Survivors, is this what you want every game?

Before writing any commends below, let me explain.
1 sacrifice because she made a huge mistake by running into basement when all gens are done
1 dc for no reason when all gens are done
1 dc because i grabbed her with blink when she was trying to rescue the one who was sacrificed in the basement. also, she knocked herself off the hook (4% chance) but i still downed her and wait for ds but she dc
i'm not a good nurse, and this is what i get? punished for even playing nurse? I got kills not because i have skill, but survivors made huge mistakes. You can see the score i got, 12419.
Survivors during chase are all running in straight line, vault windows when i wait for my blink, or running in random way in the boat (Yes, the map is the one with huge boat, i think the name is swamp). I can't even do anything when there is so much time for survivors to find and stay out of sight.
i can't wait to see every killers get nerfed that the game will be ruled by survivors
Maybe i'm over dramatic, but i guess i'll leave nurse for a while.. btw anyone find new nurse fun to play as?
Nurse I haven't played yet due to me being rank 5
but there is no need for them to say that
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From your story, I don't see how you were being punished?
Also why did you turn the post from some weird "I am being punished for being bad at the game" rant into a "killers are all getting nerfed" rant?
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Odd way to say that all killers will be nerfed.
While true, they should not have said that... you didn't seem to be playing that well to begin with. It doesn't seem to have been a fast game either, since the remaining survivors are near 30k score.The DCs came at endgame, and only one of them is inexplicable. Could have been him lagging out for all we know, it happens.
The only Scummy one was the one who intentionally DCd bc you waited out his DS. But I don't think this is a good jab at survivors for 1 intentional DC and some BM post-game. This game lacks so much info that this is more of a rant about killers being nerfed rather than this particular group of survivors are mean or DCd.
Also proxy camping hooks smh smh
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when i play nurse, even when i got kills, i don't feel like it's because of my skill, it's because how big the mistakes survivors made.
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i already blinked from basement to the door forced the survivors to go out. and the whispers and scratch marks show the last survivor was going back to the basement.. what can i do? sit there and watch them unhooking?
FYI, when i play killers, i don't camp or tunnel, even it's the correct decision. i don't even bring ruin because of how unfun it is for survivors
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it's not like survivors outplayed me, but i'm handicapped and cannot do anything, such as running straight line and juke me once or twice to waste my time. One miss read from me (Which is common because so much time of survivors staying out of line of sight), and the chase is prolonged for 10 - 20 sec. You know how steep the price is to use blinks to chase survivors across the map?
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When rank reset hits I'll play her, but not right now
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i guess i'll get good.. i was called a bad killer for using no add-ons "OP" old nurse, and now i am called a bad nurse because i sucks.. it's depressing for playing killers
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I don't get this post. How are you being punished exactly?
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I'm not entirely sure how to say this
1. I'm forced to follow survivors with slower speed. If they managed to break line of sight, and you cannot clearly determine which way survivors run due to how scratch mark works, you lose even more distance by walking to wrong ways
2. I'm forced to play survivor's mindgames like "just running in straight line". If they are 30 - 40 meters away, especially when their "running in straight line mindgame" works, i have no way to close distance without wasting too much time
3. I'm forced to look at your power bar (because if your second blink is 99% charged, and i accidentally or press the m2 too soon, i have no way to cancel the blink, so i must use the 1.99 power bar for only 1 blink)
4. A miss prediction, which is relatively common due to cooldown that gives survivors extra time to stay out of line of sight, is severely punished
5. Not sure what causes the problem, but my weapon hits something in the air like hitting the wall, even when i can clearly get a hit
No other killer (maybe except legion) is punished this hard for just using your power, not to mention it's not fun to play as her now
But i'll still try to get good with her.. after all, i like how similar she is with nurse in silent hill^^
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You are being overly dramatic.
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That applies to most of the killer cast. If survivors always make the right choices, most of them will escape.
This is the power of a good SWF, when all of them are making the right choices based on communication.
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As i said in the thread, i may be. But it's still depressing that nurse is nerf to this..
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so you're being "punished" because you're not playing killer well..? if you can't work the nurses blinks to keep up with survivors why not play with a different killer?
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Then our nurse has loss the identity, which was able to down survivors by their own skill, not waiting for them to make mistakes. Now she is just like any other killers (maybe except spirit before nerf..)
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Yes, you are overly dramatic. Some survivors will always dc, it doesn't matter which killer you play. They just have a losing=dc mentality.
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I want to play every killers, as for reason, i don't know either
If every players think like this, then there will be no more nurse...
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Of course not every player thinks like that. Keep playing whatever or however you want.
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They're not even losing lol. I'm the one who is losing.
I hate the fact that people call you a bad nurse for even trying to play as current nurse. It is not my fault that i can't chase and down you like with old nurse. At least encourage people that are willing to play the weaker nurse, or any other weaker killers like doctor or legion
I bet these kind of people will talk trash no matter what you do or what killer you play
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Btw i don't see a single nurse when i'm playing as survivors for 20 - 30 matches after the update..
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Yeah, same. I only went against the new nurse just once. No one wants to play her anymore.
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Nurse is truly dead if no one wants to play her, regardless how strong she can be..
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Odd post. You said yourself you are not a good Nurse, then switch your tune and start blaming killer nerfs. Why do you expect to crush survivors if you are not even good with a killer? This feels a lot like entitlement. A good nurse is still a good nurse after the changes. As you said, you are not a good nurse. That explains everything.
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It's like i'm hindered in every way possible by playing her.. btw how many nurse have you seen after update? Let alone good nurse?