Which side do you play?
I play both sides equally
I play both equally, but for me, I think killer is much more stressful than solo que survivor.
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I prefer the Survivor gameplay
I only play legion as killer
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I prefer the Killer gameplay
Killer feels more rewarding to play, but survivor feels more fun. I prefer playing killer but I play both pretty equally.
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I play both sides equally
I play both equally, killer gets more blood on average, buuut if I want a chill easy game I play survivor
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I play both sides equally
I often play both sides to get a better understanding of the game and why certain players feel this way about somethings.
For example, I used to play a ton of Nurse and was oblivious to how fast generators can get done. Once I played an M1 killer as recommend by @NoShinyPony (correct me if I'm wrong), it suddenly hit me that generators go by way too fast.
However, I been playing a ton of survivor recently because double BP = Terrible Killer Queues. 🥺😕
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I prefer the Killer gameplay
I prefer Killer.
It's just a ton of fun; unless people DC or spew hate messages I almost always manage to have a good time. Lose or win.
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I prefer the Killer gameplay
Personally, survivors gameplay is much more stressful.
As a Survivor there are much more aspects you cannot control: allies suiciding/dc'ing, or they just are newbies, killers playing unfun strategies (camping, tunneling), stupid rng (10000 hex skill checks per second, ruin in very good spot and it standed for the whole game).
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I play both sides equally
I hate Ruin sometimes, but then I play killer and it's a completely different story! 😅
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I am a Survivor main
I play survivor mainly but if I need bloodpoints I play as killer. I usually play killer when it shows up in my daily but there are certain killers that I flat out refuse to play because I'm no good with them.
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I play both sides equally
Killer is VERY stressful, but sometimes if can be great to burn an Ebony, some Prayer Beads, and blow off steam.
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I play both sides equally
I find Killer more relaxing anymore. Survivors too stressful with honestly bad teammates and bunch of campers or tunneling. Even worse are the teammates who play for hatch after first hook.
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I play both sides equally
I play both because i honestly enjoy both aspects of the game and i feel it makes you a better player by knowing how both sides of the game work and it helps a ton when playing killer and survivor because you have an understanding of what both do.
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I prefer the Killer gameplay
I was kind of torn on this poll, I prefer Killer game-play but I do play both sides but then again I mostly only have time for Survivor and can't play much Killer.
I prefer Killer games because I absolutely love games where you get to play as the bad guy, playing as the hero is normal and everyone knows how it ends and what their weaknesses are etc. Playing as the bad guy is fun because it's different and if I ever had super powers I would be the villain because being the hero is boring and disrespectful towards yourself. Playing as the Killer in DBD is fun, I get to hunt people and assert dominance, I get to play with people and show them how fun I am, we get to spend time together and their suffering is drawn out; they leave when I say they can leave.
I enjoy Survivor games because I love horror, I grew up with Silent Hill and Resident Evil, real Survival Horror and sometimes you face good Killers who scare the ######### out of you and facing them is a real challenge. If I die against a good Killer then I need to get better, if I somehow escape despite the odds then that's magical and thrilling. But of course, games like that are few and far between.
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I prefer the Survivor gameplay
I mostly play survivor, but if I'm having a continuously bad games I play killer, because I can actually control how the game goes.
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I am a Killer main
I'm a killer main, though I do like to occasionally mix it up with a game or 2 of survivor every now and then, I just have to be in the mood for it. The reason I'm a killer main? I've always been a big fan of horror and all these horror icons the game has added over time, namely Myers, the whole reason I got the game in the first place. I think another part of it is when I was a kid, I loved to dress up as these movie killers around Halloween time, and chase my friend around 😄
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I prefer the Killer gameplay
I prefer killer, but i play both sides on red ranks.
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I play both sides equally
I like to play both sides. I think both sides can be equally fun especially during a chase. Plus, both sides is a sort of stress reliever if I feel stressed on either side.
If I'm feeling stressed as a killer, I can just pop a match as a survivor and have fun without worrying about too much.
If I'm feeling frustrated as a survivor, I can vent my frustration against survivors as killer.
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I prefer the Killer gameplay
I prefer killer, but that’s almost purely because changing killers changes the game enough to keep it interesting for longer play sessions. Survivors are skins and changing perks doesn’t REALLY change the gameplay. That being said I can have more bad games as a survivor without getting frustrated than killer, so when I’m looking to relax but play DbD I’ll play surv.
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I play both sides equally
People who play both sides have the best experience out of anyone else in the game.
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I play both sides equally
I go back and forth between periods of playing more Survivor or Killer, generally if I'm playing Survive with Friends, or how many times I get unfairly chainsawed/camped/tunnelled/NoED killed.
Since, though I'm fairly new to playing killer, only really doing it in the past 3 months, and having other commitments, such as work, I'm somewhat at the lower ranks, and being a Pig main, I quite like it that way. There's something fun about aggressively hunting down people undetected like the Predator, but it's still a rank where I can dash at a hook and slug the poor unhooked guy and not feel obliged to tunnel to save time. I'll down them as if to say "You will LEARN from your damn mistake!" and move on.
That being said, a coordinated Survive with Friends near bullying baby killers has been some of the most fun I've had in the game. I'd rather a close call that I get out of than a one-sided slogging.
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I am a Survivor main
Used to favour Killer, but it's far less stressful as Survivor.
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I play both sides on PC but on console I play killer only
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I am a Survivor main
I play survivor since I find killer boring.