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Help me out survivors, what am I supposed to do to stop you disconnecting?

Member Posts: 1,554

I'm Trapper, game has just started, I put down one trap near the basement, Bill steps in it, gets downed, so I hook him up, replaced my trap, and zip off to kick some gens and hit a couple of players. Bill gets healed up, steps in the same trap and is downed, bong! DC. His SWF, bong! DC. Next down kills themself on hook and last survivor gets out the hatch, Game took maybe 4 minutes.

So my question is, what do have to do to get you to play the damn game you queued up for?


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  • Member Posts: 227

    It wasn't me, so I can't help you. Maybe you can ask them personally why they dc'd.

  • Member Posts: 3,793

    I gave up even trying to figure it out. My BEST GUESS is some of these people are trying an “X escape in a row,” type of thing and they somehow don’t count DC against things they feel are unfair such as Iri huntress, anti spirit or nurse, people who down them twice, people who grab them at pallets, people who run Ruin, people who run Thana, not getting the map they want, missing a skill check.......

  • Member Posts: 25

    Like others have mentioned, if someone wants to play their own way, there’s nothing that can be done. Don’t think of it rationally, cause I can assure you they didn’t. No matter how nice you thought you played, they’ll always find out an excuse to call you out. Just deal with it and move on I’d say.

  • Member Posts: 270

    Don't you know that it is strictly forbidden to cause a survivor to Self Tunnel on page 200,004 of the Survivor's Rulebook (Paragraph 27, Subsection 14c)? It's just past the part forbidding Roming Gen Camping.

  • Member Posts: 445

    It's not you or your playstyle that causes the DC - it is their entitlement and the very low risk of getting punished.

  • Member Posts: 698

    It's on the dev's to change it.

    My suggestion is raise/higher the punishments given out, but lessen the severity of punishment aka no bans. I.E. remove the ban dc'ers, but punish in other immediate ways. one DC = immediate punishment, more dc = grows accumulating form of punishment.

    Supposedly people do it to De-rank... when rank rewards come out, don't allow them rewards. etc.

    Higher Q times for them, can't join again until a period of time goes by (no more fast matching to get in another game). Etc.

    Just some ideas. I don't think banning is necessary, but other things can be done to hurt/points/rank/time of the disconnecting person. Along with not allowing disconnecting in the first place from a game.

  • Member Posts: 4,299

    You can't change someone's mentality no matter what you do.

    Hopefully the upcoming changes help with dcers and we can only wait for its implementation to see if it stops those players from ruining the game for everyone.

  • Member Posts: 443

    It I s just a mindset you can't do anything about. I play both sides and never dc, no matter what (except hold game hostage for too long, but that never happened to me yet).

    During bloodhunt I had a Nea in my lobby with the brightest clothes, but I guess she was new because she wasted every single pallet, when I was not even coming from that side and it seemed she didn't know how Legions killer instinct works. She was the first one on the hook and got unhooked pretty quickly. I went back, since I didn't find someone else and smacked for the unhooker. I always try not to tunnel, but there the Nea was, literally self-caring in my face. I downed her, just to get more pressure on the team, I didn't even wanted to hook her again yet to give her a chance...and she dc'd.

    Like, imagine dcing during bloodhunt, against the weakest killer, who's even giving you a chance to get more points during the game. She even waited until the game was over, just to insult me as tunneler. When she showed me the biggest disrespect with healing in my face. time, maybe run away from the killer? Even in the unsafest corner of the map I would have let her alone, but not when self-caring right in front of me. What logic is that?

  • Member Posts: 786

    LOL how is them stepping in a trap tunnelling there a fool for stepping in it again

  • Member Posts: 899

    I was using dying light yesterday, found the obsession first which sucks, hooked him. On other side of the map u go, obsessions get unhooked and healed, and i hooked someone else. Come back to other side of map, obsession is running at me like a jackass, then loops me for maybe 25 or 30 seconds, when I'm about to get a hit on him, DC's to kill my DL. Cool game.

  • Member Posts: 671

    its nothing to do with you. Its actually the developer. Because they don't punish toxicity, at all. Doesn't matter which side its from. The developer cares only about monetary gains. Which is why their battle pass is an absolute grinding nightmare compared to just earning BP normally.

    I could see if you were actually tunneling and tunneling early for a DC to happen. Then you have solo players who DC constantly because they're being farmed off the hook by SWFs or other ######### solos who don't care. Most killers don't go for the savior, they go for the easy kill. Which the unhooked survivor, regardless of perks, is going to die. Since Dead Hard is bugged and isn't allowing the invincibility frames during some animations(ie: Demogorgon Shred still occasionally nulls DH) survivors being farmed have next to 0 chance to escape unless the killer isnt a douche canoe.

    Nearly 99% of killers don't care if you "have fun" its "not their prerogative". What does actually concern me is the huge wait time i get as a survivor now. Only to get face camped for nothing. I suck at looping, so its not because i looped them for 20 minutes.

    This game has become insanely hard to actually have fun playing these days. People also fail to understand that most DCs actually come from a killer being toxic.

    The only legit reasons i'll DC: Hostage taking the game(ie: downing all survivors with the intention of them bleeding out, which happens A LOT.), Obvious Cheating/Warping(happens even more with dedicated servers), or i'm getting farmed hardcore by a 3man SWF, which again. It happens a lot in my experience. If everyone had the same experience, the dev might actually listen. But they do not. Their precious battle pass is all they care about(which btw BHVR, its garbage).

    BHVR needs to seriously think about why they can't get more than an average 22k playerbase, because that's not a lot of people AT ALL.

  • Member Posts: 255

    I think you're asking the wrong question. It's not just what you do, it's also the expectations of your opponents.

    When you as a killer run after an injured survivor (again and again), it's quite boring and the result is predictable as expected. Why should someone do this to him or herself several times?

    If you then make it difficult to get off the hook, which is your right, then you can assume that you're only after kills anyway and some people just don't see a game or only a short one.

    Maybe you can take it a little easier. Change your prey more often, try it without Perks, give yourself time to set traps and time for your opponents to escape from at least a few traps.

    You'll make your game more interesting if you make moves that weren't expected.

  • Member Posts: 3,793

    uou mean make it easy on the survivors so instead of DC they can teabag at pallets and day Get gud EZ game in chat afterwards

  • Member Posts: 1,250

    Short answer: you can't.

    Long answer: The sad truth is a lot of people lack sportsmanship and as soon as they think their fun is gone, they will DC... since they only care about themselves and their fragile egos (yes DC makes me salty).

    The safest way to avoid DC is playing by the made up survivor/killer rules... but that sometimes means you need to compromise your own fun/score... and it also doesn't guarentee anything since people consider the opposing team as trash no matter what they do (again no sportsmanship).

    Until there is any real punishment for multi disconnects it will continue to be a problem sadly.

    I personally think there should be increasing cool downs for matches everytime you DC... however I think this would just increase the wait time for games (mainly on the survivor side). Its a sticky situation for the devs :(

  • Member Posts: 1,920
    edited November 2019

    Help me out, Killer. What am I supposed to do to stop you disconnecting?

    The game just started, I spawned in next to a gen, a teammate, and a Hex Totem. She cleanses the totem and helps me finish up the gen. Bubba shows up, we both run and I find another Hex totem purely by luck, and cleanse it while she gets chased. Bubba comes to me, I run a loop one time around a tree without dropping the pallet, look behind me, the game pauses as Bubba stares at me and disconnects. This happened to me an hour ago.

    What do I have to do to get you to play the damn game you queued up for?

    Killers disconnecting if we get a lucky early Ruin cleanse or as soon as the gates are powered happens all the time.

    It's not just survivors. People will always disconnect on both sides no matter how many times you complain about it here.

  • Member Posts: 158

    "You literally tunneled yourself" is the most accurate description for this lmao

  • Member Posts: 1

    I only DC if I can tell the killer is running any perks or add ons or if they use their killer ability. Cause that kind of stuff is toxic.

    But if they play fair and don't hook any of us more than once I'll normally stay till the end and thank them with a bunch of Tbags in the exit gate. I also like to message them thanks, "gg ez, uninstall".

  • Member Posts: 255

    uou mean make it easy on the survivors

    Not as a primary effect but rather secondary.

    so instead of DC they can teabag at palets

    Unfortunately, there is always a possibility, but fortunately there is also the possibility that one does not immediately suspect an insult in everything. I don't see anything bad about teabagging. It amuses me, spurs me on to become better or to act intelligently and to look for another prey.

    and day Get gud EZ game in chat afterwards

    Also here you have the possibility to be better, to show a better behaviour than your opponents. Even if my opponents mock me every now and then, I stay cool and wish them a nice day and thank them for their time.

    How is the overall situation supposed to improve if nobody makes a start and follows a respectful line?

  • Member Posts: 268

    When I'm playing survivor, I'm always wary when I bust Hex Ruin and/or the first gen being done without a hooked survivor. The killer DC for this is thankfully not as frequent as before.

  • Member Posts: 11

    Don't camp, don't tunnel. Simple.

  • Member Posts: 282

    I doubt that this match was the reason why he d/c. It's likely that his past matches contributed a lot and your traps helped him reach his boiling point.

  • Member Posts: 288

    Agreed! This is behavior's problem to fix. Punish survivors and killers for DCing. Behavior is allowing this. Their punishment needs to have teeth. It ruins the game for us solo survivors and the killer.

  • Member Posts: 539

    Stand in the corner of the map or let them stun you for free blood points. Haven't you read the survivors rule book for killers? ;)

  • Member Posts: 835

    I was playing Wraith yesterday for the daily and I had 2 survivors dc on me as I didnt eat their obvious ds and slugged instead.

    And it also happened on thompsons house where cow tree spawned near shack so it would have been 0k for me if they didnt baby rage.

  • Member Posts: 116

    Bro I play wraith without ruin and still manage to make people disconnect. It's hopeless, survivors just get salty so easy

  • Member Posts: 4,388

    @shalo i won't justify them disconnecting but it could be game fatigue from playing the same killer over and over. The rift and the current challenges have made Trapper a constant opponent. I had the same issues(Disconnects) playing as him to complete my challenges. BHVR has not thought these things out IMO.

    Wait till we get something focusing on Doctor or Hag!!!

  • Member Posts: 119

    Cant do nothing gotta being more punishment for it instead

  • Member Posts: 175

    Sometimes it has nothing to do with the killer. I've played matches in solo where someone that DCs will message me butthurt that I didn't rescue them from the hook. Being on the other side of the map isn't an excuse. Most of the time it's the DbD equivilent of "I'm taking my ball and going home if you don't play my way!"

  • Member Posts: 294
    edited November 2019

    play level 1 wraith, do not rank up. do not use items. stand there doing nothing until survivors finish the generators. walk up, open exit gates. if you do all this, you are still a camper and at least one person will dc because they wanted progress on the exit gate achievement. O, and make sure you don't close the hatch, or someone will dc over that. O..and make sure you bring an offering to go to whatever map it is they wanted to go to, even though you have no way of knowing this information. o..and even if you do everything right they still may dc because claudette healed them and they didn't get progress on the healing achieve, or the chest in the basement got looted..etc etc.

    in all seriousness, this blessed "altruism experiment" should help to get rid of alot of this nonsense. Looking forward to it 😀

  • Member Posts: 3,275
    edited November 2019

    Don't set traps, don't go to the traps if they're triggered, don't pick Spirit, don't pick Nurse, don't pick Nightmare, don't pick Hillbilly, don't hit survivors, don't carry survivors to hooks, don't hook them, don't patrol hooks when other survivors are clearly present, don't put anyone in the basement, don't dare to hit them again after they get off the hook, don't hit the unhooker, don't chase anyone, don't use red add-ons, don't use purple add-ons, don't use green add-ons, don't use Mori offerings, don't use Black Ward offerings, don't use any map offerings, don't use anything that would result in a one-shot down, don't patrol the exit gates, don't look for the hatch, don't close the hatch, don't kick gens, don't patrol Ruin totems, don't patrol gens, don't use BBQ, don't use Ruin, don't use NOED, Don't use Pop, don't use Whispers, don't use Sloppy Butcher, don't try to chase them when they're looping, don't swing or grab through vaults, don't slug (especially when Decisive Strike is in play), don't grab people out of lockers, don't try to mindgame in any way, and don't use P3 skins.

    If you avoid all that stuff, you should be good!

  • Member Posts: 928

    lmao traps can tunnel now, that's just ######### amazing. Well, like someone else said; it's your job as a killer to entertain the entity and not to kill survivors as fast as you can, maybe that's also what survivor mains want. Maybe Nea is the entity after all.

  • Survivor main. I hope this is a rhetorical question. Those survivors quit because of they're stupidity. And I'm sorry that my own kind gave you such a bad impression :(

  • Member Posts: 9,419

    Don't play such a broken killer.


  • Member Posts: 798

    First of all I say that dcing is a plague that is ruining a lot of games in every rank. I struggled to get back to rank 1 since games were like with at least 1-2 dc so 90% depip.

    if u asking for the reason I’ll say that if a good trapper hooks you in the basement you are done for. He should have just eat the hook tho.

  • Member Posts: 236

    They have a rule book they want you to follow.

  • Member Posts: 1,009

    The mentality in this thread is almost as equally as disgusting as the disconnecting issue. When you guys stop trying to turn this game into a giant us vs them issue where each side is constantly belittling and attacking the other side like elementary school children... then maybe one day this community won't be one of the worst I've ever seen.

    There's people who disconnect cause they don't want to lose. And there are people who disconnect who aren't having fun and just opt out. I don't really endorse either of these, but the 2nd one comes from poor game design. Both sides have ways to give a middle finger to other players and make the game miserable for them. The first though is people just being children, and I've seen both sides D/C cause they don't want to lose.

  • Member Posts: 31

    I've just given up as a killer. If they DC they DC. Move onto the next survivors. The bill probably DC'd because he's mad which equals bad. No sympathy from anyone (unless it's a baby dweet I might let him go if he t bags with me. I play ghost face.)

  • Member Posts: 16

    Are you sure you’re the problem? I DC when fellow survivors play toxic towards their team. Like dropping pallets next to you while you’re doing gens of running from the killer towards you, on purpose.

    I also DC with a certain player killer, that I feel has some grudge against me.

    Why can’t we see killer names. In the lobby? I can choose not to join lobby of toxic survivors but I can’t choose to not join toxic killer lobbies....

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