Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.

Preventing DC With New Hatch Rule (IDEA)

So I can't believe this hasn't even been a thing a long time ago. I know many of you survivor mains won't want this but it's the right thing to do.

I just had a 35 min match on swamp map due to experienced swf knowing near infinite loop spots and of course when they realize they can't win, they DC for their friend to escape. (CHEATING) I knew they were gonna do it too but there was knowing I could do about it.

Why not create a new rule that makes it so when the 2nd to last survivor disconnects, the hatch can't open for 30 seconds. This would give killer plenty of time to reach it and have a chance and also prevent swf groups from disconnecting every time this situation occurs. This would make the game more fair and balanced too.

I can't imagine how anyone could say this is a terrible idea except for the people who do this often so please let me know what you guys think and hopefully this can be implemented in a future patch!


  • AsePlayer
    AsePlayer Member Posts: 1,829

    In all of my 600+ hours on this game, I've seen this happen maybe twice. How often is this actually happening to even warrant a change that would potentially punish an innocent person in solo queue?

  • VincentRedfield
    VincentRedfield Member Posts: 285

    And people say survivors are entitled.

  • Hiddenlongshot
    Hiddenlongshot Member Posts: 9

    Your obviously a survivor main. I'm just trying to help make this game less frustrating for killers because you'd be pretty upset too if you spent 35 min in a match and only got 3 kills.

    Not bitching at all just wanting to help make the game more fair. What's wrong with it being closed for 30 seconds? You guys are acting like theres zero chance to escape with this change.

  • Johnble
    Johnble Member Posts: 175

    So you want the hatch to be closed for 30 seconds so that killers have extra time to find it in the case that someone DCs? How would this work for solos?

  • Hiddenlongshot
    Hiddenlongshot Member Posts: 9

    If it's a true random dc then odds are you and the killer wont be near the hatch so you'll have equal time to go get to it before other does and survivor can still go out gates too dont forget. Like i said real disconnects dont happen very often while the intentional ones do.

  • meatisadelicacy
    meatisadelicacy Member Posts: 1,920

    It seems to me that EGC heavily favors the Killer, and now you want to make it even harder to find the hatch? Maybe don't look at a 3K as a loss? Especially since ~YOU KNOW ITS 100% CHEATING SWF~ so there's nothing you can do about it.

  • Hiddenlongshot
    Hiddenlongshot Member Posts: 9

    No the hatch would open normally any other time like its suppose to but only when theres a dc is when this new rule should take place. This is before EGC too

  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,291
    edited November 2019

    No point in changing this when better dc punishments are coming. In this scenario the entire swf will have a time penalty before they can play again.

    Quire frankly being slugged isnt fun so id argue they should just add a give up button to survivors instead in that scenario. 2 left one slugged you have the option to sacrifice yourself and the killer gets rewarded with all the points as if they were hooked.

    I don't care if the last one gets the hatch. I already have my 3k and won the game.

  • Nobsyde
    Nobsyde Member Posts: 1,288

    You’re absolutely right, don’t listen to the whiny replies that tell you otherwise, no one should be against this solution if they’re not the ones that use the DC tech ;).

    This being said, it’s a proposal already made in the past, but DEVs already stated that they have other plans, so we can’t do anything but wait.

  • Awakey
    Awakey Member Posts: 3,145

    And that's where I stop taking you seriously. "Your obviously a Survivor main" is childish.

  • FancyMrB
    FancyMrB Member Posts: 1,250

    Op was making a suggestion, not a demand. Calm down my dude.

    Its not a bad idea op, its just the issue itself isn't very common to warrant a 'fix'. Ultimately the person that dc to give their friend hatch is loosing all their bp and item that match. That is not a small loss and mostly why you don't see people do it very often.

    I have on occasion found hatch with my friend, lead the killer away, and have had myself sacrificed so my friend can have hatch. Same thing, just less obvious to the killer. Sometimes you know the game is a L and you gotta take one for the team.

    Honestly if the 4th escapes by hatch that is a win for the killer! I wouldn't worry too much about hatch escapes.

    DCs as a whole though are a big problem right now and really turning me off the game :( I hope something is done soon.

  • Watery
    Watery Member Posts: 1,167

    Both sides are entitled. That hasn’t changed.

    Objectively this disadvantages solo survivors, which make up the majority of the game.

    There’s a difference between disagreeing with an argument and just flat out not listening to it; while I can understand where you’re coming from, this change isn’t necessary when the devs are already planning to as is.

    Please understand if you have an idea like this, know that you’re going to get a substantial amount of criticism. Not to say that you didn’t expect this, but after analyzing both sides of this, I feel like we’re all making a huge logical fallacy— False Dichotomy.

    Defining that, False Dichotomy is making it show that there’s two sides to the argument- when rather there’s many subtypes, sides, etc. The main purpose of this fallacy is to make your side look better than the other. In this case, calling the other side entitled. OP saying “I can't imagine how anyone could say this is a terrible idea except for the people who do this often” is also an example of this. Not to say that OP is wrong, but that’s hasty generalization because you’re jumping to a conclusion in that case, by establishing those disagreeing with you as something that is morally wrong in the community (based on the context of the sentence).

    Let’s all take a breather; it’s one thing to debate, another to argue, and a whole other thing to fight.

    Substantiating your claims with your own evidence can call for major fallacy— I play both sides (purple ranks on both), and I prefer survivor more, so you can understand my bias when it comes to that. Just like how I can understand the frustration when it comes to DC’s as Killer- but I just think the system doesn’t work because it’s so rare. I haven’t had this issue personally— maybe a few times, but the strategy has major downfalls. And with the upcoming DC punishments (more so than the ban waves that have apparently gone out, I can’t recall correctly), and other plans on the roadmap.

    TLDR: Take a breather, it’s all good: we’re here to debate and discuss, not argue(this goes for all people commenting). I personally understand both sides and why they feel that way, but I can get more so behind the “survivor” side of it. Those for this change aren’t necessarily WRONG either, their claims hold water. I think maybe a concept more so similar to this, but I think this doesn’t account for solo players who did nothing wrong. Not to say that it speaks for all cases, but in my experience (which can be held up for debate) I haven’t encountered this issue as much as other people have said.

  • Johnble
    Johnble Member Posts: 175

    I'm saying that in a solo match, I shouldn't be punished for some idiot disconnecting. I can't communicate with those other survivors. What they do is on them. So... In addition to getting screwed by some jerk that can't handle a loss by having more work to do, I also now have a bigger chance of being killed on the way to my ONLY chance of ecsape? Basically, if I'm smart enough to locate the hatch while I do other objectives, I can still be screwed over by some other idiot when I had no way to prevent the DC or even know it was going to happen? For SWF I really don't have a problem with your suggestion but in solos, we already have enough working against us.

  • As someone said above it will be fixed by implementing dc husk

  • blackx2
    blackx2 Member Posts: 56

    You killed 3 - 1 escaped, it's not enough?

    Btw, 35 minutes playing a match.. it's a lot of time, just check the gen times.

  • Toybasher
    Toybasher Member Posts: 921

    Basically they plan to have disconnected survivors "Stay in the game" dropping into dying state instead of faceplanting down and counting as dead. This means people can't weaponize DC's for an ingame advantage like to open the hatch for the other survivor while slugged, This will also mean killers won't miss out on BBQ stacks or certain perk activations (Most notably Blood Warden) because a survivor quits, since the "husk" can be carried and hooked.