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Why are mori/keys in the game?

Rivyn Member Posts: 3,022

We can go on about how either are/are not crutch items. I'm curious as to why they're in the game in the first place. Both end matches sooner than they would have otherwise, both come off as toxic, both incite aggravation and frustration, at least going off the forums.

Yeah, we can throw in perks and instaheals and iri heads ant such, but that's something else entirely. Why were mori and keys added in the first place? Was there some other use for them early on that's changed since then?


  • humanbeing1704
    humanbeing1704 Member Posts: 8,888

    Pretty sure mori's use to not require the person to be hooked

  • I think Mori's were added because of keys and toolboxes, keys were also added to counter Mori.

  • ygnea
    ygnea Member Posts: 116

    Both are unhealthy for the game, neither should exist.

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    I expect they were added because the developers thought it would be fun to have some rare and powerful items which add interest and variety to the game and shake up the structure of the trials.

  • premiumRICE
    premiumRICE Member Posts: 798

    I think those item are cool to have in the game but totally toxic, imo they should have more conditions to them

  • Eleghost
    Eleghost Member Posts: 1,089

    So, i'm going to tell you how i feel on mori's. I think the condition required to be met is perfectly fine. One hook = kill. Unlike before where it was you down them they're dead. The problem with mori's is how people play when they are used, and not the mori itself. People who burn mori's typically will down someone, hook them, area camp them, and tunnel them just to mori them.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,233

    Been doing the chest challenges for both mine and my GFs accounts using plunderers. Ive gotten a purple or red key every game...lol

  • DeKillerKiller
    DeKillerKiller Member Posts: 547

    You know why Keys and Moris are in this game?

    Because Pineapples. That is why.

    It's sour and it's only sweet if you let it bathe and dry in salt.

    No one wants it unless salt is involved.

  • premiumRICE
    premiumRICE Member Posts: 798

    its true, but you cant force the killer to play “fair” some do some doesnt. Key has decent requirement but its a too strong item for other reasons.

    I think adding like you cant use this item before 5 min would help with the tunneling thing. Anyway adding another “task” imo would be way more interactive e promote a new way to play, so you can play with mori without being toxic

  • Mochan
    Mochan Member Posts: 2,886

    I hate Moris but to be honest it's nice to have Moris every now and then. I don't think Moris and keys are a real problem per se, but rather how often I seem to come across them.

    Getting Mori'd adds a little fun and spice to the game, but only if it happens rarely. Like maybe 1/10 games at most.

    The problem is at times I get Pink Moris like 3 times in a row. And this is like every other day, not just once a week or once a month. If it's not a Pink Mori it's an Iri Hatchet. Or something. I also see lots of Bloodstone Trappers lately (but that's not so bad so not really complaining about that).

    Meanwhile to combat the frustration I started playing Key Fishing builds and I can escape with a key about once every 5 games if I really want to. And that's without using a key in the lobby. I bet killers don't like that much either. So it's not so irritating for the killer I don't play optimally with key fishing builds so I only get to escape maybe 1/10 games with a key. I force saves and don't hide, and that affects my escape rate a lot when I have a key, and try to get out with 2 people if I can.

    Being a hero isn't smart in this game, though I admit it is rewarding and really awesome when you do it.

    I think Moris and Keys are broken, but that is fine in a casual game. But, and I say this with a big caveat, perhaps the commonness of running into keys and Moris is the problem. They should be rare events and not everyday ones.

  • Mochan
    Mochan Member Posts: 2,886

    That's some luck you have there.

    I run plunderers all the time but the actual key pull rate for me is closer to 25% rather than 100% every game like you are experiencing. Do note that I've been running Plunder builds for over a year and this is my estimate based on running Plunderer's long term.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,233

    Felt like I was just goodluck with it earlier. Was in a SWF and 2 of the guys used offerings for extra chests for me, so I just went around and pulled keys, pink maps, commodius toolboxes, ect.

  • Mochan
    Mochan Member Posts: 2,886

    if you use coin offerings the chance naturally goes up. I don't know what the actual stats are and I don't think anybody knows but BHVR, but I'm estimating that the purple and pink keys each have around a 4% chance to be pulled from a chest when you run Plunderers.

    I am basing that figure off of the number of items possible in the game (without events that add stuff like firecrackers) and their rarity. I am thinking the combined total chance to pull either is in a single chest is about 8%. Maybe 3% for pink and 5% for purple.

    Without plunders I figure the chance to pull either is like 1%.

    This is just based on a serial chest opener's gameplay (I always open chests whether I run Plunderer or not).

    With 3 chests that's 8% chance with 3 tries. The probability for that mathematically is around 22.14%. Which is pretty close to the 25% figure I gave out.

    But with 4 chests it becomes 28.4%. And with 5 chests from a purple coin it is 34.1% of pulling a key. That's about 1/3 games and is not bad.

  • HawkAyeTheNoo
    HawkAyeTheNoo Member Posts: 731

    Im fine with green mori, ebony needs looked at though. Maybe only give 2 kills or survivors need hooked twice before use. I dont know just something.

    Keys are bs though. Either scrap them or add time to use them.

  • shards
    shards Member Posts: 95

    i don't think keys are that big of a deal. i play a lot of killer but don't see one successfully used very often (by which i mean, i don't mind if one person manages to escape with a key, but im gonna be a bit pissed off if 2 or more do it) - i find it interesting & fun trying to counter their chances of using it. you can already see what items they are bringing in the lobby, and it's not that hard to see if someone's picked one up in the match when chasing them..

    as for moris. i think ebony mori is bs. it's basically - use this offering to auto win a match. green mori is already very powerful because it gives you the ability to to remove one survivor with less than half of the trouble - if you just tunnel the first guy and mori him it could be 3v1 with 5 gens . that's a really powerful position to be in :/ i personally would remove ebony, and make green take it's place in rarity.

    but honestly, i would be fine with removing keys if moris got removed. on the other hand, removing stuff makes also makes the game more bland...

  • Mochan
    Mochan Member Posts: 2,886

    As shards said, Keys are strong, but they are a lot harder to put to use than most killers seem to think. They aren't "I WIN" buttons by any stretch.

    In most situations only one person will get to use it to escape, and that's after you've killed three other survivors. That's a win in any Killer's book except for those who believe killers should get 4K's all the time.

    Ebony Moris are a lot more powerful and game breaking. While it's true that Ebony Moris aren't an "I Win" Button either (fought a Huntress last week that had Pink Mori and Hatchet and we all managed to escape she screwed up big time) they do tilt the match in the killer's favor a lot more than a key does for the survivors.

    And as shards said, removing stuff does make the game more bland. Both are fine in the game, but need to be of suitable rarity that they don't become too common.

  • 8obot1c
    8obot1c Member Posts: 1,129

    Not gonna lie, I thought the title said "Why are Monkeys in the Game?" and I was like wut?

  • Nunya_Nunyabiz
    Nunya_Nunyabiz Member Posts: 30

    I like to think mori's are in the game so they (killers) can actually kill. Its in their name killers need a way to kill otherwise they aren't accurate killers.

    Survivors needed a way to survive without the exit gate. To be a survivor you find other ways to survive thus keys they are supposed to be backup. Same with moris if they weren't in the game people would have asked for a way to kill people.

  • MrDardon
    MrDardon Member Posts: 3,916

    I was like: "What? Your Ghostface's account? What is that?"

  • joker7997
    joker7997 Member Posts: 899

    Hate keys and moris. They both shortcut the entire game in half. Can you imagine in a fps 32 person fight, halfway through the game, one team finds a box with a nuke in it that just ends the game and they win? Hooray? It would be the laughing stock of fps games

  • FrenziedRoach
    FrenziedRoach Member Posts: 2,600

    It's my understanding the devs from day 1 wanted a game that would allow for fortune's to shift on a dime. But it can also be interpreted that these may of been this game's "Blue Shell" or "noob tube" - an entry level mechanic put into the game specifically to help a lesser skilled player have a chance to be successful against somebody more skilled than they are.

    I'm with Mochan on this one - I don't think it's an issue that they exist - it's just how often they come up.

    Thing you got to remember is that when these things were first in the game, our blood web was DRASTICALLY different. You only saw one irri per level, we paid 2 to 3X as much per node in the web, AND had CONSIDERABLY more nodes per level. Which meant we had to spend considerably more bloodpoints if we wanted these rare items.

    However, as the web has been made easier to grind through, these items were never adjusted back enough to compensate - so they are nowhere near as rare as they are supposed to be.

    I mean, think about it...

    How many killers hate broken keys? It's just the purps and iri's, right?

    How many surivors complain about a Cypress Mori? It's usually the Ebony's they despise, right?

    If these things were as rare as they used to be, I don't think they'd be nearly the problem they are now.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,233