My thoughts on Billy (as a survivor main)

I think he is balanced too
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oh god oh ######### you saw through my disguise!
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Most balanced killer in the game.
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billy is so fun to vs
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weak in the highest ranks.
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He is really well balanced. Fun to go against, not op against solos and can beat swf groups.
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I know a certain streamer who thinks billy is on (Old) Nurses level! And that he needs a nerf immediately 😂😂
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I agree. He is just fine where he is.
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I still find it funny at times because people used to think that he was a really horrible killer back in the day. I honestly try not to use the chainsaw too much, but that can have its own set of positive and negative effects on the game.
Still, I really wouldn't want him changed too much, but I pretty much play survivor and killer at a near 50/50 ratio. I just adjust my strategy accordingly. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. But I do understand why some people don't enjoy playing as or playing against Billy.
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If billy gets nerfed in any way as popular as he is there will be a lot of player walk away from the game because there are a lot more billy players than there are nurse or spirit .
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Someone needs to define enjoyment of versing a killer . Does it mean looping them to oblivion , t bagging at the exit gates, t bagging when u have dropped a pallet ? Does it mean that the killer is balanced and doesn’t need nerfed if u can do all of these things to them and if u can’t do them do they need nerfed ?
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i enjoy a killer if they are juke-able, they give some indication that they are coming (the chain saw revving/ nurse blink charging) and if the killer's leads to a lot of "oh god that was so close. they almost got me.
this is why i dont like vsing spirit. she doesnt give any indication that shes coming
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Its a shame that almost all good Billy players have quit the game and we are left with ruin, bamboozle and pop billies with insta saw :(
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Yeah, I know that streamer too. And he even reports every Billy he plays agaisnt and writes "nerf Hillbilly".
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Who is this chad
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The Dev's view on balanced Killers:
'Mr BHVR? I don't feel so good.."
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His name is Hexy.
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It’s just that BHVR overreacts and goes overboard with nerfs without thinking. cough Legion
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And Nurse.
Not saying she did not need altering, but they did not try 1 or 2 things, no. They took every idea and crammed them down her throat all at the same time, without actually seeing how each one would affect her.
Now we're left with a Killer who can't move across the map without her power...Because no one thought 'If we take away her ability to spam Blinks, maybe we should speed her up'.
Can't chase without her power.
And her power has a cooldown no one asked for.