FPS and demand the devs remove spawn camping? Scream at people not to play sniper classes, because those can oneshot & prevent newer players from playing?
No, judging by your post, you probably ran any infinites when they existed and gave a smug 'U mad I can loop?' reply.
Camping defeats itself. it does not need an anti-camp measure. It does not need the devs to throw in some half-baked punishment just because a Survivor is triggered that he died first. THAT would be bad game design.
How does camping punish itself?
Well, it takes 2 minutes to die on the hook, if you don't kobe and you do struggle in second phase.. That's 120 seconds.
Doing a gen takes, at maximum (no toolboxes, no Great skillchecks hit, no skillchecks missed, no teaming up) 1 minute & 20 seconds. Or 80 seconds.
If every survivor does their own generator, that's 3/5 generators done with 40 seconds to spare. All to secure 1 kill.
And that's not adding in: finding a Survivor. Chasing a Survivor, hitting the Survivor, chasing the Survivor some more, hitting them again, picking them up, & carrying them to a hook.
In reality, camping 1 Survivor, from start to finish, is roughly 3 minutes, 20 seconds. Or 200 seconds.
That's MORE than enough time to do all 5 generators, since, with 2 left, you will probably group up a bit to do them faster.
So no, camping does not need some half baked, BS punishment made by a triggered Survivor who died first. You don't a get out of jail free card because you're not mature enough to handle a loss. And you certainly don't deserve it just because you are unskilled enough to be hooked first.
That's the real reasoning behind every 'Reee! Punish camping!' thread; it's someone who wants to second chance because THEY died first and that's 'unfair' in their head.
1 -
nurse was a viable killer .. LOL
most of them had 3 blinks ruin pop.. so much skill was required LUL
2 -
Even if you throw out actual rank 1 as an outlier the chart is still in the 70s for rank 2 and 3, and that's considering with this information you know rank 2 survival stats are tanked a bit from all the deranking 1s counting against it. The numbers still stand because the trend is established by every other legit datapoint leading up to it. Also, if this were a significant enough portion of the sample size to really affect the numbers, you'd see a dip in survival rates from rank 3 to 2, then a sharp rise going to 1.
0 -
This is true +1
0 -
I mean technically I can play them. I mean there isn’t a pop up that appears saying I can’t play the killer. So all of the killers you said that are unplayable are still playable 👌
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I have my win condition as a PiP as killer because that's how the game defines a win, loss, or tie. Survivor is different for me because I'm very dissatisfied with a lot of matches I play where it gives me a point, so I disagree with the game sometimes on that. Bloodpoints mean nothing because you can definitely dePiP while getting more points than all the survivors.
But my whole point was regardless of the win condition I'm more looking for close matches than to just dominate every game to feed my ego. I want to have fun, and it's no fun when you either face meta SWF with comms that ruin your day or total random potatoes that might as well be throwing/farming. I want more opponents in between those two extremes, and the same goes for my survivor matches.
1 -
seems like you ignored what i said to write some novella everyones heard 10000000 times.
1 -
Oh, I read it. You seemed to miss the point of my novella.
There will always be someone dying first. This is NOT the Killer's fault. The Killer should in no way be punished because someone had to die first.
And that person should in no way get a free unhooking or second chance just because they were the worst out of 4 players on their team.
Again; people whining for some sort of 'punishment' or 'counterplay' don't want it for balance. They want it because they, personally, want a second chance for no reason except that they find it unfair to die first.
So either man up and accept it when it happens to you, or stop playing a PvP game.