Why it sucks to play at high ranks

- teammates that won't save you until you are on in struggle phase.
- Only going against 2 killers the rest of your life at high ranks (Spirit and Billy)
- More about winning than it is about having fun like all games are supposed to be.
This applies to survivor by the way.
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I mean it cant be that bad to play against the same killer since you’ll learn how to play against it
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It's not learning it, it gets boring to play the same killer over and over again.
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Yeah, that's what i suffer in solo queue too.
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The problem is that it's human nature to be competitive. To "Play for fun" sometimes even if you have that mentality, becomes more competitive for different circumstances in the game. Often times "your fun" removes the fun from the other side. It's not really realistic to play for fun a lot of the time, unless that is completely your personality.
Personally when I played survivor I played for fun, when I played killer it sort of depended on how the survivors played - which generally, they pretty rarely played for fun.
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I have no issues with solo que survivors. Yes, sometimes teammates will leave you on first hook even though you've done 3 of 3 gens, looped killer, went for a couple saves, etc. Other than that, I would say it's pretty chill.
Red rank killer however, I am always feeling like I have to constantly give a 110% effort and when they're popping off 2 gens simultaneously while I'm still chasing someone I feel like the only way for me to come back is to slug/tunnel to slow down the game. It's not a fun experience at all when you're going up against a SWF, but it's been a lot more tolerable since the medkit nerf. The only time it's chill for me in red rank (and I don't play Spirit), is when I know for sure there's a couple solo ques or double SWF in lobby. Or just hope that the 4-man SWF isn't that great.
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you forgot about killer side
- run ruin or the game is over in under 5min
- if you dont run top tier killer you are probably gonna have a bad time
- long Que times
- needing a 4k to pip barely most of the time, rarely will you ever 2 pip
- sweat every game or enjoy losing in under 5min
- wanting to just quite the game when you run into a 4 man SWF
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I hate it when teammates leave me on the hook to reach second state. Pressing the button on the controller gets to be too painful, so it only takes a couple matches before I just let myself die if they don't rescue me before I reach struggle state. It's not worth it to stick around, 'cause the killer will put me right back on the hook to immediately kill me. That can happen in any ranks, though, not just high ranks. 'Cause obviously I'm not high ranks.
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Number two doesn't happen to me, Number three is more like is more about getting points then winning or having fun.
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Well tell BHVR to stop nerfing High tier and Mid-tier killers, and instead buff low-tier and mid-tier killers to Billy Level
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I'm a rank 1 killer and I love playing as Wraith, clown, and trapper. But I'll always have those matches. The ones where 2 to 3 gens pop when I down someone for the first time, Ruin or no. Killers would love to mix things up, but there's no incentive to. I try to have fun and I'm punished for it. That's why you'll always see killers like Billy, Nurse, Spireh and Freddy. Because people don't enjoy crappy, arguably unwinnable games (especially when they have to wait an ungodly amount of time just to find a match).
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I had a game yesterday where Discordance proc'd immediately on the far side of Ormond. Physically couldn't walk to it in time before it was finished. I don't blame killers for not wanting to mix it up either. I play all killers at red ranks except Huntress, but I know what I'm signing up for when I take Clown without Ruin. You'll have situations where you literally can't counterplay your own objective. Good balance.
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Agreed. This is what they should be doing.
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Billy is a free ticket to red ranks due to how op and ez he is.
So Id rather not,thanks.
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I'll let them know.
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until they fix his cone on the saw and his interaction with terrian hes braindead and ez
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People are crying for Spirit nerfs now after Nurse so prepare to only face Billy.
Going by the trend he will be next on the chopping block after Spirit gets ‘looked at’.
Maybe they should change the game name to Survive Until Daylight lol ;P
Give it a few months and Billy will have to wait for his chainsaw to refuel after each use and they’ll add the power recharge meter they’re so keen on slapping over everything.
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survivor is unplayable.. ghostfaces always stay by the hook undetected too
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As a Freddy main in Red Ranks:
- You don't have to run ruin, you just need to have the right build that allows pressure on gens and survivors at the same time.
- Freddy is technically a top tier killer now, but he can still struggle with some of the killsquads in Red Ranks.
- Agreed
- I've personally NEVER wanted to pip in Red Ranks, I don't want to go deeper into this hope than I already am. If I can get a good game and the result is "ENTITY DISPLEASED", that would be the most satisfying thing to see especially in those ranks.
- That I also agree.
- 4 Man SWFs sucks, but they tend to be predictable. You can use their communications against them.
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Nice meme
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what you mean?