Punished for keeping the killer busy

So I played against a piggy and naturally, I was the first survivor she found. She didnt have Ruin, so in the time during the chase 2 gens popped and she only landed one hit on me. She eventually broke off and I, not wanting to depip, immediately got on a gen.
2 skill checks later she comes back to me and chases me for a little while. The 3rd gen pops and then she finally downs me. My teammates unhook me and immediately the 4th gen pops so my helmet activates. Luckily she intentionally avoided tunneling me and went for the person who unhooked me (it wasnt make your choice because she was still close when he unhooked)
While I was running to the 3rd jigsaw box, the last gen pops and my adrenaline heals me. Naturally the key was in the 4th box so I didnt even get to open a gate because me head was about to explode. I got the helmet off and the EGC had started so I just left.
When I got back to the menu, I noticed that I depipped back to rank 5. Basically the whole point of this rant is to say that I feel like you should be rewarded more emblem score for keeping the killer busy. If the killer decides to chase you or tunnel you for 5 gens, no matter if you are doing well or not they will force a depip and I find that unfair to the survivor. And she didnt even tunnel me. Or is there something better I could have done to ensure I didnt depip? Because I'm having a hard time seeing it, even in hindsight.
Tl;dr looped a piggy for 3 gens, was on the hook for a gen, and was getting my helmet off until the EGC started and depipped on escape and am sad
Sounds like you should read up on the scoring system a bit more. Become familiar with it and it should become easier.
Players are not exactly rewarded in this game for playing as efficiently as possible. Players are rewarded for doing a multitude of things, such as rescuing survivors from hooks, engaging in chases, completing generators, etc. Doing only one or two of these won't usually result in gaining a pip.
Sometimes you just can't do a lot and lose a pip as a result. It happens. Just make the best of each match and keep playing. You're never a loser if you never give up.
Here is some info from the wiki regarding pips and what is required for each rank.
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Unfortunately Emblem system heavily encourages farming and not winning as efficiently as you can. Just my opinion but Survival and Sacrafice emblems should be the main emblems that have twice as much impact on ranking then other 3 emblems since they are the main focus of each side.
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I felt this post on a whole other level.
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Well they said they would change it a bit, but I think it’s only for individual killers
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Ok but once I 4ked really fast and depipped. It sucks on both ends.
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*when the killer is bad and only hooks like 1 person so your benevolent emblem is bronze or silver*
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When the survs are bad so you only have a bronze or silver chaser/devout.
Oh and ######### gatekeeper, killers don't control that ######### at all.