Does anyone think that selling Offerings would be a great idea?

Think about it... Have you ever had those offerings on your characters that you don't use? I have 4 Vigo shrouds and mist bottles up the wazoo and I don't see my see myself using them at all. For each offer you sell to the entity you get back 2,000 BPs.
Hell yeah, not for too much, but definitely for the regular players they'll get a bit back definitely, but I also think add ons and gear too, 500 per common, 1000 per uncommon, 1500 per rare, 2000 per very rare, 2500 per ultra rare, survivors can make an extra 500-5000ish (perks that put add ons on chest items)
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I think that regardless of their rarity you should only be able to sell them for 1000 bps.
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The game would became much less grinding, basically every games doesn’t want so. It’s whats most call the golden sink of videogames.
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So many map offerings and fog offerings I'll never use. I'd love to be able to sell them. And add-ons I'll never use, too.
It'd also be nice if you could like trade in two unwanted map offerings for the map offering of your choice or something. It can be really hard to get the map offering you want; a 1-to-1 trade would be too much, but I think 2-for-1 wouldn't be so bad.
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Not just Offerings, i'd love to sell consumables at like 10% of its initial cost.
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I would love to sell some stuff, Offerings, Items, Add Ons... Like, I will never use some of the brown Map Add Ons, still I have tons of them. I never use Mist Offerings, but I have them, same for Map Offerings (on Survivor).
Regarding Map Offerings, I would be happy to have some mechanic to use X Map Offerings (I dont know, maybe 5, maybe 10) to create another Map Offering of your choice. For some Builds, you needs specific Offerings (e.g. Scratched Mirror Myers), so why not use those Offerings you will most likely never use anyway, and craft a Lery Offering out of those?
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There are hundreds of stuff I would be happy to just resell for more BP.
I think I have at least 2 million worth of BP just in my killers. Sitting there not being burnt.
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i want this too BUT they would have to limit how much you could earn per week, otherwise people would mass sell and prestige a new killer literally within an hour of release
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People alraedy do that anyways with new Chapters.
Save up 1 million BP, save up the dailies, profit.
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Rather than selling, I wouldn't mind being able to exchange a crapton of useless add-ons and offerings for some that I actually want.
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I think you guys are asking for way too many bps returned but yes, let us sell them back for even 100 bps each just so that we dont have to look at them anymore
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Yeah, if I could sell them for 1BP I would because I'm literally never going to use them
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I don't think 50% or at least 25% would be too much to ask. The grind in this game would continue to be ridiculous even if we got back 25% from unwanted consumables.
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You would have everyone getting those offerings just to sell them back, you'd make it like double bps 24-7
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Right now you can save 1 millions, plus max 180k with the best dailies, plus buy all the shrine perks for another 600k so that’s just short of 2 million which is barely enough to prestige once. Giving people an option to hoard items and go straight to prestige 3 without ever playing a game would be a lot different
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maybe at like a 25-50% return rate
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? I don't get it. If you buy consumables just to sell them back at 25%, that's a loss of 75%. If you bought a million BP worth of consumables and sold them all, you'd only get back 250k. That's a huge loss.
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BP bonus offering are essentially the "buyback" spaces on the bloodweb. Letting players just convert any offering into BP would make them redundant.
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Actually pretty good idea why not
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I’d like an exchange, too. Or like burn 3 add-one for a random next level item.
Example= 3 browns for 1 random yellow
2 browns for 1 random brown
I think something like that would be fun.
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Would be a great idea, and selling addons aswell!
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Would make it so you only spend BP on things you do want and need. When is the last time you used a Cut Coin?
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Would make it so you only spend BP on things you do want and need. When is the last time you used a Cut Coin?