Nerf stalk killers, but also buff them
Listen, I don't think that Myers and Ghost Face are top tier by any means, but they're extremely polarizing to play against as survivor. Stalk killers are fundamentally flawed. If you ask me, stalking was a mistake, because all the killer has to do is stare at you for a second and BOOM insta-down. I have easy solutions for Myers and Ghost Face that should make them a little easier for survivors. Myers: After a survivor is downed during lvl 3, the exposed status goes away but the speed increase remains. Ghost Face: After a survivor's exposed status goes away, their stalk meter should also go back to zero. Now here's an example for why I made each change. I run down the clock on Ghost Face and am no longer exposed, but as soon as he gets his stalk back, he stands out in the open and all of the sudden I'm exposed again and get downed. With Myers it's worse, because it's almost a guarantee that he's gonna get *multiple* insta-downs which seems incredibly cheap to me, especially as a killer main. What they really need is a rework, because insta-downs that have no charge-up (like Hillbilly) are super polarizing. But at the least, their add-ons should be reworked. For example, stalking speed increases should not be add-ons. Survivors shouldn't get something for nothing though, so buff Myers and Ghost Face in other ways so that they're not nerfed into being unusable.
Aaaand that's pretty much it.
- frankly the silliest thing I've read all day
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This is completely illogical. For starters, the killer should have the advantage over you at basically all times. They are the power role. Secondly, both Ghostface and Myers have to stare at you for a decently long time. Not to mention looping Ghostface for 45 seconds or breaking him out before he gets the chance is not difficult. Same for Myers. He needs a good amount of stalk to reach Tier 3. Even then, he just gets a longer lunge. I have wasted others Tier 3 and Marked, and I have had my Tier 3 and marked wasted. It is not hard and it's not uncounterable. That is their power. Yes it should be strong and you should have to suffer if they manage to pull it off. If they manage to stalk you as stealth killers, they should be rewarded, you shouldn't get a second chance because you didn't see them. Also if you're going to say nerf this and that because I can't be bothered to learn counterplay, actually list some buffs rather than just saying "buff them in other ways."
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Have you played Myers?
Have you gone an entire match as Ghostface without Stalking anyone because you keep getting broken out behind walls?
Stalking is fine, I thought this was going to be about replacing the Exposed power on them with something completely different.
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Killer spawns in -> finds survivors -> manages to hide/looks at survivors from an angle that they exposed themselves from (3rd person camera) -> survivors than know that the killer can one shot and instead of running attempt to do X -> fail at X -> and then get downed after being found, stalked, and losing at a chase/getting downed.
For these reasons and more stalking shouldn't be changed. Although, there are outliers (inconsistent stalking/breaking out of stealth), more often than not it was due to the survivors incompetence on multiple levels.
Tl;Dr Stalking is decent excluding outliers.
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Ghostface's stalk already resets if you run out the timer.
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This would make Michael pretty much less viable at red ranks. No.
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I think he means the power guage and not the individual survivors stalk meter.
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Well said.
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Stalking is and was one of the best and most original game mechanics bhvr has come up with. No thank you.
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I....... I can't
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I would like to point out too that in the early days of the game getting the exposed status didn’t cause your screen to flip out and put a handy icon on your HUD that tells you you could be oneshot. People had to learn through trial and error that the scary Halloween music meant you could be oneshot until the softer version came again. You had to infer the killer had NOED when someone was randomly oneshot without any discernable reason.
If the survivor lets the stalk happen, doesn’t react to the screen effect/HUD addition, and gets oneshot, that is ALL on the survivor. I’ve only seen people not react to being exposed by Ghostface once, and it baffled’s so damn clear now what’s happening there’s no excuse to not be running the moment the indicators happen (in the instance of GF, Myers is more figuring out if you NEED to run).
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So what you're basically implying is, make both of these killer's powers useless? Ghostface can already be countered by a couple things, and Michael was already recently nerfed stealth-wise. Your premise of instadowns with these killers just mean you are at fault for allowing them to do so. These two are the killers you need to keep yourself out of sight from. It's that simple.
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Here's an idea. How about we remove ALL of the Killers powers? That'll fix the game no problem.
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Jokes aside, you will make them even worse than they are right now
Post edited by Rin_is_my_waifu on0 -
Thread title: "Nerf stalk killers, but also buff them"
OP talks all about nerfing Myers and Ghostface and why they should be nerfed and how to nerf them
"oh also buff them in some other way"