Insta Heal Nerf, actually a nerf?

So, I just wanna know thoughts and opinions is all. I know a lot of people are mad because we survivors no longer have an insta heal and yet killers still have an insta down perk not to mention we've already had one shot killers still and blah blah blah.

However, I just had a debate with a friend on Styptic Agent and he actually seems to think it's a buff (now, he likes to play killer and thinks he HAS to tunnel as killer to win so I'm gonna go out on a limb already and say he's not that good in the first place even though he claims he's reached rank 1 in the past).

His claim is it'll be powerful against one shot killers and it might be because insta heal, you could still one shot the person anyway meanwhile Endurance, you still have to hit them again. But A) not all killers are one shot killers, B) even if you happen to lose the killer after using the Agent, they could still hear you moaning in pain, and C) if you were to use it to take a hit you could do that while healthy too... and you could get a second "take the hit" in even if insta heal was going to remain a thing. But no one really uses their medkits to take a hit for someone and no one wants to stay injured just to use endurance.

To me, it's about the same with a slight nerf (since you'll still be heard clearly even after using it and killers rely on sound if they lose a survivor).


  • Mert_MK
    Mert_MK Member Posts: 674

    This nerf didn't bother me too much tbh, they are both still strong and help you prolong a chase.

    I think the reason many people are upset about this change is the fact that certain killer add ons, mori's etc. have not been adressed yet, making Survivors think that devs are killer sided.

  • thrawn3054
    thrawn3054 Member Posts: 5,897

    Styptic was more of a lateral move. It gained some utility. But lost a big reason to use it.

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,184

    Its a nerf. The one shot stance is based on if you are injured already (one shot btw) and have time to stop, heal, press space, have the killer not notice, and hit you within 15s.

    The syringe is still useful but still a nerf from a full pick me up.

  • skillchecks
    skillchecks Member Posts: 117

    I think the new Styptic Agent it's like a pocket version of the old MoM, that means, no need to get hit 3 times or get your protection hits. and that's really strong.

  • MiniVandetta
    MiniVandetta Member Posts: 1

    In my oppinion this could be counted as a buff as if you have endurance when you were in injured state a perks that rely on being in the injured state would still be visable such as resilience or dead hard though if you were to knock the killer with a pallet then insta heal and try to hide you would still be moaning and bleeding which could be considered as a nerf so its really 50 50 with this one.

  • Mochan
    Mochan Member Posts: 2,886
    edited October 2019

    The pink syringe was a big nerf. The purple anti-styptic, more of a sidegrade.

    All in all the nerf doesn't bother me because I don't really use these stuff. I still have maybe fifty of them stockpiled on my survivors. I will use them someday... or not.

  • fggfggfgfgfgvfgfdfgfgffh

    insta heal its now useless, dont waste 7000 Bloodpoints in a useless item, for 3000 points brown medikitsare more fast and effective, i have try it myself, i put the insta heal on a friend that i rescued, he had to selfheal himsef, and he did it before the insta heal do it, it just dont do the job its meant to do, its faster heal yourself with basic self healing, the 2nd function of insta heal its also ruinned, you could use it in a loop to get 1 extra hit, but now the killer enters in chase mode before you get healed, so you waste your medikit and still die in 2 hits before you get healed, not to mention if the killer has oneshot weapons.
  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,089

    What makes the Syringe good: You heal and can work on a Gen. It is a lot weaker than before, but it has its use.

  • Well I play a lot of dbd on ps4 and me and my friends found a problem with the endurance lasting eight seconds. The killer even thought he Dident know if it was a syringe or a anti septic he would still just wait 8 seconds then attack. And yes this gives you time to run but at the same time he's still on you. Idk but it happened alot and I found using them and spending blood points on them not worth it. So in my point of view it's a nerd but some of the other commenters have made some great points on how it can be a buff in a way ^_^

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,089

    It heals over 16 seconds. Which is quite a good amount of time, and A LOT weaker than before, where it was instant.

  • Star99er
    Star99er Member Posts: 1,452

    Styptic is still pretty good, it’s definitely better than the syringe because it goes into effect immediately.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,089

    Both are ok. I am not sure if they are that ok that they are worth 6000/7000 BPs, but they are not useless at all.

    And they both have Counterplay, if the Killer waits 10 seconds after the Survivor used it, he can counter both "Insta Heals".

  • derperson
    derperson Member Posts: 130

    I've seen it used by injured survivors to execute some dangerous hook saves. Which is pretty neat. Combined with dead hard makes it pretty powerful.

    But, I would say it's not a buff, but a nerf, or rather, a fix. Instant heals didn't make much sense.

    As a side note, you could use syringe and styptic as an insurance policy if the syringe doesn't complete the heal. Granted, you don't get the heal if styptic fires, because you enter the deep wound state, which requires mending before you can heal.

  • GhostfaceneedaNerf
    GhostfaceneedaNerf Member Posts: 30
    edited November 2019

    heal in middle of a chase its nothing bad, you can do it with Steave skill (2nd breath), steave can do it in fact every time he get rescued, and no one cry about it, its 1 time use item, if you as killer cant deal with hit 1 more time a wounded surv in a whole match, then the problem its yours, insta heal dont heal to full HP, only heal 1 state, it dosnt even work against the plague, and its a 1 time use item, meanning you destroy your medikit when you use it, a green madikit its a lot more dangerous since you can instaheal many times in the match with it, by the way its 16 seconds not 8 and you need juke the killer first so you can inject yourself, and idk if its bugged or what because my friend had time to selfheal himself with self heal skill "lvl 1 green", before the injection did effect, so as you can see its a useless item, and you are babycrying about a medikit that dosnt even heal and get destroyed when you use it, when you have killers like gohstface that oneshot survivors and hook them in less than 3 seconds, in fact a good Ghostface killer can oneshot all survs and end the match in less than 3 mins.

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,430

    They aren’t terrible but the fact that you have to stop and use it is.

    They need to allow survivor to be able to use them while running.

  • GhostfaceneedaNerf
    GhostfaceneedaNerf Member Posts: 30
    edited November 2019

    easy, imagine that, you wear a medikit, you get wounded, you loop and distract the killer, you inject yourself with a 7000 points item, your medikit get destroyed, you loop the killer for an infinite 15 seconds, he hit you, you get downed and die, wasted a medikit and a pink add-on and got nothing in exange, when you could easy run Inner strength from Nancy that heal you in half of the time and skip Nurse calling aura reading skill, or Steave 2nd breath that heal you in chase every time you get unhooked, both skills works faster and better, you dont need wwaste 7000 points on them, and even a low lvl self heal skill at lvl 1 green, its faster and you will be healed before the injection do anything, lol even brown medikits that are a 3000 points items, heal faster than this crap. So its a useless item and a crazzy expensive item that will not heal you before you heal yourself or a team mate heal you.

  • Yeah you need juke him or find a pallet and drop it in front him, if you was lucky and skilled enough you do that, you inject yourself, then killer break pallet, hit you and kill you before the injectiom do effect, if you are extremly skilled maybe you dont get hit and manage to loop him 10 seconds more, still the injction do nothing you get downed and killed, and now if you are extrem infinite looper hardocore player, maybe you manage to loop 16 seconds and get insta heal, but since he still its chassing you he will eventually hit you because the killer has to be so bad to dont do it after more than 30 seconds of chase and breaking pallets loop, so at the end you also die. As you can see no matter what situation, its a useless item now.

  • ironic comment i guess, still i think not a silly thing, since you have killers like ghost face that can apply the veil in 0.70 seconds, then sprint burst with no terror radious to you, and oneshot you. So even if you say it ironically, i think use it on chase would be a nice buff against that rusher killers that ccan end the match in less than 3 mins.

  • You do have a great point your chases should last longer than 16 seconds. But at the same time I don't think they should be worth that much bp especially when they take that much time and are very situational. The only problem I have now with the change to the syringe is all the camping killers I get. And yes I know I sound horrible but I'm being honest I usually get killers that camp hooks like it's a job so either I have to always run borrowed time or trade places. If you have anyways I can get around this I would be greatful!

  • To be honest, This nerf is annoying since whenever I do KYF, I always run an insta-heal and use it when I am almost caught. Yesterday, my friend told me about this nerf and I believed him. My friend was a killer and I had distance from him and used my insta-heal and still died. Not to be mean but, can you fix the hitboxes before nerfing, there are just many Toxic survivors and killers that just ask for nerfs and buffs so they can get advantages. Its just annoying.

  • SkeletalElite
    SkeletalElite Member Posts: 2,687
    edited November 2019

    Syringe is still pretty good. You can either bring it on a purple med with a 16 charge add-on to get 4 total heals out of it or you can just bring it on a a green medkit for a mid chase heal. Just have to stay alive for long enough for it to be used, which isn't to difficult since the green medkit heals fast. It's 100% weaker than it used to be though. Previously it healed two health states which was really only feasible to get the full effect of in an SWF or against a slugging killer.

    Styptic got a bit of a sidegrade. I think it's weaker overall since you can wait the 15 seconds out but that's still 15 seconds of immunity. It got the added effect of being anti 1 shot though. So it's a little better against billy, myers, LF, and technically GF. Billy is a really strong killer and I don't think the styptic being slightly better effects him all that much. Myers does get a bit screwed by it. LF is trash anyways and his chainsaw will only ever hit out of position survivors. Good ghost face's dont even stalk.

    As for perks it's stronger against MYC, NOED, and Rancor. People hate NOED anyways so whatever if it gets countered by a styptic occasionally. MYC, Rare perk to see people run but probably the one hurt the worst. Rancor's main effect is the mori and the location reveals which you still get so whatever.

    Overall I'd say it's weaker.

    Edit: Also I just realized this is a dinosaur thread that got revived by a necromancer, apologies.