What should have been differently to the Archives?

Realistically do-able challenges and double fragment gain from xp...
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They are completely doable, I did each one after the other a single game for each, but what should have been done is the daily rituals also have extras to the tier progression, not too quick still for hardcore players help casuals get through more as that's another 60+ bonus of the blue things
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Dude... Thats just Tier 1 Challenges (easy mode). They get progressively more difficult. Tier 4 are impossible or completely luck based. As it stands the rift is not finish-able unless you buy the Rift tiers for 100 AC per Rift Tier.
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Easy mode? I think that's an overstatement, but I look forward to the next tier till 4 they look challenging and will be tons of fun to 1 game each, unless it says I must otherwise
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I would've liked animations for the charms or more COOL and UNIQUE to the archives skins.
I hope they rework the dumb lvl 4 impossible challenges like sacrificing (death hook) 4 survivors in the basement (I'm a red rank...) or fixing 4 gens ON YOUR OWN in a single game...
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Not impossible, cannibal insidious lol
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Sure... Everytime I do that I get at least 1 DC... Either I'll have to de rank or I'll have to play 100 games waiting for a team without a DC
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The next level of the tome should open when you reach the prolog of the previous one.
The rift fragment gain from ep should be higher, 1 fragment per 800 ep isn't enough. It takes too long.
Make the later challenges (level 4) easier. Yes, I know they supposed to be hard but these are too much atm, and you got less time to do them before the rift closes.
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I didn't specify which rank and PS4 insidious DC doesn't happen that often, nah, they DC way before they even see the killer lol
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The serum should of been via collection in game.
The challenges should not be ridiculous hard in the later tiers.
They should of included more simple new colour variants of skins instead of that charm nonsense.
Regarding charms...in my opinion they look hookey and don't look right in a sinister horror game.
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Remove the time-gating and unrealistic challenges made to serve as road-blocks for players gaining Rift Fragments too fast.
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I'd just like to have some notable way of getting more XP in-game. Right now it's just time and first game of the day bonuses. The archives is pretty good imo
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I'd rather see images or video with the lore. The text based stuff is uninspiring and feels like it's not worth grinding for. Also, charms are... meh to me.
After the blight event is over, there will be a lot of dead space in the free track and, while I don't expect it to be full like paid because "money is your god" and all that, it will be even less motivational to play for it unless they plan to tie some sort of event to every new rift.
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You have yet to see the Tier 4 tomb challenges lol
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Complaining about the tier 4 challenges is beating a dead horse at this point. It's already been officially said that some of the insane challenges are just placeholders for now.
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They are not "completely doable" if you just started playing killer. No dont start saying its easy to play Killer and you will be red ranks in under two days, because not everyone's experience is the same.
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I looked online with the pictures, I can't wait, they sound like fun (I enjoy difficult gameplay implemented by the game, such as dark souls, Bloodborne, sekiro)
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Yea its just that good killers for example won't let you get a single flashlight save in a game let alone 2
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There is difficult and then there's impossible / RNG based.
Flashlight saves? You might get one in a game but no killer other than brand new ones would let you get more than 1.
4 Sacrifices in the basement? With the rate of DCs in this game? I dont think so...
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Insane challenges are placeholders?
Prove it. Give a official source, please.
Because we have proof that these challenges are in game. At the moment, if you complete all challenges on PS4 for tome 1 and then open the Archives menu, you see the tome 4 screen instead of the tome 1 screen. You can highlight all of the challenges. They have these conditions, they're completely real and within the game.
TBH, these look like standard Identity V challenges. lmao The Survivor challenges in Identity V are terrible. Looks like the DBD fanbase will be feeling some of the pain pretty soon...
Also, people WILL depip to get these challenges done. You need phenomally stupid Survivors in order for some of these conditions to occur as Killer. And phenomally stupid Killers as Survivor to get some of these done (though the 4 gens challenge could be done at possibly green or purple ranks if you just focus on the gens and nothing else.)
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If I've learned anything about this game its that they are very reluctant to change anything - regardless of outcries. How long did it take for the Freddy rework? Legion? The trial of dedicated servers? They may change the difficulty but I wouldnt be surprised if its not until the next rift or the one after that.
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I like the impossible
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Would have liked more challenges and challenges for Tome IV that weren't borderline impossible.
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The serum stays in the rift until it closes
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They've already said alot of these challenges are just placeholders. Wait til the 4th time page is actually released before complaining about it.
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Yes, everyone can and has seen the tome 4 challenges. I was an early complainer in regards to the challenges with the exact reasons you've listed, you're preaching to the choir at this point.
I've seen many different people in positions of power say some of them are placeholders, however I don't care enough to dig through everywhere to locate them. You'll see when it happens I guess.
Alternatively, they don't change it and everyone hits up rank 16 with a SWF squad to get it done. Pretty sure the devs are smart enough to realize that'll happen, but I frankly don't care either way at this point.
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Those aren't comparable to this situation though. You're comparing something that could take an extremely long time to do (reworks, dedicated servers, etc) to changing a few lines of code so the challenges are dialed back. I'm fully confident they'll be changed, unless the devs want every rank 16 killer in the known universe to get bullied.
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Do you have a source or are you just taking AsePlayer at their word?
They aren't willing to source that claim. It can't be taken as fact as a result.
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Youtubers are not "positions of power". If you have a official DBD staff member saying so, that's different. But in that case, you should be able to name them at least. Especially if you have seen "many different people" claim as such.
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I get your point about Freddy, but they killed Legion after just a few months.
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Here is your proof
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Even if "some of" the challenges in tier 4 are placeholders I'll be disappointed. Pretty much all of them are horrible.
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And the re-work to him since? The never-ending trial of dedicated servers. Even glitches/bugs/exploits last far too long. Again, take for example the unending mend bug on Legion! That was in game for far too long...
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Currently on my phone, but that's what the mod Mandytalk reported. I can get you a link later if you want once I'm sitting at my computer
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There are only like 3 or 4 that are truly horrible. The rest are pretty easily manageable, especially with SWF, although I'd like to see different challenges as most of them are just the same thing but slightly harder.
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iirc from the stats released a while ago about half the population are solo survivors. The game shouldnt force people to have to go SWF to complete challenges that were apparently aimed at "casual players"
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There's your source. I also never claimed a YouTuber was a "position of power", however MandyTalk the Mod is. I wasn't going to dig for this, thankfully @myers_obsession posted it here so you can finally be content with some evidence. Now take a chill pill until Tome IV actually comes out please.
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Sadly I don't have the original post where this is coming from. Maybe @MandyTalk can confirm, that the screenshot is real :)
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I can most definitely confirm that the screenshot is real and both myself and Peanits have said the same thing on this very forum...I'll put a screenshot from Pea below.
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What sinister horror game are you playing?
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You shouldn't have to swf just to be able to get the challenges done. They should be accessible to everyone...
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I would have liked each node to have a challenge for survivors and a challenge for killers so players could choose what role they wanted to complete the challenge with.
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At the end of the day, you don't need to SWF to do the challenges, you just need to communicate with the randoms pre-game that you need chests, etc. I only said it makes it easier to have SWF.
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Only thing i really want is the Tomes not being locked and released at different times, id rather have access to all 4 tomes instantly than 1 every week or two
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That's near if not actually impossible on PS4. Many people who play this game have messages turned off.
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Was mainly talking about PC. If you're on console, burn a coin and pray to your god.
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Yeah i dont do pc master race
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Hence why I said "unless they plan to tie some sort of event to every new rift." My wording was just bad before it.