Reliable build

Everyone has there own build that works best to their playstyle, some people share that style, so, let's hear it, your top personal builds for survivor and killer (can add why, give the situation that you commonly see that created your ungodly power, place as many as you want, I'm sure this kind of post exists but I can't find any, probably just looking the wrong way)

Warning, super long, wanted to add most for anyone new to the game so they can try different styles that work or at least for me, the win% is a estimate and low balling, also based off the killers I used at the experiences of myself and a friend new to the game itself with my account put together, this took alot of time (Freddy, spirit, pig and legion)

Killer builds:

1: dying light, thanatophobia, overcharge/surge, ruin/huntress lullaby....time, lots of time, I like overcharge with ruin more but sometimes the lullaby can be underestimated until it becomes a need to find, surge is limited to where you deliver the final blow but definitely can be more useful at those points and the other 2, well, it's like thanatophobia on steroids haha

Rank 1-5 wins: 81%

Rank 6-20 wins: 100% (even myself as killer main, admits this is too much, but I love it)

2: haunted grounds, thrill of the hunt, devour hope, ruin....a game of true chance, can you cleanse totem before killer arrives? Will that totem be the reason your entire group dies? Will it be super beneficial? Do you ignore it and hope your group doesn't get hooked too much? Either way the game gets determined quite early, if left too long then killer most surely wins, if luck is against you, killer gains an edge, if luck is with you, it makes the killer have nothing to fight with except hope you get 60 seconds of exposed and found quickly

Rank 1-5 wins: 79%

Rank 6-13 wins: 79% (these ranks are easier to kill overall but seems to hit totems alot more commonly making this one less effective)

Rank 14-20 wins: 100%

3: brutal strength, fired up, bamboozle, save the best for makes chases much shorter when you can vault quickly and block that spot as well and quickly break pallets, and up to 40% attack cooldown, obsession at least gets peace but if they make a real mistake, it can result in the rest of the game forever sat at 40% quicker time to lash out again aswell as getting up to (5th gen makes this kinda useless as no one will be moving in a way this will help) 35% vault speed and a blocked window, 40% pallet and gen damage speed, 20% picking up and dropping speeds (39% 44% and 24% at 5th but only the picking up is any good at that point)

Rank 1-5 wins: 66%

Rank 6-13 wins: 90%

Rank 14-20 wins: 99%

4: no one escapes death, unrelenting, mad grit, save the best for last....this is just aggressive pure and simple, noed I know people hate, but the objective is to win, so I don't really care, but, missed attacks, so what? Not going to be a big hassle, get a hit, cool, still gonna be real close especially late game, trying to block hook? Looooooooooool! Die, managed to get gens? Cool, now I even move faster and will recover quick enough to abuse the exposed part, again I know noed is almost taboo but again, the objective is to win so I don't care

Rank 1-5 wins: 75%

Rank 6-13 wins: 88%

Rank 14-20 wins: 99%

5: infectious fright, unnerving presence, agitation, distressing....a portable hindrance, not particularly strong, but this is great for practice with new killers you yet are to try as it just makes you the only actual issue not any extra distractions, move quicker with bodies duh, find your victims easier, make anyone close to you suffer

Rank 1-5 wins: 38%

Rank 6-13 wins: 57%

Rank 14-20 wins: 77%

Survivor builds:

Same thing, myself and a friend at different experience with same account, we used Claudette (except with 1 of the builds which I'll say) as she is easier to hide in plain site if it was needed as females are smaller, and Claudette has darker clothing, hair and skin, real good with a spot that is very dark

1: botany knowledge, self care, urban evasion, prove thyself...this works nicely all round, it's like having a med kit without the med kit, the movement at less visibility and nice pace gens when with someone, very good to decide if you want a medkit to mega heal everyone or toolbox to get an extra edge to repair gens with people, it just works, and I love this one the most, you don't need to rely too much on people but makes things much easier when they are there

Rank 1-5 wins: 86%

Rank 6-13 wins: 97%

Rank 14-20 wins: 99%

2: (Kate used here) boil over, window of opportunity, flip flop, unbreakable...screw the killer lol, boil over makes them moving you a pain for them and with flip flop and unbreakable, you can get a decent head start on the wiggle timer, up to 50% (most likely you'll have between 5-10% depends on team mates getting chased for a bit or not then possibly much more but the amount of times this had made the total difference is enough to be great if you get caught or even a chase type, that's where window of opportunity comes in, you know where to go, especially if you're like me and forget where things are or unsure what pallets are left, anyone with great memory of maps, try lithe or tenacity or decisive strike the win % would be greatly improved but I'm useless at remembering maps)

Rank 1-5 wins 77%

Rank 6-13 wins 84%

Rank 14-20 wins 89%

3: urban evasion, distortion, calm spirit, technician...too low to see and at walking speed to make couch just standard, 3 possible moments you can sprint for a bit and not have your aura show up, spies in the skies just tragically dies, mistakes happen, and if not, at least killers have to be closer to actually hear the generator, that has its own rewards there, this is simply to just complete things entirely unnoticed, which for you doesn't seem quick but for a killer, it creeps up unexpectedly, a few times

Rank 1-20 wins 55% (this isn't massively powerful, if caught you will have issues, unlike the first one, you can't heal yourself without a med kit so you must rely on others, with a med kit it doesn't last very long and isn't as quick as the first one, this is super tricky to master and I'm not great at stealth, I'm decent but those that are awesome at stealth may like this, I know the second you rely on others for healing but unlike this one, it has a strong chance to ruin a killer dash to the hook)

4: prove thyself, spine chill, resilience, stake out...gens gens gens and more gens, conditional but, have a toolbox, be injured, have a killer on the way to you with your knowledge, and be hide well enough for free great skill check boosts, if you are super good at that tiny space for great skill checks have leader, for the final push

Rank 1-5 wins 88% (plus hate messages on PS4)

Rank 6-13 wins 95% (plus some hate messages)

Rank 14-20 wins 99% (no hate)

5: prove thyself, leader, sweetwise, vigil...walking buff machine, nothing special, great only for SWF really, but can save the odd few people from death, topic of SWF, 1 use this, another with a set up that has wake up, on, and another with an extra leader (so you get benefits too) and this would work quite well.... unfortunately I did not have this happen often, once actually, and it went very well and won't be included due to rarity of it happening without friends, will put my guess for a SFW result

Rank 1-5 win 36% possible 69%

Rank 6-13 win 75% possible 97%

Rank 14-20 win 66% (cause these people need a slap God damn annoying...stop moving the hell away from things that I need you to use, it's quicker for you than I) possible 100%

TLDR every one has their ways, find yours through these or others
