Holy Moly, Dead by Daylight is Laggy!

Okay, I'm not here to downgrade the developers or start any hate because I know they do everything in their power to give us a great game, literally. However, I have a XB1 X which is a very powerful console as some may know, and it usually runs DBD at 45+ FPS with ease. The problem I'm facing now is my console is literally acting like it's on its last legs when it tries to run DBD. Perhaps this update has something to do with this? My console was doing fine before the Archives update.
Solution: XB1 X Players
If your console is struggling to run Dead by Daylight, just turn your console off for awhile then turn it back on. It increases your FPS to around 30, but keep in mind, this is only temporary for around 2 hours until the game becomes too much for your console. Once this happens, rinse and repeat the instructions in this paragraph. 😁
Therefore, is there any news about optimization? What happened to getting consoles to 60FPS? 🤗😁
Like? The fans are blowing and making noise? My console does that all of the time. I just say that my console is preparing for the match. Like that meme "Ah, (Bad Word) here we go again".
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In the lobby in particular, my PS4 console is very slow and stuttery. This started with the update. My best guess is it’s all the orange smoke and decorations for the event. A little glitchy elsewhere, but lobbies are terrible!
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PS4 user, will speak for my Xbox user friend who played after updates, no idea what you are talking about I have seen no change or has my friend, might be something with your console? Memory space? Or the TV? Some games fps can be affected by the monitor, not by much but enough
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Experiencing the same problem with my Xbox1X.
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I know, and if it's laggy on XB1 X, then I can't even endure the thought on what previous generations are going through right now. 😓
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My sister has the S. I can confirm it’s a lot worse 😅
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I've personally had issues with ping. Before the update, I had consistent 100 ping as survivor and killer. Now everyone's hanging around at the 200 mark. I've even had a couple cases of infinite/ridiculous loading screens.
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It actually froze my PC once after I close the game. I've also been having sound issues where the sound just cuts out intermittently. You can guess how annoying that is during a live match.
Wish they would just skip a chapter to fix the issues.
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My games have always been good.
(Is on Xbox One S 2TB Limited Edition [Is technically a Xbox One X but with a minor downgrade])
Maybe it's just the certain killers in that region have bad connections?
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Buuuut I did have a few issues today saying it failed to connect, (legit 3 same error messages at the same time)
So idk.
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The 200 ping might be do to more players in various countries. I've played against maybe 1 US killer in the last few days who had green ping but everyone else is in the 200's. France, Germany, Italy, UK, and Scotland to name a few. I love being able to play with people across the world but the ping suffers for it.
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Yeah, I also been getting tons of error messages, and my PING has been floating around 200 recently when I usually have 100.
I don't know what's going on, but hopefully BHVR will do their magic because this game is not enjoyable for me at the moment. 😓
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DbD was already laggy on my PS4 Pro before the last update, and it surely didn't get better. (Yes, other games run absolutely fine.)
But what is new is that also the menu is now sometimes laggy.
The devs must have added at least one memory leak with the latest patch since closing and restarting the game helps a bit with the lags.
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It's so laggy in the lobby screen that I can count my current FPS. 😓
Now, imagine if we didn't have top quality consoles... OH BOY! 😱
I think this should be sorted out soon because if it's this bad, to a point where top quality consoles struggle, then something is wrong with optimization! However, I have faith in BHVR, they can fix this if they put their mind to it! 🤗😁
Edit: Gammar!
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@NMCKE I'm not that optimistic since the performance on PS4 is not on a constant low level but instead gets worse with pretty much every update.
The performance was a lot better 18 months ago.
Also the latest memory issue is surely not encouraging.
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Typically, when I try to optimize my games, I compress my data by replacing repeated code with an icon then add what the icon is supposed to represent on a legend (or for short, this is called a function).
I think the developers already do this, but they are missing out on some things here and there. 😁
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@NMCKE The developers are not just "missing out on some things here and there". If that was the case how do you explain the performance getting worse and worse? And are you familiar with what a memory leak is?
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I still blame the event. Prolly a result of rushing it out to beat Halloween when they missed the first deadline. Hopefully things return to normal here in a couple weeks when the event ends.
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FPS did get worse on One S, its harder to play demo on hawkins now
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For me, they was doing great until this update dropped and basically made my XB1 X say, "I quit this job"
No, I don't know what a memory leak is. 😓
Post edited by NMCKE on2 -
The update seriously reeked havoc on consoles. I tried to play as doctor for a daily and it was so choppy i got motion sickness. I don't care so much about the low framerate in the lobby but in the matches is another story.
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I think the engine update has a lot to do with it.
Even my gaming laptop which is an I7, 16gb ram and a GTX 1070 freezes now and again at random moments while I can run Ark on ultra which is one of the most notorious games for being badly optimised.
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On PC here. The menu and lobbies are incredibly choppy for me. It's like my mouse is teleporting around. Even when I start a match, I need to hide in a locker, if possible, for the first 30 seconds, due to the huge fps drop. It'll smooth out eventually, but jeez.
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Yeah last month i asked for the 60 fps in console and the didnt say anything. So the console plebs like me and you (and a lot of people) we never are gonna get the 60 fps :)
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I figured out a temporary solution, check it out! 😁
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I've definitely experienced worse performance on PC since the most recent update, even on medium/low settings.
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Console definitely needs to be prioritized in some way because this is getting out of hand. I can't even walk in Hawkins without dropping frames. ;-;
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I’m on a regular PS4, and I rarely had any problems until patch 3.2.0 came out. Now there’s a 70% chance of my FPS will start tanking after I play a single game. It gets worse with each patch. I played a couple of games last night where I could feel how bad the FPS was while I was just moving as Killer. I honestly think the devs are trying to fix it, but they can’t figure out how to stop each patch from creating new errors. I’m shocked that my game lasted this long, especially because I main Doc and Freddy (two of the most graphically demanding Killers) on a weaker console.
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I feel like the developers are trying too, but they just don't have enough time to see what problems arise when they launch a new update. That's why you see them keep a list of known issues because they just don't have the time to go through the update for bugs and optimization. ?
I really want to get an update about their progress with consoles getting 60FPS. ?
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This game just has bad optimization, not just on consoles. It's incredible how I can run amazing looking games at around 60fps on high settings, but can't run dbd at 60fps on high settings. Fps literally goes from 60 to 40 when you look at a fire or something.