Survivors: What's stopping you from playing killer?

katerbater Member Posts: 126

This poll is mostly for those survivor mains who want to play killer more or dip their toe in and/or who are low rank killers.

Killer can be fun. With the archives coming out, I have found new reason to try playing them again, and it gives me more incentive to try my killer dailies as well. But there seems to be many things hindering my killer play, and I'm curious if others are frustrated by their obstacles to playing killer.

Would love to hear your thoughts on the option(s) that fits your situation best, or if there isn't one, select "other" and tell me about it in the comments! If there are multiple reasons, select the most important one to you and then you can elaborate on them in the comments.

Survivors: What's stopping you from playing killer? 65 votes

Learning curve
Queue times for low ranks
FoggyWeather_InnCognitoshanks3042zirumioxTheLegendDyl4n1LadyKandomereLeonardo1itaBlue_DiamondpichumudkipZackAndCodyGreentheNinjaNoOneEscapesNancyJbla 13 votes
Feeling bullied
darthbabymakerShugoriKnucklesMrsGhostfacexRem 5 votes
Feeling like there's more pressure as killer (in a variety of ways)
StevoPigNRunarslaNRainbowPatooiejmaximo93ApackawolvesPandiferirejogAzurlynxDreskiABannedCatDonnycNescau_FernandoMedicSpirit7AngryFluffyMrPenguinpremiumRICEMysticAdvisorAwakeyDr_Loomis 28 votes
Toxicity in end-game chat
drunky26BenZ0Gravnoshinoutoumei 4 votes
Other (comment below)
Luigifan64GibberishFibijeanPeasantJacoby2041ElkCJsDBDwhammigobambamGrootDudeBithardbomb1720SlimyTacoAshley122PigMainClaudettevossler25 15 votes


  • CJsDBD
    CJsDBD Member Posts: 85
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    I dont like crushing peoples dreams of escaping xD expecially since i havent played killer in a long time, so im rank 20-18 and everyone is very bad.

  • ABannedCat
    ABannedCat Member Posts: 2,529
    Feeling like there's more pressure as killer (in a variety of ways)

    I am by no means a survivor-main, but I still voted, because I feel like that answer represents my feeling about playing killer. I play alot of killer, so I am always staying at fairly high ranks. But I can never play killer for too long, due it being so mentally demanding. Survivor however I could (and have done as experiement) play for 12 hours straight with just toilet breaks, and don't feel exhausted at all. I am litterally reading "The Martian" book right now as I play survivor. Even stealth killers have no scare factor, because of their audio cues (Myers' and Pig's breathing, Ghostface's cloak making noise in the wind for example). Its just so so much more chill and easy.

  • premiumRICE
    premiumRICE Member Posts: 798
    Feeling like there's more pressure as killer (in a variety of ways)

    Pressure and queue times

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342
    edited November 2019
    Other (comment below)

    I don't hate killer, but I'm not someone who tends to overly enjoy the power trip that comes with hunting and murdering survivors, which I think is what draws a lot of people to the role. Unless I'm forced to kill people because of a mission, I almost always let everyone go at the end when I do play killer. I also tend to prefer cooperative play in general when it comes to games.

  • Awakey
    Awakey Member Posts: 3,145
    Feeling like there's more pressure as killer (in a variety of ways)

    I usually do play Killer, but in short bursts. I'll play like 5-8 matches and then just go play Survivor/other games, because it's just too much to handle

  • bomb1720
    bomb1720 Member Posts: 428
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    i would love to play as killer. i try so many times. i do not know why i find it so difficult, most of the time my emblams are black! i am extremely good on a variety of games but playing as killer on this game i can not do! i average 4 rank as survivor. it's so frustrating!

  • Peasant
    Peasant Member Posts: 4,104
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    I prefer to play killer, but on PC there are just too many killers already! Seriously, queue times are rough on PC for killer across all ranks so I play survivor just because I actually get to "Play" more frequently.

  • katerbater
    katerbater Member Posts: 126
    edited November 2019
    Feeling like there's more pressure as killer (in a variety of ways)

    I completely agree with everyone who's saying there's more pressure and a lot of the "other" comments as well! I can only play short bursts as well because I get so frustrated and feel like I have to perform well to have fun; whereas, as survivor, I can just be more relaxed about it. Right now, my major barrier to playing killer is queue times. It's upwards of 15 minutes most of the time for low ranks (I'm rank 17 right now).

  • Bithard
    Bithard Member Posts: 406
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    I find playing killer pretty boring. It's more intense to be chased than do the chasing.

  • Gibberish
    Gibberish Member Posts: 1,056
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    I used to play both sides about equally, but over time I changed into a pure Survivor main as I realized the devs are never going to balance the game around competent Survivors, resulting in Killers getting stomped by any non-braindead team.

    Why keep playing the losing side, after all?

  • Elk
    Elk Member Posts: 2,267
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    Pressure? When i press 'Ready' for Killer, my heart beats so fast that it gets hard to breathe. Haha. Kinda hurts.

  • MedicSpirit7
    MedicSpirit7 Member Posts: 689
    Feeling like there's more pressure as killer (in a variety of ways)

    I legit get so mad sometimes lmao

  • hinoutoumei
    hinoutoumei Member Posts: 294
    Toxicity in end-game chat

    i've noticed that the majority of killer related achievements (even those that you would get normally such as # of sacrifices, damaging generators ) are all less than 10% of players achieved..Even when I got the plague adept achievement it was like 0.3% , but then..her ability achievement was 0.8%.

    I think the numbers + long wait times point to a small population of killers. Mind you it's 4:1 so that could also be a part of it.

  • PigMainClaudette
    PigMainClaudette Member Posts: 3,842
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    For me it's wait times in general, and there is a bit of pressure for sure. Main thing is though as a Pig main is that in a sense, all the games are the same. i stealth, I dash, I stab, I hook. And I do mix it up occasionally with the Doctor, Spirit, Myers and Legion, but even still. Not to mention that a lot of killers, like Pig, basically require Hex: Ruin unless you're playing at rank 17 or below. Anyone who isn't Hillbilly, Nurse or Freddy don't really have all that much mobility to stop complete gen-rushing against competent survivors.

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110
    Other (comment below)


  • AngryFluffy
    AngryFluffy Member Posts: 443
    Feeling like there's more pressure as killer (in a variety of ways)

    Playing killer is really stressful for me. Even if I have total control of the match, I still feel pressure and I'm nervous that I'd make one mistke that would throw the match for me completely.

    Dedicated servers even made things worse. I have a ping of 30-40 ms ever match and have lags only when I play killer. I also feel like autoaim scews me over multiple times in a match since the servers are live. and Ghostface can be revealed through solid walls. I havn't had all these problems before the servers were live, what makes it even more stressful for me now.

    Because of that I only pay killer now to get the archivements or to complete quests. I try to stop caring about winning, but only to reach my own goals. it kinda helps, but I still think it is sad that playing killer is way more pressure than playing survivor, where I'm rather relaxed. Like...shouldn't it be the other way around?

  • Knuckles
    Knuckles Member Posts: 218
    edited November 2019
    Feeling bullied

    I play killer occasionally but go right back to survivor as soon as I get humiliated by swf who just embarrass the crap out of me. At least I don't DC.

  • whammigobambam
    whammigobambam Member Posts: 1,201
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    Far too many exploits combined with toxic personas that take all the fun out of the game.

  • Jacoby2041
    Jacoby2041 Member Posts: 843
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    I actually do play killer sometimes but queue times usually result in me switching back to survivor, and I usually like low or mid-tier killers so I tend to get bullied a bit more as I can't play games at a fast enough rate to really get good with any given killer. Plus, you have to level each and every killer (or at least the ones you like) if you want the right perks for them since they're all different, but with survivors you just have to level one aside from unlocking teachables since they don't do anything different.

  • Ashley122
    Ashley122 Member Posts: 3
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    For the first time in probably a year i tried to play as killer, rank 20....waiting for about 10-20 mins and gave up.... also I was hoping with dedicated servers I could get better ping for survivors and play killer since my internet is so trash and can only play as a survivor. But I can’t cause I am not waiting that long for maybe a game haha

  • SlimyTaco
    SlimyTaco Member Posts: 133
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    It's too easy compared to survivor. I can't stand how much they have buffed killers and how many freaking dailies I get for them.

    I instead play survivor because i'm a masochist who wishes for this game to be good.

  • vossler25
    vossler25 Member Posts: 416
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    I play both but I normally will play survivor cause it's so much easier to do only when I want to chill and not have to try as much

  • TheLegendDyl4n1
    TheLegendDyl4n1 Member Posts: 1,493
    Queue times for low ranks

    Nea is the killer what you mean?

  • SilentSpectre
    SilentSpectre Member Posts: 830
    Feeling like there's more pressure as killer (in a variety of ways)

    killer is much harder than survivor, case closed. 😓