RUIN ruins games.



  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,594

    The unblocked gens go at normal speed and you can't chase more than one person at a time. No compelling reason for the other 3 survivors to not be doing gens. Also puts you in danger of splitting the map early on a big map.

  • thrawn3054
    thrawn3054 Member Posts: 5,897

    And for every time that happens there's another 10 times it has no effect. You can make the argument it is one. But it usually doesn't do anything.

  • ColonGlock
    ColonGlock Member Posts: 1,224

    I agree with OP that Ruin can be oppressive for new players but if you just work through it, you can get the gen done fairly quickly as long as you stop until the smoke clears after missing a great.

    Working through Ruin for at least 1 gen before searching is probably the best idea unless you are right on top of it.

  • FriendlyGuy
    FriendlyGuy Member Posts: 2,768
  • theArashi
    theArashi Member Posts: 998

    I'll gladly replace ruin with a mechanic that makes the game shorter if survivors are good as in they can hold M1.

  • suli033
    suli033 Member Posts: 81

    Clearly said people who call for ruin to be buffed are sore losers but OK boy.

  • SmellyCat
    SmellyCat Member Posts: 46

    Crying so much about ruin, Jesus... Ruin is not even that good, stop talking about it.

  • ASurvkillivorer
    ASurvkillivorer Member Posts: 1,874

    Ruin. A perk that is literally destroyed 50% of the time within SECONDS. A perk that turns off great skill checks. 75% of the game mostly a killer now running 3 perks.

    Lol, what is with this thing people do when they complain something about killers they always start off with "iM ToTulZ rAnkz1 kilelr n I Hayte WEUIN!"

    What kind of rank 1 survivors are struggling to deal with ruin let alone find them. If I get ONE down and ruin isn't destroyed I consider it having done its job.

  • Liruliniel
    Liruliniel Member Posts: 3,047

    The difference from Ruin to Corrupt Intervention is the fact they both immediately have a effect, but whereas Ruin helps the early game by slowing all gen progress down. Corrupt Intervention Helps secure a 3 gen strategy late game. We live in a time where getting a few gens completed no longer matters simply because hatch will auto spawn.

    The few people who truely defend Ruin are people who can't play without it. They have adapted to a playstyle that involves Ruin holding gens up so they can chase people regardless of time committed to the chase. These are the people who when Ruin pops either DC, Crumble under a single chase, and defend its strengths yet ignore it's serious faults.

    Killers are a little slow to adapt to new metas trying to keep their outdated philosophies and builds. While Ruin was at one point single handedly the reason to prevent hatch escapes in the past nowadays it's more a liability then a strength.

  • I find Ruin adding an added element to the game, honestly. I've had to play against Killers who've used it, and I've used it as a Killer. The Totem is usually found within the first three minutes of playing, I've noticed. On the rare occasion, the Totem will remain untouched well into the match.

    It can be frustrating when you're against a really good Killer, but at the end of the day it's just all about having skill as both a Survivor and a Killer. It's not the Totem that will break a match, it's the laziness of the Survivors that are in the match. Find the Totem and break the Hex.

  • Monlyth
    Monlyth Member Posts: 982
    edited November 2019

    Well, I have several questions here.

    Why do you care so much about hatch escapes? What do hatch escapes have to do with this conversation? Whether you run Ruin or Corrupt Intervention, the hatch always has the potential to give survivors a free escape (Or multiple escapes if they have a key), so I don't see why it has any relevance to this conversation whatsoever.

    I use Ruin and defend it, but I could play without it if I really wanted to. I simply choose to use the most effective and versatile stall perk in the game, rather than trying to rely on a slow, conditional stall perk like PGTW, or a situational, killer-dependent perk like Corrupt Intervention. When Ruin pops, I don't disconnect or crumble under a single chase; Ruin has served its purpose by that point, buying me time to end chases, get hooks and start putting some serious pressure on the survivor team.

    Ruin is not a liability in any sense of the word, and I don't see why anyone would consider it to be a liability unless they were purposely trying to be an anti-meta contrarian.

  • thrawn3054
    thrawn3054 Member Posts: 5,897

    I didn't say it was bad. It's a fine perk. Ds is an anti tunnel perk.

  • Liruliniel
    Liruliniel Member Posts: 3,047

    Ruin was mostly used to counter the hatch back when I first played. A good killer could destroy a SWF group before the first gen was done and a mediocre killer could do it around the completion of the first gen. Over the last year or so Ruin has slowly changed from how it was once used to a necessary requirement.

    I'm not sure why it went from basically helping secure a 4k to being used primarily because people cant play without it and get a 4k. Is it a result of the Reason Ruin was once used or is it a symptom of Killers using it for too long and slowly devolving from being efficent to clunky killers?

    Also I'm not directly pointing ar you for being a bad person for using it. I haven't needed Ruin in a long time, but I use it for Pig because it compliments her playstyle and I'm testing a new hypothesis with it. Another reason I might switch and put it on is if I see multiple toolboxes pop up.