Why are survivors always getting nerfed?

It’s so unfair. Since the game came out BHVR has done nothing but buff killers and nerf survivors. They have never nerfed a killer even once. They have buffed killers every update. I can’t believe they added bloodlust and entity blocker to stop me from jumping through the same window for an entire match. They added medium vaults to scam survivors into being hit. Then they removed vacuum pallets? Why can’t survivors teleport 3 meters just like in real life? This game is so unfair. We should go back to where survivors could run around a single window for an entire match with no danger of getting hit. What’s next? Removal of pallets and windows? This is so sad.
edit: this is not directed at survivor mains, this is directed at the new or uneducated players who either never played when the game came out originally and never experienced the unbalance, or the people who have forgotten
2 reasons:
1. In 2016 the game released with Survivors having MANY tools very strong tools to demolish killers. So the bar was already set very high, while the onky op stuff killers had was instant moris
2. Swf makes balancing impossible. Every nerf hurts as solo players, OPTIMAL swf groups don't care since voice communication is just the best tool you can have. So every single nerf is very noticeable in solo Q. Every solo player gets pissed.
Edit: I saw the "satire" but I still wanted to make this point clear since many survivor mains actually think this way.
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U didn’t actually read my post did you? You just read the title and reacted. This is the reason our community is so toxic. They don’t stop to think, they see something they disagree with and immediately get angry
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I edited my post, read it.
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"Killers have never been nerfed" I'm guessing you weren't around when Freddy was first released? Killers have been nerfed plenty of times. Just cause nurse wasn't nerfed from day 1 doesn't mean no killer or any aspects of killers were never nerfed. Let me give you a few examples.
Old Mori's
Old STBFL and Unrelenting
Old Freddy
And much more.
Survivors back in the day had:
Old Brand new parts which instantly fixed a gen. So 4 brand new parts = 4 gens being instantly done... that's very balanced isn't it?
Vacuum Pallets
Insta Heals
Could sabotage hooks and keep them broken forever.
Exhaustion perks would recharge while running.
Old DS
Mettle of man
And much more tho I don't have the time to write a whole list. You see survivors had plenty of stuff that was broken but that doesn't mean killers have never had anything nerfed either. Please do a bit of research next time hardcore survivor mains :)
This is a message to all entitled survivor mains. I know this post is a joke :P
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Here are your aswer --> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q1fkX3H84SE
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Tell me you are joking please
Edit: Yeah I know. I've just read the asterisk
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you could read the bottom of the post
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The funny thing is there is another thread that just popped up that is actually complaining about stuff like this, without sarcasm. There are people that actually think like this and it baffles me.
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Awesome when people always trot out this youtube video from him then neglect to mention that in the great majority of his other games he outright owns the survivors.
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Killer mains: this one video from Tru3 shows survivors are gods
Me: can we just fix it so i am not fast vaulting, almost to the other side of the jungle gym, and i magically get hit through the window 5 paces behind me?
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that was 3 years ago...
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While I miss vaccum pallets I know they were strong. Looping isn't hard people it really isn't