(Fan-Made Chapter) Chapter 15: The Witch

GamingHulk123 Member Posts: 244

The Killer: The Witch

Abigail was always a curious child. She grew up in a strict religious house hold, anything out of the ordinary was considered "Evil" and "The Devil's Work". Later on, talks of witchery came a foot. Abigail was scared but she couldn't believe it until she saw it. Little did she know, when she had to attend to a witch trial. She watched neighbors, loved ones, and friends-who were suspected as a witch-get tortured, interrogated, and beaten to near death. She felt bad for them all, she looked into there eyes as they were tortured and beaten. She didn't think it could get worse, until her mother was put on trial. Hearing her mother getting beaten and her screams of innocence had took a toll on her. She decided that she couldn't bear it no more, she spoke out. Screaming at people to let her go, telling them that there was never any witchery involved, and that they are just trying to kill for fun. She was trying to convince the people that there was no such thing as witchery, trying to tell the people that it is just evil to do such a thing to people. Until, someone scream out "Her mother has token control over her!" All of a sudden people started chanting burn her. They were about to put her mother on the steak, until Abigail shouted "I am a Witch not her!" People turned to her and they knocked her out. She woke up on a steak with the crowd chanting "Burn them!" Abigail look to her left and saw her mother, still on the steak. With the town's leader lighting a torch. She screams, "NO, ITS ME. I'M THE WITCH NOT HER!. She is screaming and crying, but everyone keeps chanting. The the town leader lights the steak. Abigail watches her mother die in a very agonizing death. Furious, Abigail screams at the crowd, "YOU ARE ALL DEAD, I'LL COME BACK AND KILL YOU ALL!" Abigail is then set ablaze. After the trial, the people search for Abigail's missing body. Was she really a witch?


  • GamingHulk123
    GamingHulk123 Member Posts: 244

    Spectral (The Witch):

    Keep her burning to stop her from reaching full power. The Witch as 3 tiers of her power. Hold M2 for 2 seconds to go into husk form.

    1st Tier: The Witch starts the trial on the burning steak. Her first power is to leave her body and create a husk, which only stays on the steak, it is use for purely mischief and stop the survivors from doing the objective. It can grab people off a gen, lockers, etc.; stop progression of a gen by holding the damage generator button and not letting go; and body block. She can also go through pallets and vault points at will. While in this form she can not see survivors, scratch marks, blood. She cannot hit survivors; break pallets and damage gens; and move at 110% Movement speed. Husk form has a time limit of 90 seconds. Once time is finish, she is immediately transported back to her body. Power takes 10 seconds to recharge.

    2nd Tier: The Witch in husk form is Semi-Visible and can see survivors, and scratch marks. She develops a red stain and develops a 16 m terror radius. She now moves at 115% movement speed. She can hit survivors but now she can’t go through pallets and vaults, she must vault and break pallets. Time limit is expanded to 110 seconds, but recharge is 12 seconds. But her husk on the steak starts to fade as she progresses to her full power.

    3rd Tier: While in husk form, she is fully visible. She develops a 40 m terror radius. She moves at 120% Movement speed. All of her action speeds are increased by 15%. When she hit a survivor, she also applies the deep wounds status effect. Husk form has a time limit of 120 seconds, but recharge is 7 seconds. But the husk is no longer at the steak.

    Secondary Power (Mischief): This power is always active. The Witch has a 25% chance to remove 1 log, forcing the survivor to find another.

    To keep her from tiering up, you must go and collect wood from around the map and throw it in the fire at the steak, keeping the Witch dead. The fire will decay overtime, the shorter the fire, the greater power she has. If the Witch is in tier 1, you will not be able to throw in wood because the fire is high. If in tier 2, 3 full loads are required to put her back at tier 1. If in tier 3, 3 loads will put her in tier 2 but 6 loads are required for her to go back to tier 1. You may only carry 1 load at a time. It takes 2 seconds to pick up a load, then you will have to find the steak, then through the load in the fire which take 5 seconds to do.

  • Thecoolestguy
    Thecoolestguy Member Posts: 30

    Jokes aside, i think this is a very interesting concept.

    As I read, this killer becomes more and more cool. I didn't think the T1 thing was all that great, but now I think it's a cool mechanic to have to protect something using your soul. I think its a bit of a pain to have to go back to your husk after 90-120 seconds, I think that you should be able to do it at any time, without a countdown.

    I would also love to see changes to T1. It doesn't strike me as all that great if people are able to just perpetuate your fire indefinitely, and seems boring to have a killer that pretty much does nothing besides walk around and kick you off gens without any danger. A gimmicky attack would work much better.

    I also don't like that Tier 3 applies Deep Wounds. Deep Wounds is a bad and annoying status effect, change my mind. If it did something, ANYTHING else, I think it'd be better, even if it's just hemorrhage or something.

    Otherwise, a fine concept, if a bit in need for tweaks.

  • GamingHulk123
    GamingHulk123 Member Posts: 244

    I added the deep wounds to make tier 3 more deadly and a big thing that survivors need to deal with. Its something to hold their attention and slows down the game. The deep wounds just applies pressure.

    I agree with T1 also, but T1 is mean't to be a safe haven for survivors. If they manage to get her there, the survivors will have time to regroup.

    Not having any terror radius and red stain equals free grabs. I also forgot to mention that hooking and downing can speed up tier progression.

  • GamingHulk123
    GamingHulk123 Member Posts: 244
    edited November 2019


    Mass Hysteria: You love mischief, and to cloud the survivor's judgement. Every time a generator is completed, survivors' FOV are reduced by 50/60/70% for 60 seconds.

    (Hex) Trick Games: Your love for mischief can make you do terrible things. When a generator is 50% Completed, 3 tremendously hard skill checks appear. If you fail, you will tremendously regress the generator for each skill check.

    Vengeance: Your job is to hook and sacrifice the survivors, knowing that you will get punished for not doing your job, you love to pull tricks out your bag. Obsession perk. When all survivors are at normal state, the obsession is broken until the obsession or someone else gets hit. Cool down of 65/55/45 seconds.