There's a plus side to losing as Legion.

The more we lose the worse his internal stats will be, forcing the devs to start buffing him so he can actually compete
have they ever released stats on the lowest kill rate?
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Yes, the lowest three on PC were
Plague: 52%
Clown: 50%
And no shocker, Legion: 50%
On consoles, both XBox and PS had Huntress (52%)
and Nurse(40%)
No shock there since they all have to aim very precisely for their power to work. Although its odd Nurse got changed to be harder when she's already hard enough on console.
EDIT: Here's the link for the graphs.
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Correct me if I'm wrong but wasn't that data pre-nerf?
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I think it was pre-nerf, one of the reasons why this nerf was so overdone and ridiculous. The killer with one of the lowest kill rates got nerfed even more. I wonder what his actual kill rate is now...
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That's interesting that plague wins less as legion. Honestly its surprising huntress is so low too. No surprise for nurse, ive never been good at her and know it's going to ne an easy game when i go against her
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If only.
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I still get 4/3Ks as Legion quite often even at red ranks...
Im sorry xD
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So if Legion won't get a buff, we'll blame you!
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Nooooo xD
Im innocent ! :'(
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Its kind of funny how killers are judged of their highest potential. While survivors are judged of their average. Nurse on average does pretty bad, due to her being so insanely difficult, but her skill ceiling is the highest you can get in this game. So her base power got nerfed into oblivion.
Survivors however can do near enough the same a god Nurse can do (given they are coordinated enough), however the developers do nothing againt them.
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how do you do it? What build do you use?
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I think the devs sometimes overdue it with the nerfs. The only thing that made nurse broken was omega blink. I think it would have been enough to remove only this and not to touch her base kit at all.
Same with Legion. The only problem was the moonwalk exploit. The only change that was needed was to stop the mending timer in the TR. Everything else was just too much imo.
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I agree the developers overdid this one. Additional blinks, and range add-ons were the only broken things about Nurse. All they needed to do was remove/nerf/replace those. Nothing else.
But I am not surprised really. They love to overdo nerfs. Original Freddy, Legion rework, Mettle of Man, and now the Nurse.
They learned with Freddy after, but it took them a conserable amount of time. I wonder when they will fix the others.
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IMO the perk STBFL itself (4 stacks above) is better than whole legion power.
You know what it means for a mediocre perk that can be better than the killer's main power? Legion players dump their whole power for a perk... This should never be a thing
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Yes, that's true....
Legion is also the only killer you happily run into a pallet stun with, because cancelling your own power is much worse than that.
This should also not be a thing imo.
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Ihonestly fotget, and if it really is, then a buff is long LONG overdue.
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Why not? It's not easy enough to get your first hit as legion that you ask there to be 0 counters to it?
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It is not that hard to counter Legion, you can juke him and he can't even down someone with his power....
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but 50% = half of the survivors lol (do you want the kill rate to be 100 on average haha would that be nice)
also i dont mind the legion changes at all because pre changes he was a living exploit
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Huh? That's not what I asked. Half his hits are free. Slap on sloppy butcher and thana and you've got survs injured all game or wasting time healing. Legion is fine. Most legions I see do fine. His stun breaking his frenzy is fine. It's not hard to bait a pallet drop.
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It's a shame that the first hit doesn't actually do anything, that he doesn't have any map pressure, that securing a down requires him to not use his power, and that he doesn't actually have any way to slow the game down besides mending, which actually takes more time from Legion than it does from the survivors unless he hits at least 3 at a time.
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They've also stated in the forums multiple times that Plague's kill rates are quite high making these stats they have for her quite contradictory.
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No I think there's a misunderstanding in what I meant with the pallet stun. I mean Leagion is the only killer, where you WANT to get pallet stunned to end the power. as legion a pallet stun is actually good if you're chasing an injured survivor, because the stun time is shorter than cancel the power by yourself.
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if you're having trouble with legion you're playing him wrong.
I enjoy his play style and mostly 3 and 4k at R1 @DocOnLoose video he linked is a good example of how he should be played. IMO his is one of the most balanced all round killers and truly supports the style of play the devs intended with the emblem system.
I play with some different perks, but you can mix up his perks and addons for a variety minor variations from his general style.
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I thought this was going to be a ''legion still gets a massive amount of points'' post but am very happy to see this. I didn't know he had a 50% win/lose ratio but seeing Clown on this as well makes me very happy, unless the Devs want all Killers to be 50% then this list is the opposite of what we're hoping it will achieve.
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The first hit doesn't do anything? What? Injuring survivors equals "nothing"??
no wonder killers complain about everything.
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One man: *says something stupid*
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It's true though. I see killers complain about literally every aspect of the game. Just what I witness on every dbd forum. But please, complain to me and not the stupid one.
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What about the other half when the lag comes in and you miss the attack and the power gets broken and you suffer a 4 second cool down?