I want to show some respect for BHVR

I am a gamer like all of you, I am just over 30s and games since I've memory...
I start few new months ago playing DBD, interesting and unique IP, I would say a bit a niche game. And I can't understand one simple thing: why there is so much hate for this developers? BHVR shows courage to create the game and even more courage to keep on developing and offering new stuffs... Why hate them? Is a game, you are not interest, skip it, you don't like some updates? Well they are meant to be pleased by the majority of community and even then when the community is not happy they do their best to change something. The game is not tailored for each one of us, the critique are welcome, every critique is a good assist for improvement. Instead of hate and angry post I would like more mature and genuine discussions! No insults to the people working for this title, they are professional people. I see way to much rudeness that surely is counterproductive! A better relationship between us and them is surely healthier for the game and for the users...
See you in the fog my friends! Stay nice!
I love the game and don't hate the devs but their nerfs, monetizing decisions and sometimes shady practices piss me off so much.
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A mature answer thanks. I think no one like the monetization but still, a company is a company, business is business and a better development needs more money to be achieved. I do not blame them for that, I am not always happy ofc like all of you, but I do respect their choices and I am the first ready to criticise. being angry doesn't automatically means write a full hatred post. Thanks for understanding and saying your opinion.
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The problem is that they cater more to the casuals more than the higher ranks so the players who are always playing the game and supporting it have to play an unbalanced mess. The majority of players left because they havent changed the game hardly. The game on average has 25,000+ players on pc and when they added the endgame collapse, they got 90,000+ players. That is all the old players who left because the devs werent adding anything good but new killers all the time. If only they changed the base game, players would come back. But they would rather have things like passes with skins that ARENT EVEN EXLCUSIVE and a mobile version... That aint it chief. They gotta change gens and I believe that is the probklem.
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Behaviour refuses to balance around higher ranks as @WickedMilk03 stated. The game is extremely frustrating for both sides up there because of that, and it's not fair. Genrush, Mori, key, even some perks and the spirit.
They also nerf some things that don't deserve it, like Nurse and her add ons. (even after ptb when everyone said the changes were bad). Also the battle pass is really terribly greedy for a paid game with loads of dlc.
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They don't have a good track record and until they start cleaning up, they're only digging themselves further down.