A Spirit Change Idea

xRem Member Posts: 375
edited November 2019 in Feedback and Suggestions

This is my opinion for a fair change, addon rework and when she starts phasing, not charges it but actually starts moving it,her hair will have a decently noticeable animation on all skins. This wouldn't be yelled at the survivors and requires them to be close while still allowing her to bait survivors, but that's my opinion what do you think about it or what changes do you think would help balance her?


  • newavitar
    newavitar Member Posts: 395

    There's already tells for when she starts phasing. Her addons need reworked and that's it.

  • Lagoni
    Lagoni Member Posts: 180

    So could this be interpreted as a confirmation, that spirit will have obvious tells, when she is phasing?

  • Pokino
    Pokino Member Posts: 86

    Spirit is a unfair and broken killer, but at least, two changes should be made to her base power. First, every tp should deplete the entire power bar, because if she fails a short tp, surv should have an oportunity to take distance, instead a free second chance for the killer almost inmediately. Two, 15 secons to complete a power bar seems a short time. 20 seconds, at least, would be fairer

  • Peanits
    Peanits Dev, Community Manager Posts: 7,523

    No, I'm just stating the facts here. She does have a tell right now, it's not easy to see. I can't stress this enough, we don't reveal changes through cryptic riddles.

  • Rin_is_my_waifu
    Rin_is_my_waifu Member Posts: 963
    edited November 2019

    So, one of the nerfs will be a tell for when she uses her power.

    Time to switch to billy or ghostface

    The bug that you can hear her whooshing sound while in terror radious isn't enough?

  • xRem
    xRem Member Posts: 375

    There's a tell yes, but with my proposed idea the survivors would have to be very close to you and you could start phasing and wait next to your husk, baiting them into you.

  • xRem
    xRem Member Posts: 375

    What if all skins had the current tell tales? Or something that didnt make it map wide knowledge shes phasing, but decently identifiable. But if this was implemented, she would have to get something in exchange if it's a qol change. My personal idea would to make her faster while phasing or make it last longer.

  • Raptorrotas
    Raptorrotas Member Posts: 3,237
    edited November 2019

    Spirit's designed to not give it away.

    "Give us a ez giveaway!!!!


  • xRem
    xRem Member Posts: 375

    She was designed in a way that gives survivors no information, I would love to say no change needed as a spirit main, some light feedback to survivors wouldnt kill her, if her hair on every skin doing a noticeable animation could only been seen if you were very close and still allow her to bait survivors, or just gives them more of a fighting chance against her. But if it's not a flat out nerf just a QOL change they would buff another aspect, like longer phase, faster or something it would make one aspect better and making her more fun to play against for the majority of survivors.

  • RIP_Legion
    RIP_Legion Member Posts: 428

    Honestly I'd change her like this, no scratch marks basekit the only scratch Mark's you see are the ones before phase walk was activated(good spirit mains use sound mostly anyways, it's why using iron will and walking away from scratch marks is very strong against her), no collision (I've been outplayed a few times and accidentally bumped into the person giving me a free hit when normally I would never have seen them), change prayer beads to see scratch marks only (nobody other than spirit mains enjoys silent spirit let alone playing against it solo watching your teammates evaporate). Lmk what you think

  • xRem
    xRem Member Posts: 375

    As you said scratch Mark's arent good spirits main way of tracking but I dont feel like taking them away would do much other than make scratch mark jukes gone as she cant see them. No collision is one I hear alot,but peopledon't really think about it, its feedback to both sides, I've trapped spirits in a doorway for my teammates because of it and used it to feel where she was and slammed a pallet, for every collision free hit you get, the survivors get a dead giveaway where you are.

  • Raptorrotas
    Raptorrotas Member Posts: 3,237
    edited November 2019
    • No collision
    • Obvious tell she's phasing
    • Visual effect to locate her phasing, imperfct invisibility
    • No scratchmarks
    • Louder footsteps or audio cues

    "Fun and balanced"

    So the spirits still has to stand still to cast her ability, cannot mindgame with it, goes in totally blind and isnt even invisible? And asking for working audio? Dont you have "good Headphones" like survivors always tell killers?

    Yeah, Im sure that'll work perfectly in gutting her. Slap a fatigue on the reappearance for good measure. (/s)

    Edit: Obvious sarcasm.

    Post edited by Raptorrotas on
  • PrincessPoop
    PrincessPoop Member Posts: 919

    My idea to fix spirit would be to make her phasing noise audible everytime she phases whether your in her terror radius or not. Prayer beads would then be changed to get rid of her phasing noise while within terror radius.

  • xRem
    xRem Member Posts: 375

    So you agree with legions rework? This would literally kill her

  • xRem
    xRem Member Posts: 375

    Tbh, I wouldn't mind that so much, I like the idea that her hair would flick in a noticeable way when she phases, and prayer beads would make you hear her at less range when she is phasing l.

  • Joao_Bandicoot
    Joao_Bandicoot Member Posts: 286

    Actually the Spirit was first released with a bug that caused that and the phasing noise was directional. I was reading the forums from that time and everyone agreed that she was really weak and this was destroying the concept of the Killer.

    While I was there I also noticed that before the buff she received, she had a 20 sec CD on her power. I guess people don't like when a killer gets buffed so they want all the changes reverted.

  • PrincessPoop
    PrincessPoop Member Posts: 919

    I think the phasing being directional is a much bigger deal than just being able to hear it. Even with my proposed change theres still plenty of room for mind games, but it just makes it feel less cheap for the survivors.

  • xRem
    xRem Member Posts: 375

    If its directional it would kill one of the best parts about her.

  • PrincessPoop
    PrincessPoop Member Posts: 919

    Yes I’m agreeing with you. It shouldn’t be directional. You should just be able to hear it at all times.

  • Verzy
    Verzy Member Posts: 7
    edited November 2019

    I honestly don’t think there is anything really wrong with the spirit. Dbd needs strong killers and if you get rid of them then the entire game is just survivors constantly winning over and over. The strongest killer in the game just got nerfed to absolute garbage and people still aren’t satisfied? Now I can see why some players would want some minor tweaks and changes to her but if you are the type of person that thinks that’s nerfing a killer to trash is the only way to make everything “balanced for you” then I’m sorry but is it “broken and unfair” that survivors can use keys, use infinite loops that the killer can do nothing about, Swf that always follow each other with flashlights and insta-heals (thank god those got nerfed) or just a full team with toolboxes and brand new parts so they can complete gens in less than 30 seconds and, still, nothing the killer can do about it, and you still see nothing wrong with that? Please reconsider your thoughts on nerfing one of the few viable killers left in this game before we have no good killers left that can actually handle these tough situations.

  • AGM
    AGM Member Posts: 806

    Nothing wrong with strong killers. Just the way in which she's strong is extremely poorly designed. Survivors basically just have to constantly guess at whatever she's doing, which is one of the most unfair-feeling and unfun concepts ever introduced into a multiplayer game.

    The most egregious example of this is her not having a vault animation.

    So I have to guess when she's standing still, using her power, faking a pallet break, and when she's vaulting? Oh, I guessed wrong, guess I'm dead. Oh, I guessed right, guess I live for now until I have to guess again. Thrilling stuff.

    All I'm asking for is a little player feedback. If that is unacceptable, then there are plenty of single player games out there to play, but DBD is not one of them.