Habit that really shouldn't be necessary

Everytime im hooked as survivor i press my Xbox home button so i don't have the hear the loud ass screaming. As killer there's really nothing you can do and you can't just turn the volume down because of how important sound is.
I would KILL for a way to turn down the just specifically the hook screaming. There are a lot of other loud things in the game (like the demogorgons roar) but this is the only one that really serves no purpose
They just buffed hook screaming too by nerfing calm spirits real purpose.
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The sound of survivors screaming is absurdly loud, not mention completely unnecessary. Also, according to the lore, each of the survivors have probably been hooked thousands of times. Should probably have a tolerance by now.
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build up a tolerance to a rusty hook being shoved straight through your back to then pierce your chest.
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I mean i feel like if anything happens enough you'll start to get used to it....but this would def be at the high end of that spectrum
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Calm Spirit
Thank me later.
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I noticed when playing Jake today that he still screamed even tho i was running his 3 teachables, but when i got his achievement a few days ago he didn't
I thought it was a glitch but the guy above you said apparently its been nerfed
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You need tier three calm spirit for it to guarantee you don’t scream.
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The hook bubble is also unnecessary, but the devs keep it in because they want it to obscure vision. Likewise, I'm sure hook screaming is something they want in the game to distract you.
It's actually pretty good that for killers you can whack survivors to stop it. Did you know that if you whack the survivor the survivor himself still hears the scream all the way to the end? Funny that.
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Actually know. The higher tier in Calm Spirit only affects birds.
You never scream period even with Calm Spirit level one.
Or did they change this? I haven't used Calm Spirit in ages.
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Dude im an "ignorant whiney killer main who doesn't play both sides" remember lol.
Also love how you somehow took this and morphed it into a way to complain about killers ?
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Leveling it up affects screams, I think.
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Who's complaining?
Dude you got a hangup over the other topic. Don't be so defensive, it's hilarious. Where did you see me complaining about killers in this topic? Go ahead, quote me, I'm waiting.
That's just your bias. You're too fixated on me. Don't do that.
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From my experience it doesn't matter what level Calm Spirit is, if you have it you are not screaming, period. That's how it was several months ago, don't know if any recent patches have changed that.
As Liruliniel said they nerfed Calm Spirit? So maybe it changed.
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You're right dude i got hung up on you chewing me out about being a stupid killer main who doesn't play survivor....on my topic about playing survivor. But that's just my bias because im a killer main? Because...well i don't need to explain it Its obvious to everyone here i don't play survivor, any post i make about survivor is to throw people off the fact that i only play killer and want survivors to defenseless so i can get a 4k every game!
I mean honestly, i think they should buff legion. That tells you how much of a degenerate killer main i am right there and deserve all the insults you throw at me
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Didn't they removed hitting the survivor on hook?
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I don't see it happening myself. But I've seen some people say they still do it to stop the survivor screams, so apparently it's still in. Like I said, if killers do it to me I still finish my scream and don't quiet up. Not really sure what's the case.
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I apologize if you felt insulted, but if you were affected it means my words hit home. If they didn't apply to you you wouldn't be so affected.
But I stand by what I said. Killers need to stop acting like victims and own their gameplay. If you are affected by that it means you are part of the problem and honestly believe that killers are weak and can only win if survivors make mistakes. (This seriously isn't true)
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Thought they were commenting on how it was weird the hit cancels the scream on only one end.
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Quickly whacking a survivor after you've put them on the hook should silence them as well.
Whoops, I misread. Seems you meant AS a survivor. Well.. that's either Calm Spirit or turning off volume, I guess.
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See great reply.....except this is still my post about survivor gameplay. I realize you throw out that "You're just a biased killer main who doesn't care about survivor!" a lot but it kind of loses it sting when the OP proves you wrong don't it? Kind of looks like the pot is calling the sky black
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Either it's bugged or been reverted because it's definitely back