Why Killers are alway OP

I just start playing dbd months ago its a very will made game very deep and clever but i realize that it designed in away that killer must be the winner and if a survivors wins they must be SWF or skillful high ranks
while the killers with low rank can still win easly with their incredible pressure on the map and toxic perks like spirit or billy, billy is ######### skating on the map not walking plus all lag and glitches
survivors are designed as pure Fragile human killers are beasts with supernatural powers teleport hexes..delay.. speed,invisibility some of them like ghost face with zéro radius
and every update dbd developers make them more and more dominant like closing the hatch
i respect some killers like mm who need a very smart player to build and use his powerful perks
but some killers already designed very strong like the pig no skills needed trap hook and camp
As a main survivor i think survivors need more toxic perks
What an epic bait post
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That's some weak bait right there.
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Worst bait I think I’ve ever seen
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>Looks at Clown, Doctor, and Wraith in high ranks
yup, op
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You forgot legion
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Ah hell, he's too strong to consider, man.
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Forgot, sorry
We need to nerf them more
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Nice b8 m8 I r8 8/8