What else was I supposed to do let them escape ?

So I apparently i got reported for camping which yes I did do I only do it if I have a reason too I play both survivor and killer so here’s the thing I was doing the get 5 kills challenge (anyway) and I had survivors sabotaging all hooks so when one finally came back take note they only did one gen when one hook came back I camped that person on hook and downed survivors near it they got up go situated again the one person on hook died so then I started playing it fair once they stopped sabotaging they still didn’t have gens done I got every one else on 3 hooks and one to die by endgame then I started getting salty messages like common no one likes camping I don’t like camping but if you leave me no choice I will lol as survivor if I go in sabotaging every killer hook I expect to be camped if I’m caught if I’m not I expect to be tunneled Because how else is a killer supposed to get things done
Also let me put up that if I’m being camped I want my team mates doing gens not hook rushing a camping killer
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That's their fault for not punishing you for camping. They could have been doing gens. I get mad at camping, mostly because my team is waiting by hook or crouch walking around. If there is Hex:Ruin, I'm more accepting. Still annoyed, but accepting.
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Same like I had to wait for a hook to grow back before I could even put one on hook lol I was getting my challenge done no matter what lol the whole time they only had one gen done if I slugged them all I would’ve got the same message lol
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I absolutely hate campers. The basement is always available. Also, if 2 survivors rush a hook being camped, you can get them down without much issue. One takes the hit while the other unhooks when the killer is stuck in coll down, then takes a hit for the unhooked.
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If you camping the two fist survivor, and finish the two last,
you will izi won 2 pip; 25k in less than 5 minuttes, at the green rank!
So gongrat M.C for these mecanics...
M.C almost recomended camping, so...
because can't do 4 kill in stream...
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Couldn’t get them to the basement I tried didn’t have iron grasp agitation either I hate camping too but if it’s necessary imma do it if they’re playing toxic like
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Really wish people would learn the old trick of "moving arms on a hooked survivor means killer is near/camping". It would save sooo much headache with randoms.
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Until you find survivors that do the exact opposite - wave arms to signal “hey, I’m alone, come save me!!” ;)
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I know that is the current problem. The arm wave use to be a universal signal back in the day for "killer near" but after the first DBD "Free giveaway" day it has become a completely random gesture again.
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That would be nice.
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Tbh, I don't have as many issues with camping as I do with the people trying to save me.
Lets use a scenario:
-I'm on my first hook
-Killer: Camping Leatherface
Nobody gets gens and rushes for me, when they could be using some time while hes camping me to grab itens and fix gens.
This hits me hard as if I'd been brought into a Hatch-play, where I'm surpossed to be escpaing with hatch and I didn't know anything about it.
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As ######### a tactic as camping is, it's still a tactic. If the survivors know what to do, you will only get one kill. Two max. However, if the survivors rush the hook and get themselves all killed, that is in no way your fault. They cannot complain if they got themselves killed.
Also for the record, camping is not bannable. So don't worry.
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You can camp all you want, it's only against the survivor set of rules. The devs have said it's a part of the game and up to survivors to pop 3 gens while you camp to punish you.
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Camping is not a reportable offense. It's your choice to camp or not under certain situations. Turn off messages to avoid hate from angry opponents.
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She if heard the new thing is if the arms go all the way up, it's all clear. If they only come up a little it means killer near. That's half the confusion I think.
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I had one guy call me a camper because he died and one time i put down 2 bear traps near him when he was hooked and left
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Things didn't go to their plans as you were the only variable they couldnt control. They expressed that after in hopes of shaming and spoiling your win. My advice: close chat and keep it closed. Only allow friends to message you.
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You know its bad when they call a killer a camper lol...but survivors can taunt after opeing the main gate and hang out in there"camping" around then they scram when the killer comes...stop complaining ( the is to the survivors not the OP)
i suck at playing survivor,so when i get downed and hooked im not even going to fight the crap
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Killer hooks prey, another prey appears too soon, killer gets that one or baits another prey by turning around and going to hook and manages to grab prey, gets them hooked, both survivors DC and message you to hell with "tunneler" "noob" "trash"
That's the average game for a killer that dominate people with the most simple trick yet, thing is, if you lose to a killer to a method you believe was trash or noob play, does that by that point say you openly admit you're worse than someone that's a noob? if you win by all means say whatever, but if you lose, then, that makes you an even bigger noob, does it not? Tunneling and camping can be punished, but tunneling is harder to punish and camping isn't really a great strategy, unless in the basement, then camping nearby based on map is the strongest possible, especially when 2 is down there
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No offense, but that is legitimately how the trapper camps so he doesn't have watch the hooked survivor. He just waits for his well placed trap to be released or an unsuspecting survivor to get caught in it on their way to save, and that's enough warning for the killer to return and pretty much guarantees another hooked survivor.
Not saying you shouldn't do that (I've caught two survivors in traps heading to save the hooked survivor), but don't kid yourself that you aren't camping because you left the area.